Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 798

Jing Rui blinked and blinked. Suddenly he was a little discouraged and said, "OK, you are too good. I can't say you."

Wear a dress to wipe a face, Dad can say such a lot of truth, he is still too young!

In the future, we should learn more, otherwise, how to defeat father and protect mother?

Jing Yichen dressed him and held him in his arms. Some seriously asked, "do you want to learn medicine?"

"Oh, Dad, you just want to ask my opinion now. I thought you were a dictator." Jing Rui is not polite to his father.

Jing Yichen smiles and looks at her son's clear eyes and says, "you are right. I am a dictator. However, within the scope of dictatorship, you have certain options. Before you are 18 years old, you should follow the plan made by me and your grandfather. After that, you can get more freedom. "

Jingrui held his small head and thought for a while, and said in a serious tone: "well, I've decided to listen to you. Anyway, even if I don't listen, you certainly don't agree! Ah, dictator

Jing Yichen was amused by his serious and lovely appearance, but he hit the nail on the head with a positive language: "you don't like learning medicine."

"Dad, I already know you are smart. Can you stop showing off in front of me?"

He does not really have much interest in learning medicine. His father and grandfather have also said that he does not need to know too much profound medical knowledge. It is enough to understand some basic medical knowledge.

Of course, in fact, the "basic" of the two of them is certainly not basic. If he learns the medical knowledge, he can become a doctor.

Jing Rui's love for guns is far more than his love for scalpels, so he doesn't want to be a doctor.

What's more, he has a serious lack of judgment on many things. His father is so smart that he must know more about what to learn or not to learn. It's right to listen to him.

After that, he has the ability and strength to resist, and it's not too late to resist again!

In the ward, Zhao An'an has been shattered by his little nephew.

"Oh, my God, I'm so smart at such a young age. Can't people live? Oh, I'll die and be reborn again

Zhao Zhaoli glared at her: "nonsense again!"

In fact, Zhao an often talks about death and living, especially when he is in hospital. He often talks nonsense.

At first, Zhao Zhao also severely reprimanded her, but when Zhao An'an said more, she was not so afraid of the word "death".

Zhao An'an now wakes up every day and always likes to make fun of himself --

"Mom, why am I not dead?"

"Oh, I see the sun again. I thought I was dead. I went to eat steak with Yama."

"Why, how can I still live? The vitality is not ordinary tenacity! Mom, actually my dad is a cockroach, right? Have you been hiding this important fact? "


Every time Zhao an hears such nonsense, Zhao Zhao's fear of losing her daughter will dissipate a lot. Now, when she says "die", she is very calm.

"It's good that your little nephew is clever. Do you want him to be stupid?"

Zhao an immediately nodded: "yes, I hope the more stupid he is, the better, so that I can tease him, not be teased by him!"

Shangguan Ning grinned and comforted her injured heart: "you are also very smart, before when the principal was very successful, X university in the national rankings have risen more than ten, this is not easy."

Zhao an shook his head: "well, does that have anything to do with me? That's all because my brother donated a huge scholarship! "

Comfort doesn't work?

Well, she's always forced to use her unique skills. Really! You can't talk to her, girl!

"Well, when have you been so modest? Well, you are really stupid. I will take back what you said just now! My son is smart enough to be a translator at such a young age. His aunt, you should pay for it quickly

As expected, Zhao an recovered immediately and exclaimed, "how can you take back the water that you spilled out? I am still very smart, is your son too abnormal, don't say me, there are several people can compare with him! Ha ha, as for the money, I can pay off my debts! "

As soon as Jing Rui comes in with Jing Yichen, he hears Zhao an's refusal to pay. He looks serious and says, "Alas, the trust between people is really fragile. I'm so naive that I believe her! Dad, you were right before. You can't reach out to help until you see the benefits. There are too many scoundrels in the world! "

Zhao an was angry with him. Good boy, he used to be a Muggle, but once he opened his mouth, he could choke the life to death! Where is he a child more than one year old? He is an old goblin who has lived for hundreds of years! Even attack the heart, or what he won't?

The little fart child has said everything to this extent. She can't even say that she doesn't give money. She doesn't want to be ridiculed by Jing Rui as a "rogue".

"Mom, give him money quickly. If you don't, I'll lose face in my aunt!"Zhao Zhao is very happy to see her daughter eat shriveled. She knows Hu Lai all day long. Now Jing Rui can cure her. It's really not easy.

She took out a thousand dollars from her purse and handed it to Jing Rui: "Rui Rui, this is your reward."

Jing Rui took it without any politeness. He still laughed at Zhao An'an: "Auntie, you are so old. How can you spend your mother's money? You see I can make money. Why don't you make money? "

Zhao An'an has been beaten to pieces by the little guy. Fight with your nephew. She is defeated!

However, she also likes to fight with Jing Rui, which is the most interesting thing during her illness!

In the evening, a group of them have dinner together, and you can hear Zhao an's provocative voice and Jingrui's childish and lovely voice.

The next morning, when Shangguan Ning changes clothes for Jingrui, it causes Jingrui's strong dissatisfaction.

"Mom, can you not wear this kind of clothes for mentally retarded children! I don't think I'm suitable for this style! "

When he was a child, he told me to dress up

Jingrui stands in front of the big mirror and looks at his "childlike" clothes. He sighs like a little adult:

"even if the Hoodie is pink, I can bear it with two big ears and a hairy nose. But, mom, what's the matter with a tail behind the bottom of these pants? Am I going to be a fox? Your son is really smart, but it doesn't need to be so clear to others, is it? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!