Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 806

Zheng Qinan was embarrassed by his son a "beloved woman" to the goose bumps are up.

When he decided to adopt Zheng Lun, he did not expect that his son would one day have deep feelings for the poor girl.

Didn't he always treat Zheng Lun as his sister? When did this change?

Zheng Qinan sat down on the chair and asked faintly, "have you loved your sister for a long time?"

Zheng Jing nodded: "yes, for a long time."

"If she were your sister, would you still like her?"

"She's not my own sister, and I wouldn't have this feeling for her if I were a real Lun Lun. It's not the same, Dad. I can tell. "

Zheng Qinan did not think so.

The son and daughter are totally in love with each other for a long time. One is used to taking care of each other, and the other is used to being taken care of. Their long-term common life experience gives them the best tacit understanding.

It can be said that after Zheng Jing, no matter who he marries, he will certainly not be able to reach the degree of soul agreement with Zheng Lun.

Living together for a long time, they both love each other deeply, and even have a wonderful telepathy. Zheng Lun can often accurately predict some unexpected situations of Zheng Jing.

When Zheng Jing was studying in England, his life in the military academy was cruel and harsh. He was seriously injured again and was unconscious. However, the school did not tell his parents.

It was Zheng Lun who always felt flustered. She also said that she dreamt that her brother was injured. She had to ask him to call the school to confirm that she could be relieved.

Zheng Qinan is also used to Zheng Lun. In any case, it's not something that can't be fulfilled. He called the military academy, and then he learned that Zheng Jingzhen was injured and seriously injured.

At that time, he and Pei Xinhua were very surprised. Their parents did not have any reaction to Zheng Jing's injury. On the contrary, Zheng Lun, who was not related by blood, had a feeling for him, which was enough to show how deep their brothers and sisters were.

If Zheng Lun is related to Zheng Jing by blood, he will fall in love with her, which does not need any doubt.

"Ah Jing, Lun Lun, whether she is your sister or not, legally and morally, she is your sister and one of the four members of our family. From the day she came to our house to replace your sister, she has been our family. It is a mistake for you to like her, and it is even more ridiculous to marry her."

"Dad! It's not a mistake. It's a good thing. Lun Lun and I get married. It's a kiss! "

Zheng Jing looked a little heavy. He knew that Zheng Qinan was also against him and Zheng Lun. It was very difficult to win his support.

"Well, you don't have to look for so many reasons. No matter how many reasons you have, you can't change the fact that you are brothers and sisters. Your mother and I will never nod your head about the two of you. If you really want to be good for your sister, you should let her marry, otherwise she will be ridiculed by others all her life

"Dad, I..."

"You're a brother. It's natural to take care of your sister, but whose brother has taken care of her in bed?"

How can you listen to this!

Some of Zheng Jing looked at his father who always spoke seriously. Some of them couldn't believe what he said just now.

"It's rough. Don't be too optimistic. Your mother and I are not only against the two of you, but also other people. You will face more difficulties than you think. One of the most realistic things is that if you want to marry Lun Lun Lun, she must be independent from our household registration. Otherwise, you two are brothers and sisters. Even the director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, I can't get you two to register for marriage. "

"Dad, I've already considered this matter. Let Lun Lun go out on his own!"

"I raised her as a baby like your mother. If you want her to go out on her own, she will go out on her own?! We have lost a daughter before. Let her go out on her own, isn't it salting our hearts! You don't have a child now. When you have a child later, you will know that losing a child is always painful! You can't even mention it

Zheng Qinan's face is not good-looking. He is a man, and his feelings are not exposed easily. However, a man's feelings are introverted, which does not mean that he has no feelings. Losing his daughter is also painful to him.

Zheng Jing now allows Zheng Lun to go out on his own, and his family's Hukou book will become three people again. This is to remind them that their once smart and lovely daughter has long been gone?

"You are a man. You should be more rational. When your sister gets married, the feelings between you two will naturally fade. She will have her own husband and children, and you will have your own family. You can choose one with good character and get along with each other for a long time. In fact, they are all the same."

Zheng Jing sat down beside his bed with his head down. After a long time, he said, "Dad, it's different. I can't like a woman like Lun Lun Lun any more."

Zheng Qinan sighed softly. He didn't know it?

However, life is full of helplessness and pain. Marriage is definitely more than two people's business. After they get married, even if they retire to the mountains and forests, other people's gossip will not decrease."Since you and my mother don't agree, I have to do something else. Anyway, Lun Lun, no matter what, will be my people and our Zheng family. Even if she leaves, it will be temporary. "

Zheng Jing slowly raised his head and spoke slowly.

Zheng Qinan was surprised. He looked at his son strangely.

Let Zheng Lun leave?


Between the electric light and flint, Zheng Qinan suddenly understood what his son was going to do!

"Absolutely not! Ah Ching, you are not allowed to fool around

Seeing that Zheng Qinan understood his meaning so quickly, Zheng Jing was somewhat shocked.

His father has always been wise and keen. He is usually not visible, very low-key, and never abuse his power for personal gain. He is strict with himself in work and life, and is an excellent example.

Zheng Jing felt that he still had a long way to go in order to reach the state of Zheng Qinan.

If he can't even marry Zheng Lun, what can he talk about to be a man like his father!

"Dad, this is probably the best way. You and my mother may be sad for a while, but I promise you won't be upset for long

Zheng Qinan knew at a glance that his son had planned this decision for a long time, not for a moment.

He can do this for Zheng Lun, which shows his deep affection.

I'm afraid any obstruction from him and his wife will be useless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!