Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 789

A good wedding was directly destroyed. Zhao An'an did not have any wedding joy at the moment, only full of fear and worry.

Her make-up was all over crying.

The helicopter with deer and Mu Qing quickly arrived at the hospital, jingyichen, who attended the wedding ceremony, also went to the hospital together.

Muwen has not yet had time to be happy with his grandson's marriage, and then he has to open his abdomen to get bullets. This is cruel to an old man who loves his grandson.

Rao is he has experienced so much life and death and saved so many dying lives. He saw that Mu Qing was covered with blood, and his face was as white as paper. His heart hurt so much that even his fingers trembled slightly.

Fortunately, his professionalism is very high, and he soon calmed down and began to cut his grandson's chest skin cleanly to get bullets for him.

In the same operating room, on the other operating table, Mutong is also taking bullets for the deer.

The location of deer injury is relatively shallow, not fatal, the situation is much better than MuQing, the operation is relatively easy.

The two operations were performed at the same time and ended at the same time.

Although the deer's operation is relatively difficult and should be completed faster, the end time is almost the same because Mutong is not as skilled as Mu Wensheng in taking bullets from the chest cavity.

After the operation, both Fawn and MuQing were pushed into the ward.

Then, the deer's powerful body was revealed in this situation - she recovered from anesthesia in only five minutes, and half an hour later she got out of bed and was no longer in any way.

And Mu Qing is still pale on the bed, no one knows.

"You go back and lie down. Mu Qing can't die, and Zhao An'an can't die. You just had an operation. What are you doing? Your man is me, not Mu Qing. Even if he is dead, it has nothing to do with you! "

Fawn obediently walked back to bed, and then in accordance with the requirements of jingyiran, covered with a thin quilt to lie down.

However, she murmured in a low voice: "wood green died, after no one gave me blood."

Jing Yiran's anger was suddenly dissipated because of the deer's words.

Although he knew that the fawn didn't go to save MuQing to exchange blood for her, such a deer seemed more human than before.

He likes deer like this.

He sat next to the fawn, kissing her with some heartache.

"Don't do it next time. Your first priority is to protect yourself, not to protect others."

The deer patted the bed beside him and whispered, "you lie down and hold me."

Jing Yiran was the first time that she asked for a hug. All the resentment in his heart suddenly turned into a cavity of tenderness. He immediately lay down beside her and held her in his arms.

The fawn buried his head in his neck socket and explained to him, "I'm sure I'll be OK, so I'll take the initiative."

Jing Yiran doesn't agree with this view: "it's impossible to be sure. Do you think it's ok as long as you don't die?"? What I want is that you don't get hurt at all! You are a girl. Why are you so good all day? You should learn from the man named Zheng Lun. Be timid. Don't rush forward. Otherwise, what's my husband used for? Is my role merely to be a small stove to warm your bed at night? "

Controlled by his male chauvinism, fawn's face showed a faint smile.


What a novelty to her!

It's incredible that she could have a husband one day.

Jing Yiran taught his wife a lesson for a while before she remembered to ask the deer about the situation at that time.

"Who are you killing? Killer? "

"It should be. From the perspective of technique and body method, it is cultivated by killer organizations. I have killed two high ranking killers in a row. I think the killer organization will have an opinion on me

Killer organizations have existed for hundreds of years, and now they are everywhere.

When the fawn killed the killer, so many people were there at that time. As long as we have a little investigation, we can guess that she killed the man.

After all, she has the strength.

"What's the death row today?"

"Fifth, it's called black rose."

Jing Yiran was surprised: "female?"

Isn't it said that among the top ten killers, there is only one female fawn?

"no, he is a man, but he has a tendency to be a child. Love to wear perfume with a lady, kill a person and throw a black rose, so that's the title of" black rose ".

Deer said, from his clothes out of a flower, way: "this is it."

Jing Yiran was surprised and looked at the black rose in front of her: "you robbed his flowers?"

Fawn smiles, and his tone is a little arrogant: "compared with the speed, he must not be able to compare with me. Before he could throw this flower out, he was taken away by me."

Jing Yiran was a little discontented: "it's too dangerous. If you like roses, I'll give you a thousand. Why rob others! And it's still black. It's creepy! ""I don't like this flower. I just want to grab it and identify him."

The deer's light explanation.

To kill a very powerful killer, she must know the identity of the other party, otherwise she can not give a reasonable explanation to the killer organization in advance.

It's not easy to cultivate a top killer in an organization. It takes many years and a lot of financial and material resources.

Among the top ten killers, there are only eight left, and she, who ranks first, does not take up the task. Now, only seven people can play their fighting power.

Jingyi doesn't care what killers don't kill. Anyway, the strength of Jing's family is strong enough to cover him and fawn.

He recently found that although jingyichen's face is cold enough to kill people, in fact, as long as he has no face or skin to pester him, he will help him solve any trouble, and the efficiency is amazing.

It's so important to have a good brother!

It's more effective to ask brother than father!

Now Jing Zhongxiu is in charge of his life and death, not to mention jingtianyuan. They only think that he has been expelled from the Jing family, and they have no intention to let him go back.

Anyway, jingyiran doesn't want to go back. He has food and drink outside and lives a happy two person world with deer. His life is much more relaxed and happy than before.

In the early morning of the next day, after the fawn had a sleep, MuQing woke up from her coma.

When Zhao An'an saw that he was awake, she immediately cried to herself.

At yesterday's wedding, the killer's target was her, not Mu Qing.

It was Mu Qing who helped her block the bullet!

The killer missed the first shot, and then fired the second shot. However, this shot still failed to hit Zhao An'an, because this time, fawn helped her block the bullet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!