Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 791

MuQing's physical fitness is also very good, plus young, the injury recovered quickly, a week later, he removed the wound line, it is no big problem.

Zhao an is so virtuous these days that she calls the chef of Zhao's family and learns to cook soup for MuQing.

At first, the taste of her cooking was very ordinary, and by the seventh day, it was already delicious.

Wood green these seven days, just by her feed fat five or six Jin, fortunately he originally belongs to lean type, otherwise too fat words, affect his handsome image!

Feeding MuQing fat, Zhao An'an feels very successful.

In her little life with MuQing, she gradually realized the pleasure of being a wife.

They take care of each other. If one of them is ill, the other will take good care of each other and send the most warmth.

They go to the supermarket to buy vegetables and daily necessities. She will help Mu Qing choose toothbrush, shower gel, and even underwear and socks.

They discussed to buy furniture, quilts and all kinds of practical household appliances.

They cuddle up at night, watch soap operas, watch movies, or go to the hot springs.

Occasionally, she would make a fuss and quarrel with MuQing, and then be pressed on the bed by MuQing and severely punished. The next day, she would become obedient and dare not fight with him again.

Their life is peaceful and comfortable, happy and happy.

Since Mu Qing was injured, Zhao An'an knows that Mu Qing is indispensable in her life.

She is getting better and better with MuQing, more and more like a good wife.

From spring to autumn, the green leaves of a city from new to mature green, and then become yellow, in late autumn, finally fall off from the branches.

At the turn of autumn and winter, a city under a heavy snow, ice sealed the whole world, cold dry air.

Zhao an's peaceful and happy life has been broken.

Her illness, relapse.

She has dreamt of the recurrence of her illness for countless times. Every time she wakes up from the nightmare, she will sweat profusely and fear is hard to restrain.

Yes, she is afraid of death. No one is afraid of death.

Every life has the instinct to pursue life.

At the moment, however, she was so calm that she really relapsed.

She has always known that she will relapse, never had any fluke psychology, otherwise she would not be so determined not to marry Mu Qing.

It was her mother, her grandmother, her MuQing, and her good friends who were lucky.

Fortunately, she has always been very vigilant about her illness. She used to check once a quarter. Now she has Mu Qing at her side. She has already checked once a month.

Therefore, this discovery is still very timely, very early.

Mu Qing took her to Germany at the first time.

In the plane, Mu Qing tightly grasped Zhao An'an's hand, as if afraid that she would slip away from his side.

Zhao an put his head on Mu Qing's shoulder and whispered, "Qing, if I die..."

Before she finished her words, she was immediately covered by Mu Qing.

His eyes were red and he said firmly, "you will not die! If you die, I will die too, so if you don't want me to die, you'd better live for me

Zhao an was most afraid of Mu Qing. She said quickly, "well, well, I'm alive!"

When the plane landed in Germany, Mu Qing took Zhao An'an to the world's top anti-cancer hospital that had cured her.

This time, he brought with him a new anti-cancer drug developed by Mu's Institute, as well as a treatment plan he designed for Zhao An'an.

He has treated many cancer patients. Some of them have not relapsed, and some have relapsed. It depends not only on the doctor's medical skills, but also on the types of cancer. For some cancers, as long as the focus is partially removed, there will be no problem. However, more patients will have cancer cell metastasis, which will greatly increase the difficulty of treatment.

This hospital in Germany not only has experienced doctors, but also has treated Zhao an's disease twice. MuQing doesn't want to build a car alone. He wants to join hands with the doctors here to operate on Zhao An'an.

Zhao an's attending doctor saw her and was not surprised at all. He always thought that the recurrence rate of Zhao An'an was 99%, and the possibility of no recurrence was very low.

After he gave Zhao an an examination, he gave Zhao an an a thumbs up and said in German: "every time you come, you are very timely. The cancer cells have not spread. You are more likely to survive than others."

Doctors say so, will bring great hope to patients, some people just because of this hope will miraculously survive.

Zhao An'an was no exception. She was very happy to hear her attending doctor say so, because doctors in Germany seldom exaggerate. He said that it was several times higher, that is, several times higher than that. She was not talking nonsense to comfort her.

Zhao an lives in the ward. Zhao Zhao comes from the United States an hour later to accompany her daughter.Mu Qing started a 15 hour program discussion with the German medical team.

MuQing's plan and drugs have shocked German doctors.

He broke the traditional treatment plan and adopted a new treatment method, which will be a major breakthrough and leap in the history of medicine.

Of course, his plan is not perfect.

The number of cancer patients he has been exposed to is insignificant compared with the hospital in Germany, which specializes in receiving cancer patients.

A lot of doctors are carefully put forward their own suggestions for improvement. They are very strict in their work and will not easily take patients as test objects, so the suggestions put forward have been tested by practice.

The spread rate of cancer cells is quite amazing. Every day, Mu Qing does not dare to delay. He keeps on modifying the plan, and has already made the attending doctor start the early inhibition treatment.

MuQing doesn't want to remove Zhao An'an's son's palace, which is a very important organ for women. Without it, women will grow old quickly and easily cause other diseases, which is not good for the body.

What's more, even if the uterus is resected, the cancer cells may also be transferred to other places. Until the last step, MuQing will not be resected.

Although Zhao An'an relapse this time, will completely lose the possibility of childbearing, but Zi Yugong still wants to keep it for her.

This is a part of her body, MuQing is reluctant to do this kind of large-scale organ resection for her.

He and the doctors in Germany felt that the probability of curing Zhao An'an was very high and there was no need for resection.

The long process of treatment begins.

Zhao an began to lose weight again. She had to do various tests, tests and injections every day.

It's painful, but she's used to it.

With Mu Qing there, he has minimized all her pain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!