Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 799

Shangguan Ning Chuchi suddenly laughed, his son said as if it was really like that, put on this clothes, he almost turned into a little pink fox!

She took her son and looked around, confident: "I think it's very good-looking, very suitable for you! Children should be dressed like this

Jingrui was not picky about what to wear. Basically, he wore whatever his mother bought. He was very obedient.

However, this dress really does not accord with his genius child temperament!

He looked at his father in suit and leather shoes coming out of the bathroom and pointed to him and said, "Mom, I want to wear dad's style. It's ugly not to wear this kind of thing! What's more, my grandfather said that pink is for girls. You can't buy me pink clothes any more. I'm a boy. You should be very clear about this! "

Jing Yichen looked at his son dressed up by his wife and looked like a little cute. He couldn't help smiling on his handsome face: "it's OK. You're still young now. You can wear any color. And... "

Shangguan Ning has been staring at him with his eyes. The threat is very obvious.

Forced by her daughter-in-law's erotic power, jingyichen boasted: "and your mother's eyes are very good, this dress is very suitable for you!"

Shangguan Ning nods with satisfaction, but Jing Rui says discontented: "Dad, you just stopped talking for a second, and also looked at her mother's face. Obviously, you lied. I don't look good in this dress. Dad, are you so strict with your wife

Shangguan Ning smiles to pat his son's buttocks: "it seems that it's not good for you to stir up the husband wife relationship between me and your father so much!"

, Jingyi Chen, has a generous way: "your mother has the final say, she said is always right, if she said wrong, it is not her fault, I heard it wrong!"

Jingrui is speechless. He shakes his head and pulls Shangguan Ning's hand. Then he patted him gently and said, "Mom, you are really married to a good husband of 24 filial piety! My father was certainly not like this before. He was so cold to others. How did you teach him? I really admire you! Or is it because you saved the earth in your last life? "

Shangguan's stomach aches with a smile. How can Jingrui's small head hold so many things? All the gold sentences come out of his mouth!

"Son, are you sure you didn't come from an old monster who lived for hundreds of years?"

Listen to what is said. Is this what mother should say?

Isn't he a little clever, cute and handsome?

How can we say that he has lived for hundreds of years, and that his time in his mother's stomach does not add up to more than three years, OK!

"Mom, you don't want to watch those messy time series. You've been brainwashed!"

After getting ready and having breakfast, Jingrui goes to the hospital with his mother, but his father goes to the hospital busy with other things instead of going to the hospital with them.

In fact, Jingrui really wants to follow his father, but his mother won't agree because his father seems to be going to kill people today. His mother said that it's not suitable for children, so she just took him to the hospital.

Really, it's too bad to have a father who is strict with his wife. He only listens to his daughter-in-law, regardless of his son's life or death!

He was originally handsome and beautiful, like a doll, but now he wears a "childlike" costume that can sprout all the women. There are not too many women who wink at him!

Please, he doesn't even have teeth. Can these women be reserved and rational!

The least reserved is his aunt!

Come up and drag his tail. Oh, no, it's his clothes. It's the tail on his clothes. I have to kiss him.

It seems that his attack on his aunt yesterday was not big enough!

He thought for a moment and asked, "Auntie, do you like my pants?"

Zhao an did not want to think of the happy way: "like ah, like too much! Your mother has a good eye. It's so cute on you

It seems that the IQ of my aunt and aunt are on the same level.

Jing Rui slowly took off his pants with tail, and then folded them on Zhao An'an's hand: "if you like, I'll give it to you. I don't want your money."

When Zhao an settled down, she was stunned and her smile completely froze on her face.

What's the situation?

Why did the clever little devil suddenly turn the wind today?

It's not about killing her, is it?

Shangguan Ning sees Zhao An'an holding Jingrui's pants a little at a loss, and tears of laughter are coming out.

Obviously, Zhao An'an has been trapped by Jingrui again!

He hated the pants very much, so he asked Zhao An'an if he liked them or not, and then he pushed the boat to send them out.

Zhao An'an knew that he had fallen into the pit again when he saw that Shangguan was laughing so hard.

She quickly returned the trousers to Jingrui: "you see, you child, how can you give your pants away at will? I can't put it on again. Don't freeze! "

She also changed her style. She looked like a good aunt who loved her little nephew. She was not fighting with Jing Rui yesterday.Baby, you change, I change! See who can change better!

Even a child less than two years old can't fight, she still can't live!

"My mother put on my warm pants today. It's not cold at all. I give you this pair of trousers, not for you to wear, but for your future children. "

Zhao an was shocked and widened his eyes and said, "do you still know that I will have children in the future? I don't even know it myself. You are so funny

Jing Rui is different from ordinary children. He must know her condition and all the possible consequences.

When five doctors were here yesterday to discuss her condition, he was a translator. He was very clear about the difficult medical terms. He must know what cancer means.

But maybe he is still too young?

Otherwise, you won't say that.

This relapse, without the attending doctor said, she knows that she has no possibility of childbearing.

Zhao an did not know the inside story, but Shangguan Ning did.

She was afraid that Jing Rui would miss his words for a while, so she quickly picked him up and put on his pants again.

"I spent so much energy and time to buy you pants. How can you say that you can give them away? Mom is so sad."

Shangguanning immediately changes the topic, because Jing Rui now knows more than she knows. He often runs to jingtianyuan, and jingtianyuan is born with Muwen. It's very normal for Jingrui to learn from them about the latest development of embryos.

However, this matter is completely hidden from Zhao An'an, because it will not necessarily succeed. Moreover, when Zhao An'an and Mu Qing were not married, she did not agree to cultivate embryos at all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!