Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 792

Compared with the previous treatment, Zhao An'an felt that this treatment was simply happy.

She is not only accompanied by her mother, but also by her husband.

Although the spread has been increasing, her face is still with a bright smile every day.

Even if it was death, she would face it with a smile.

But if she can live, she will do her best to live!

Zhao an came to Germany on the tenth day, shangguanning followed jingyichen to see her.

The last time Zhao an did the treatment was completely confidential. Shangguan Ning didn't know about it. This time, she wanted to accompany her.

What's more, she brought Jing Rui, whom Zhao an likes very much.

"Oh, my dear little nephew is here! Come here and let me kiss you

Zhao an an says, can't help but embrace Jing Rui and kiss him on his tender face.

Jing Rui wiped off the saliva on his face, took a look at his aunt and said, "did you brush your teeth today?"

Zhao An'an was turned upside down by the black air of his abdomen!

She angrily pinched his flesh toot small face: "hum, how dare to despise me! Who taught you so bad? Is it your mother? She must speak ill of me in front of you every day

"Oh, I was wrongly killed. My son asked if you brushed your teeth, and then you attacked me personally. Isn't that good?"

Shangguan Ning sits by the bed to help Zhao An'an cut apples. His tone of voice is extremely exaggerated. He looks like a good mother protecting a calf.

Zhao An'an clearly likes what Jing Rui likes. He also pretends to dislike him and says, "cut, you two don't have a good man. Jing Rui talks so harshly at a young age. When he grows up, be careful not to get his daughter-in-law!"

Before coming to the hospital, Shangguan Ning told Jing Rui several times that he would accompany Zhao An'an to speak more, which would help her recover.

Jing Rui agrees unwillingly.

He doesn't like to talk, especially not like to say some words without nutrition. It is a kind of torture for him to accompany his aunt who is in urgent need of IQ!

However, dad said that he would either not make a promise, once he made a promise, he would have to fulfill it - unless it was forced to do so, he could not renege on his promise.

At present, if you break your promise, you will be spanked by your father when you go back, because this is not a forced situation at all!

Therefore, Jing Rui accompanied Zhao an an and said, "do you think I'm handsome?"

Zhao an looked at him in surprise. His face was convulsed by his questions. The little fart who was less than two years old also knew what was handsome?

She deliberately said, "I think it's so ordinary. It's far from your uncle."

Zhao An'an knows that Jing Rui has a super high IQ. He can't treat him like an ordinary child. He can't beat him at all!

When she sees Jing Rui now, she will think of Jing Yichen's aloof and arrogant appearance when she was a child. She has a straight face every day. He is not interested in what others say, just like he is a high-level alien.

Now Jingrui also has that trend. He is so small. He looks like a cold and silent little adult all day long. People want to tease him.

Jing Rui grabs the apple that shangguanning has just peeled. He takes a bite with his sharp teeth, and then says, "Mom, you shouldn't cut the apple for your aunt."

His expression is too serious, make shangguanning and Zhao An'an both confused.

According to Guan Ning's understanding of his son, he said the first sentence, and the latter sentence certainly could not have nothing to do with the former. What's more, Zhao an just said that he was not as good as mu qingshuai. He couldn't change the topic so quickly!

Escape problems?

No, it's not his style!

Jing Yichen's arrogant father, how can he teach Jing Rui to escape!

Shangguan Ning deeply felt that his IQ was limited and he couldn't keep up with his son's ideas.

But she was very cooperative and asked, "why can't you peel the apple for your aunt?"

Zhao an was also very curious: "yes, why? I'm a sick man. Your mother should peel an apple for me to eat. That's right

"Oh, you should eat more carrots and spinach, and then with Qiju Dihuang pills, the effect should be very good."

What what??

What's the ghost of that hedihuang pill?

Shangguan Ning and Zhao An'an both have a question mark!

Jingrui's teeth are not complete, so it's still a little difficult to eat apples. He puts the apple he chewed into Zhao An'an's hand, pats her arm, and shakes his head helplessly: "Oh, not only are the eyes bad, but also the brain. Here's the apple. Take it and eat it! There are too many things you need to make up. Forget it. Stupid people are lucky. "

What's the situation of this rhythm that is totally despised by a child?!

What is a fool has a fool's fortune!

Zhao an almost has the impulse to run wild!

This stinky boy is more irritating than jingyichen when he was a child! Sure enough, like father, like son. Not only are their looks carved in the same mold, but even their personalities are so similar!Shangguan Ning is to understand Jing Rui's words. He means that Zhao An'an thinks that he is not handsome. It's his eyes that are wrong!

My God, it's a bit of a brain burn to have such a lot of fun?

Shangguan Ning looked at Zhao An'an's smoky appearance and burst into laughter.

Oh, her son is so clever! He's a great brawler!

Zhao an is angry and angry. When she sees Jing Rui, most of him refuse to speak. When she talks to him, she immediately laughs at her intelligence, little villain!

Jing Rui quickly climbs out of Zhao An'an's arms, and without the need for an official to hold him, he jumps out of bed and walks out in his little leather boots.

"Mom, I'm going abroad for the first time. Go out and have a look."

Shangguan Ning's laughter stopped abruptly: "no way!"

I'm kidding. He said it was his first time to go abroad. What if he went out alone and was abducted and ran away!

There are a lot of children selling abroad, OK!

Especially for a beautiful and lovely person like Jing Rui, those peddlers will definitely give him his idea!

Jing Rui seems to know what Shangguan Ning is thinking. He says calmly on his small face: "don't worry, there is no one who can't help me."

Zhao An'an laughed wildly when he heard him say "the trafficker who was driven by bad luck".

According to the performance of Jing Rui just now, if the traffickers abduct him, it will be really bad luck!

Jingrui finish saying, also ignore the stupefied old mother and the wild laugh aunt, straight Da Da Da Da of walked out.

Shangguan Ning immediately got up to chase after him. As a result, jingyichen walked in from the outside and said with a calm look than Jingrui: "it's OK. Let him go out to play. Let him go shopping in Germany by himself." , the fastest update of the webnovel!