Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 809

Jing Rui is too small, and there are too many monitoring pictures. Jingyi takes great efforts to find people.

He immediately runs to the floor where Jingrui is, and is ready to catch Jingrui and send him home immediately!

How dangerous it is for a child under two years old to hang out by himself!

However, when he finds Jingrui, there is a beautiful woman with a bad look around him -- shangguanning!

"Jingyiran, did you instigate my son to lift other people's skirts?"

Jing Yiran was almost asked by her to vomit blood!

It has nothing to do with him!

What a pity!

His peach blossom eyes made him stare at Jing Rui and said: "Stinky boy, you won't give up if you don't kill me today, right? Tell your mother, I didn't ask you to do it. You did it yourself

Jingrui was wronged by coercion. He said pitifully to Shangguan: "Mom, he didn't ask me to lift my skirt, but I wanted to lift it myself."

Shangguan Ning heartache way: "it's OK, son, mother is here, don't be afraid, you don't have to carry the black pot for him!"

Jingyi ran gas eyes are about to stare out!

It's also ah, who would believe that Jing Rui's idea to lift a beautiful woman's skirt is his own. Anyone who has a little brain must think that it was his coercion and instigation!

However, these people really have no brain!

Jingrui is not an ordinary child at all. His IQ and EQ are very high. He can't infer from common sense at all!

Others don't know how smart Jing Rui is. Isn't shangguanning a mother?

"I don't know who carries the black pot for whom. I will take a detour when I see this little one in the future, otherwise I will be trapped by him carelessly! I must have owed him in my last life, and I will be punished by him in this life! "

Jing Yiran sighed helplessly that he had to admit planting today!

Originally, I wanted to trick Jing Rui, but I didn't expect to fall into such a big fall. It's really a bad time. I have to look at the Yellow calendar to go out later.

Shangguan Ning doesn't like to listen to Jing Yiran's words. She doesn't care whether her son is a genius. Anyway, jingyiran is an adult and Jingrui is a child. It's right to scold jingyiran first!

She frowned and said faintly: "you will stay away from my son. He is so small now, he is not your opponent at all. If you attack such a small child, you will have no conscience at last!"

Shangguan Ning finish saying, do not look at Jing Yiran, with Jing Rui turned around and left.

Jingyiran's forehead is full of blue veins, and a beautiful face is red and white. He finds that shangguanning and Jingrui's mother and son are all in a group to give him anger!

Well, is it really true that evil has its own retribution?

He used to bully shangguanning, but will she scold him back now?

Jing Yiran returns home dejectedly and sees Luo Hao's handsome face outside the villa gate. He is in a good mood. Luo Hao is his bosom friend and the most suitable person to talk to!

He stepped forward and put his arm around Luo Hao's shoulder. The whole person was hanging on Luo Hao's body. He howled: "dear, I was trapped by a child less than two years old today. You have to avenge me!"

Luo Hao's whole body is stiff, can't even walk!


Can this word be too You're naked?

What's more, you can't rely on him? Although He still likes to be supported by the second young master.

Luo Hao's muscles are tight, he tried to shift his attention, so as not to always want to stare at jingyiran's beautiful face.

"Second young master, although it's a bit humiliating to be trapped by a child less than two years old, it's normal for children to be naughty after all. You are an adult. It is not in line with your identity to argue with children. You've always been broad-minded, and I don't think you'll ever mind a child. "

The child who can pit Jing Yiran, and is so young, forces Jing Yiran back to cry instead of finding the court on the spot. Luo Hao can't think of anyone else besides Jing Rui.

Although he is not in charge of his safety around jingyichen recently, he often drinks and eats with his former good brothers, so he knows a lot about jingyichen's news.

Many of his good brothers are ruined by Jing Rui!

It's normal that Jing Yiran is trapped.

However, Luo Hao's heart is carefree, can't bear to sprinkle salt on his wound, so he comforted him a few words.

Jing Yiran ate Luo Hao the most. Since he was a child, he liked others to follow him. He liked to be praised by others. Even if he was flattered, it didn't matter if he was flattered.

He patted Luo Hao on the shoulder in a good mood and put him in his arms. He said with a smile: "Oh, you know me best! Xiao Luo Zi, I really like you more and more. But Your skin is so white, a blush will be very obvious, do you want to talk to me, why do you blush again? "Luo Hao was more red by Jing Yiran!

Damn it! He never blushed before. Since he met jingyiran, everything has changed! Even like women this point has changed!

What a shame! He is a big man. He always blushes. Will the second young master look down on him?

Facts have proved that Luo Hao really thinks too much. Jing Yiran sees that he blushes. Instead of looking down on him, she thinks he looks very cute. There is a desire to let people bully him severely!

Jing Yiran stretched out his hand and pinched Luo Hao's face and went to pinch his ears and chin. His action was ambiguous and suffocating!

Luo Hao's heart almost stopped. He felt that his face and ears were not his own!

"Two 2 2... "

"Luo Hao, do you think I'm two?"

"No, no, no, no, second young master!"

"Oh, you stuttered because you were so nervous! However, you say I am two two two two, I am not happy! So, in order to make me happy again, you have to show me! " Jing Yiran still hook up with Luo Hao, and her beautiful face is full of smile, and she can't see any unhappy appearance at all.

Luo Hao is not sure whether Jing Yiran is really angry. He hesitated and asked, "how do you want me to express it?"

Jingyi ran indifferent way: "whatever you want, as long as you can make me happy."

Luo Hao wanted to say that you look very happy now, but he opened his mouth and said, "otherwise, I'll kiss you?"

Jing Yiran stumbled at the foot and nearly sprained her foot!

Did he hear me right?!

When did Xiao Luo Zi become so direct?

Kiss him!

He won't really bend a good straight man, will he?

God, what a sin! , the fastest update of the webnovel!