Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 805

Brother and sister are hugging each other tightly. Before Zheng Lun had time to say anything, the door of Zheng Jing's room was opened!

Then, wearing pajamas Pei Xinhua walked in.

Seeing the two brothers and sisters holding each other in the middle of the night, their posture is so close that Pei Xinhua only feels the blood all over his head!

Her face turned ugly in an instant!

"You You This is a deliberate attempt to piss me off

Pei Xinhua was so excited by this picture that he couldn't even speak easily. When he was a child, his brother and sister didn't matter, but how could they be so intimate after they grew up!

Seeing Pei Xinhua, Zheng Lun's face suddenly turned pale, as if he had done something unnatural. He was flustered and didn't know where to hide.

She immediately broke away from Zheng Jing's arms and said with shame and uneasiness: "Mom, it's not like what you think, my brother and I have nothing, really nothing!"

That's nothing?!

When they have something, everything will be late!

Pei Xinhua's eyes soon turned red, and tears whirled in his eyes, looking extremely painful.

"What kind of evil do I make? Why don't you two let me worry so much! I worked hard to raise you, you are so filial to me? Lun Lun, since you came to the Zheng family, I have never taken you as an outsider. Now that you grow up, you have to poke a knife into my heart like this? "

Zheng Lun more and more guilty, flustered explanation: "no, no, mom, I know you have always loved me very much, this is what I did wrong, I will never dare again! Don't beat your brother in the future. This matter has nothing to do with my brother. It's all my fault. If you're angry, just hit me! "

She was so big that Pei Xinhua had never been willing to move her finger, which made Zheng Lun very uncomfortable. She would rather be beaten by her mother than bear it when her mother was angry.

"No, Ma, it's none of Lun Lun's business. It's not her fault to like me!"

Zheng Jing was caught on the spot by Pei Xinhua just now. He is intimate and ambiguous with Zheng Lun. He is also slightly flustered, but he soon calms down.

"She always knew that I was not her brother, and it was normal to like me! This kind of feeling, can't be controlled, she can't leave me now, I can't leave her either

Zheng Lun was scared by his words to stop him: "brother, don't talk nonsense! Admit your mistake to mom

To say this is to add fuel to the fire, which will make Pei Xinhua angry.

However, Zheng Jing did not listen to Zheng Lun. Regardless of Zheng Lun's struggle, he directly held her hand and said to Pei Xinhua:

"Mom, I said that I would marry her, which will not change!"

"Brother!" Zheng Lun tugged at Zheng Jing, indicating that he would not say more.

Zheng Jing didn't listen at all, but said firmly: "Lun Lun will always be your daughter. It is the best choice for her to marry me. The environment has not changed at all. She does not need to adapt to new places and new people. She will always be with you in the future! We will be filial to you together


Pei Xinhua's voice unconsciously raised the volume, the kind of anger and heartache in her heart had almost driven her crazy!

She had always felt that her two children were the most sensible and considerate, but now, what they have done is absolutely treacherous!

"I won't let your sister get married just to keep her company! This is a modern society, not an ancient one. She can come back whenever she wants to! She will also be filial to me if she marries others

Because of her, brother and mother quarreled again, and the more noisy the more fierce, the mother's face has been pale.

Pei Xinhua's voice was too loud to wake Zheng Qinan, who had been sleeping in his bedroom.

When he came to Zheng Jing's room, he didn't need any explanation from his wife. He already understood everything.

At first, he was also a criminal police officer with first-class ability in solving cases and reconnaissance. Now he is the director of the Public Security Bureau and has a strong analytical ability in many things.

In fact, he had noticed a couple of children for a long time, but they were not brothers and sisters after all. Even if they were too intimate, it would not be considered as a violation of moral principles.

He kept one eye open and one eye closed because he always believed in his son's self-control and judgment.

Zheng Jing has always known what to do and what not to do, he will not make that kind of thing that makes everyone laugh.

However, Zheng Qinan was wrong.

In the face of feelings, few people can keep rational. It is very rare for Zheng Jing to insist on not showing his mind for such a long time.

Zheng Qinan patted Pei Xinhua on the shoulder and said faintly, "OK, I don't sleep in the middle of the night. It's not over. You have to be busy tomorrow. Go to bed first. I'll talk to my son."

Pei Xinhua felt relieved when her husband appeared.

But her anger did not dissipate. Looking at the hands held by Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun, she felt extremely dazzling.If other people know that their brother and sister are so involved, which girl's family would like to marry Zheng Jing? Who is willing to marry Zheng Lun?

Oh, evil fate!

When Pei Xinhua left sulky, Zheng Qinan said to Zheng Lun: "Lun Lun, you go back to sleep. Don't think about it. This is your home forever. Unless you don't want me and your mother one day, we are your closest parents all the time."

Zheng Lun was embarrassed and ashamed. She faltered and said, "Dad, I I It's all my fault that makes you and your mother worried and angry... "

Zheng Qinan lovingly patted her on the back, and a smile appeared on her serious face: "it's OK. I know you are a good child. Be obedient. Go to bed first. Don't mess with yourself

Zheng Lun looked at Zheng Qinan, and then looked at the upright Zheng Jing standing there, and then he left.

There were only father and son left in the room. Zheng Qinan's smile on Zheng Lun soon disappeared. Instead, he looked at his son with fierce eyes.

"Ah Jing, you are no longer a child. Do you want to do such irresponsible things? Who hasn't been young, who hasn't been in love? But can love solve all problems? Do you do things without considering the consequences? "

"Dad, I've thought about all the consequences, and I think the worst is better than not being able to marry the woman I love."

Zheng Jing said very seriously, he needs to get his father's consent!

Although Zheng Qinan is not much of a housekeeper's business, he has the greatest influence on Pei Xinhua. What he says has a lot of weight in the whole family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!