Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 807

As time went by day by day, Zheng's family was calm on the surface. In fact, the atmosphere at home was a little strange since this week.

Originally, next week, Zheng Lun and Zheng Jing should go to Germany to see Zhao An'an again. Recently, her situation is not optimistic. Zheng Lun wants to accompany him.

However, Pei Xinhua has lost trust in their brother and sister. How dare they go out alone and go to such a distant Europe.

Zheng Lun called Zhao An'an and told her that she might not be able to visit her in Germany.

It's not easy for Zhao an to say anything about Pei Xinhua. After all, Zhao Zhao has banned her from going abroad, even from city a, for fear that she will run away.

Pei Xinhua and Zhao Zhao are the same. They are both mothers. It is understandable that they are worried about their daughter's condition.

Moreover, as careless as Zhao An'an, in fact, I know in my heart that it is really not easy for brothers and sisters to get married. This is a secular constraint, and it is also a constraint of ethics.

Of course, now for Zhao An'an, except death, nothing else is a big deal. Brother and sister marriage is nothing. Anyway, they are not brothers and sisters.

She decided that when she got better, she would call Pei Xinhua and persuade her to complete Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun.

Zheng Lun called Zhao An'an, and then called shangguanning. Because shangguanning is going to Germany tomorrow, she wants shangguanning to help her to bring Zhao an an some small thoughts.

Shangguanning is at home cleaning up the clothes to wear in Germany tomorrow. After receiving a phone call from Zheng Lun, she hears that she can't go to Germany. Shangguan Ning immediately understands the reason.

"It's OK, Lun Lun. You care about Ann. She knows. If you have anything to give her, just give it to me. I will bring it to you. When an'an'kang is back, the three of us will get together again after returning home. "

For the past Zhao an and Mu Qing, Shangguan Ning still dares to intervene in Zhao An'an, but for Zheng Lun, she dare not easily intervene.

Because the nature of these two things is totally different.

Zhao An'an and Mu Qing's marriage will bring happiness to both of them, and will not bring slander and malice.

If Zheng Lun wants to marry Zheng Jing, he needs to break the secular tradition and challenge people's most basic concept of kinship.

Therefore, shangguanning did not encourage Zheng Lun to pursue Zheng Jing from the beginning to the end. She did not even know how to comfort Zheng Lun.

She can hear Zheng Lun's depression and pain from the phone. Zheng Lun used to speak softly and with a smile, but now he has a light sadness.

The two talked for a few minutes and then hung up.

Shangguan Ning turns his head and finds that Jing Rui, who was originally around her, has disappeared.

She was surprised and called him: "ruiruirui, where are you? Are you still at home? "

Yelled a circle, also did not get any response at all!

No, he must have run out by himself!

Shangguan Ning called Jing Yichen in a hurry: "Yi Chen, my son is gone! If you go and find him quickly, I'll call him and he'll be gone. He shouldn't have gone far. "

Jingyi Chen over the phone said with a smile, "it's OK. Did you forget that I installed a positioning device on my son's clothes? My people have been following him. Don't worry

Shangguanning immediately breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as she saw that Jingrui was gone, she was a little flustered. Her mind was blank and everything was forgotten.

The older the child is, the more anxious he is!

How good I am when I can't walk. I love to hold her all day long. Now I can walk. I won't let her hold her at all.

He is very fond of running out now. He can't stay at home at all. What he said just now is that he doesn't go anywhere today. He just accompanies her to tidy up clothes at home. As a result, he disappears in a twinkling of an eye.

Shangguan Ning thinks that she needs to buy her son a phone, a watch and so on, so that she can contact him at any time.

Jingrui doesn't know Shangguan Ning's worry. He comes out of his home and goes to the bus stop. He follows an adult and gets on the bus.

The driver only thought that he was the passenger's child, did not care about him, let him get on the car.

There are not many passengers on the bus, and Jing Rui finds a seat at will. He can't help but jump at the sight of the rapid retrogression.

It's better to come out. It's boring to tidy up clothes at home. If you go out for a walk, you can grow up!

In order to avoid being seduced by women, Jing Rui also specially wears a small baseball cap covering most of his face. His father specially made it for him. It is very suitable in size and beautiful in color. He likes it very much.

After five stops, Jing Rui got off the bus.

He is a little bit of a child walking on the road, pedestrians will inevitably pay attention to him, but Jing Rui has been used to it for a long time and doesn't care at all.

He went into a large shopping mall, which, according to his father, belonged to his family, and he could buy whatever he wanted with his diamond VIP card.Visiting his shopping mall, Jing Rui feels very successful.

such a large shopping mall, such a high flow of people, are behind the scenes of his father's regulation and operation, which made him very proud.

In recent days, the shopping mall is carrying out promotional activities, and also invited a lot of singers and dancers to perform, popular.

It's winter. We all wear thick down coats to keep warm. The girls who are singing and dancing are wearing skirts. They are dancing on the stage. It's very pleasant to see. Many men's eyes are attracted by the white thighs.

Among the men, there is a very outstanding appearance. He is not only outstanding in appearance, but also outstanding in height, so that Yu Jingrui can see him in the crowd at a glance.

Jing Rui just wants to think that he doesn't know him. He turns his head and walks away. But the beautiful man finds him with sharp eyes: "little Jingrui!"

Other people's legs are short, race running is certainly not bigger than the adult's long legs.

He stood there, watching the tall figure oppressively come to him, he could not help frowning.

Well, it seems that he will have to eat more delicious food in the future. Whether he grows tall is his pain!

When can he grow as tall as his father and never have to look at others with his head up!

He didn't want to be too close to others, so he stepped back and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"What's the meaning of 'do you have anything to do?" you should call me uncle, or second uncle! Why are you so impolite? Your father didn't teach you to respect your elders? "

Yes, this cold day still wearing a thin sapphire blue shirt, silver white suit, not willing to wear bloated down jacket, is the scene of the Sao Bao.

"My dad said that you have been expelled from the Jing family, so you are not my elder. What else do you have? It's OK. I'm going. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!