Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 790

After a short period of confusion, MuQing soon remembered what had happened.

Seeing Zhao an's two beautiful eyes crying into peaches, his pale face showed a faint smile: "don't cry, I am not dead? It's not too late for you to cry when I die! You've drained your tears now, and you won't be able to cry when I'm dead? "

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh!"

Zhao an was angry and immediately stopped tears. "Don't talk nonsense. Take it back quickly!"

In fact, Mu Qing used to make such jokes, and Zhao an never took it seriously.

At the moment, she couldn't hear Mu Qing say such a thing. She worried all night, for fear that he would sleep like this and never wake up again.

Think of yesterday's wedding, Mu Qing tried to block the bullet for her that moment, she worried, she would rather be hit by the person is themselves.

MuQing's face still with a smile: "don't worry, I can't die. Grandfather Jing has calculated my fate for me. He said that I can live a long life. He is very good at fortune telling."

As a doctor who advocates science and medicine, when did he begin to believe in life?

Jingtianyuan tells fortune tellers who will live for 100 years. How can he take this seriously?

No, no, no, that should be taken seriously!

MuQing must live a long life!

"Yes, yes, grandfather Jing's fortune telling is very accurate! You're going to be OK! "

Zhao an an put Mu Qing's hand on his chest, and a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

If Mu Qing had something wrong, how could she live alone!

"What about the killer? I remember, like the fawn shot him? Alas, she was too fast, and I was not conscious at that time. I didn't see how she did it! It's No.1 in the world. It's really amazing

Mu Qing is immersed in the world's No.1 terrorist power, constantly sighing, but Zhao an only feels very guilty.

"Fawn killed that killer. Listen to her, it's the fifth killer in the world. The killer fired two shots at me, both of which were aimed at me. But you helped me block one shot, and the fawn also blocked a shot for me. My goal is OK, but it makes you two nearly have an accident. "

Mu Qing blocks the gun for her. Zhao An'an doesn't think there is anything wrong with her. Although she is also very distressed, there is no accident.

She always knew that no matter how dangerous it was, MuQing would choose to protect her for the first time.

But fawn is different. She is not familiar with fawn at all. Especially after she lost her memory, she even completely forgot that she had fawn. Fawn suddenly appeared and solved the crisis with her own life. Zhao An'an was grateful and frightened, for fear that fawn might have something wrong.

Jingyiran that bastard, in the deer and Mu Qing surgery, has run to her in front of a good big fire, a look to eat people, scared to death!

If she hadn't worried about MuQing in her heart and really appreciated fawn, she would have jumped up and beaten jingyiran!

Even if she lost her memory, she still remembers his shameless looking for someone to imprison her for half a year!

Mu Qing did not expect that the deer actually blocked a shot for Zhao An'an.

Fawn has always been a lonely person. He doesn't have much feelings for people. He's almost like a robot.

No wonder he heard three gunshots, but Zhao an was not injured. It turned out that the gun hit the fawn.

"Is fawn OK? How is she now? "

"She's OK. The deer is in good health. After the operation yesterday, she can get out of bed and walk. Today, the wound has completely healed

"Oh, it's a robot. It's been repaired so quickly!" Wood green envied a smile, "I am now very envious of her that a body of virus, that where is what virus, it is simply some treasure! With them, the deer is equivalent to a hundred lives! Oh, it's more troublesome to change blood every six months. "

It's not surprising that the mysterious scientific research institution where fawn's parents are working is trying to capture the deer and extract cells from her body for research. Even he is greedy for the strong constitution of the fawn, not to mention those who are crazy.

The extremely slow aging of deer alone is enough to drive tens of thousands of men and women around the world crazy.

Zhao An'an sees that Mu Qing's mental state is very good. She finally puts down her heart. She calls Mu Wensheng and checks Mu Qing's wound. Hearing him say that Mu Qing is recovering well, she smiles.

Mu Wensheng took a look at Zhao An'an and gave him a cold hum. Then he said to his worried grandson, "you just do it. Sooner or later you will put your life in it! It's really capable. It's a hero to save the beauty! "

Mu Qing laughed bitterly: "grandfather, what do you say? Isn't it normal that I save my own daughter-in-law? Didn't you teach me to be responsible and protect my family since I was a child? Besides, I'm afraid that the killer wanted to kill Ann because of me. I should have stopped her gun. "

Mu Wensheng wants to say that when he asked Mu Qing to protect his family, Zhao an was not included, but he could not say so.Now Zhao an is indeed a wooden family. He can only accept it if he is not willing to.

The old man went out with a stiff face, but he felt a little bitter in his heart.

Really, grandson, this is a troublemaker! I don't know what it will look like in the future!

Mu Qing doesn't worry about Mu Wensheng. The old man always has a knife's mouth and a bean curd heart. He is very fond of the younger generation. Despite his cold nose and cold eye towards Zhao An'an, he always treats her as his younger generation. He has a good attitude towards Zhao An'an, beating and scolding his grandson.

He is worried that these killers are probably good pieces of Yang Muyan's ambush. If it was her, how many killers did she arrange? When are they going to do it?

Sure enough, at noon, Mu Qing learned from jingyichen that the killer was hired by Yang Mu fireworks.

It's so haunting!

She is no different from the devil. She would not let people live when she died. She even arranged such a vicious successor!

However, this is really the style of Yang Muyan. She is a person who takes every step and counts ten steps. Her heart is deep and frightening.

Zhao Anyan and Yang Anqing's wedding is the worst.

Yesterday, there was a shooting incident, which scared the guests to death. Where would people think that it would be life-threatening to attend a wedding!

Mu Qing gently grasps Zhao an's hand: "An'an, I'm sorry, I didn't give you a perfect wedding."

Zhao an really doesn't care about the wedding in her heart. She just asks Mu Qing to be good.

"The wedding is just a form. Anyway, we have finished the Chinese wedding and the western wedding is almost over. I have no regrets."

The only regret is that you were hurt on your wedding day. , the fastest update of the webnovel!