Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 797

Zhao an's English is very good. She can barely understand German, but she can't understand French at all.

In your aunt's joke, she is sincere

Zhao An'an glared at him: "you are smart. You should be an interpreter for me."

Shangguan Ning, who originally intended to be a translator, immediately shut up and left the opportunity to his son! Jing Rui has learned these three languages. He usually talks to him in various languages at home. However, he has never had the opportunity to communicate with foreigners. Now it is time to test his learning achievements.

Jing Rui said: "OK, I can be a translator for you, but you have to pay for it. Since you are my aunt, I don't charge more. 500 dollars an hour is OK."

Zhao an was stunned and looked at the little girl in Shangguan's arms: "how do you two educate your children? I made all the money! As far as I know, you have too much money to burn out! "

However, 500 US dollars for Zhao An'an is a drizzle, and anyway, there is her mother to pay the bill, she does not need to spend money!

"Little money fan, I promise you, hurry to translate it, translate well, double pay you, right, mom?"

Zhao Zhao said with a smile: "yes, yes, ruiruirui's translation is good. Grandma gives you one thousand dollars!"

Shangguanning does not stop Jing Rui from collecting his own reward. He should get paid through his own labor. She will not attack her son's enthusiasm. Anyway, they are all family members. Neither Zhao Zhao nor Zhao an can calculate money.

Hearing that they promised to give money, Jing Rui really became a translator.

He was able to switch freely among the four languages. He was stunned by Zhao An'an and Zhao Zhao, as well as Zhao'an's attending doctors and assistant doctors.

Several doctors all look at him with astonishing eyes. Under the gaze of so many people's eyes, Jing Rui is still very calm, not shy at all.

Gene inheritance is very powerful. Jing Yichen is born with a fearless character. Jing Rui completely inherits his father's personality. He can deal with such situations freely without any panic.

The attending doctor wants to touch Jing Rui's head, but he hides it. He also says in a righteous way: "please respect me, don't touch me casually!"

All the people were amused by him, only the attending doctor apologized to him seriously: "I'm very sorry, I just did something wrong, I hope the little gentleman can forgive me."

For Jing Rui's intelligence and talent, he was very surprised.

How old is the child in front of you? Two years old? Or a year and a half?

But he can speak three foreign languages fluently, and know to ask others to respect him. Such a smart child can't be described as a genius.

He hesitated for a moment and then made a decision: "son, do you want to learn medicine from me?"

As soon as his words came out, all four of his assistants were stunned.

The attending doctor is one of the top doctors in the world. He has not only saved many lives, but also created his own unique medical Road, invented many advanced surgical methods and successfully developed a variety of new drugs. It is precisely because of his great contribution to human health that he won the Nobel Prize in medicine twice.

He's a real medical guru.

However, it is such a legendary person who never married and never had children, and never received a real apprentice. The assistants around him are mostly his students, not his apprentices.

He wants to take a little bit younger as an apprentice?

This child just showed a strong language talent, medical talent may not be much better?

Is it a bit rash to recruit students like this?

However, what was even more difficult for the four assistants to understand was that the father of the child, the tall man, who had hardly said a word, refused!

He refused neatly and without any face: "no, he doesn't need it."

Surprisingly, the attending doctor, who had always had a bad temper, was not angry and said with a smile: "when you change your mind, you can come to me at any time."

He knew Jing Yichen. The reason why Zhao An'an was sent here for treatment was Jing Yichen's sending her, which shows jingyichen's trust in his medical skills.

Jing family is an ancient family. The attending doctor has heard of it. He knows jingyichen's strength and what kind of person Jingrui will become in the future.

He doesn't insist on it. He just sees that Jing Rui is so smart that he just loves him.

He didn't expect that Jingmu would refuse!

These days of contact, let him have a deep feeling that the attending doctor in medical attainments, has far exceeded him!

After all, he is always distracted from other things, especially emotional ones.

In order to devote himself to medical research, the doctor did not marry and lived in the hospital. He really devoted his whole life to the medical cause.If Jing Rui has such a medical leader as a teacher, his future medical achievements will be immeasurable!

No, he has to persuade Jing Yichen. People don't accept apprentices easily. If you can see Jing Rui, you should let him learn. What a good opportunity, even he is greedy!

Although Shangguan Ning also feels that it is a bit of a loss not to let Jing Rui learn from the world's top doctors, she completely listens to Jing Yichen's education.

She believes in jingyichen's love for her son and that every decision he makes has a reason.

However, his son was recognized by a leading medical expert at such a young age, and naturally he was very happy to be a mother.

She fondly touched her son's small head and was full of expectation for his son's growth.

When a group of doctors leave, jingyichen takes Jingrui to a separate room.

Shangguan Ning brings the clothes to Jingrui, but they are all put in the hotel not far from the hospital. Ah Hu just went to get them and sent them over.

He carefully changed his son's new clothes, and soaked a towel with hot water, gently wiped his son's hands and face.

Jing Rui light way: "father, you robbed mother's work, cause she has nothing to do."

Jing Yichen laughs: "who stipulates that the job of wiping your face and changing clothes for you is all mother's?"

He touched his son's small face and said in a soft voice, "when she gave birth to you, she suffered a lot and nearly died. I couldn't help at that time. Now I should share it for her. Besides, taking care of you is a happy thing. You don't allow a father to enjoy more happiness? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!