Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 788

The wooden family has a festive scene. Not only are red characters pasted everywhere, but also many red lanterns are hung. The whole family is dressed in festive colors.

Mu Qing is the last one of the Mu family to get married, and Zhao An'an is the only successor of the Zhao family. It's unreasonable to have a rich dowry. The wedding of the Mu family can't be shabby.

When you arrive at Mr. Zhao's house, give it to Mr. Anmu.

"Please have tea, grandpa!"

Today is a happy day. The old man couldn't embarrass his granddaughter-in-law in front of so many people. He took the tea from Zhao An'an with a smile. After taking a sip, he took out a big red packet and gave it to Zhao An'an.

After that, she offered tea to Mu Qing's parents. She called "parents" very well, and she didn't feel uncomfortable at all - although she hadn't called "Dad" for a long time.

After her father cheated, she never saw him again, let alone called him. She looked down on the man who had no sense of responsibility in marriage and family.

Although mu Bingrong doesn't like her daughter-in-law very much, he is a good husband and father. Zhao An'an still respects him very much.

After serving tea, taking red packets, and then eating dumplings and drinking wine.

After a while of excitement, all the people went to the church.

The wedding of MuQing and Zhao An'an is a combination of Chinese and Western culture. It is also a way of marriage that many young people choose now. It takes into account both the traditional etiquette and the romance and sanctity of the wedding.

When shangguanning and jingyichen got married, it was a complete western wedding, which was related to the tradition of the Jing family. The western wedding ceremony alone is more solemn and relaxed than the combination of Chinese and western.

Western style weddings tend to be more solemn and sacred. The priest stands at the front and sits at the bottom to witness the new couple's love. The church is quiet, and there is no noise and loud firecrackers.

Zhao An'an got married and did not inform her father. He had long forgotten that she had such a daughter, and she did not regard him as a father.

As a father, Zhao an to Mu Qing hand, is Jing Yichen.

He is Zhao an's cousin and her closest male relative.

Zhao an takes Jing Yichen's arm, wears a white wedding dress and holds a bouquet of flowers. She slowly follows him to MuQing.

This is the first time that Zhao An'an has taken Jing Yichen's arm.

He didn't like to contact with others since he was a child. When he grew up, he didn't allow others to touch him.

However, since getting married with shangguanning, jingyichen's problem has improved a lot.

At least now Zhao an is holding his arm across his clothes. Although he is very uncomfortable, he will not have that kind of violent vomiting.

Zhao an was very nervous because the wedding scene was so grand and solemn. She was afraid that she might make mistakes. As a result, she saw jingyichen quickly throw her to Mu Qing, and then took out her veil to wipe her clothes. She laughed angrily!

How can there be such a brother!

How many bacteria and viruses does she have in her hand that he dislikes so much!

After being tossed by Jing Yichen, Zhao an's tension disappeared without a trace. She happily stood in front of the priest with Mu Qing's arm in her arms. It was better to hold MuQing's arm and feel at ease. It was not like holding jingyichen's iceberg, which made her scared.

The wedding went on very smoothly. Jingyiran took the fawn to the most humble position in the church. He came to watch and learn, so that he could know what to do when he and fawn got married.

"Well, it's so tiring to get married! It's not too troublesome to return the Chinese and Western styles! "

Xiaolu didn't hear what jingyiran was saying. She didn't like the occasions where there were so many people. There were people all around. She always felt that there were other killers hidden inside. She was very upset.

She knows that she does have a bit of crowd phobia. Every time there are more people, she will be very uncomfortable, because she needs to spend a lot of energy to identify who is in danger around.

Her whole body is tense, all around the people as if the opponent of the defense.

This is very tired, but this is the survival instinct formed by her years of killer career, and it is difficult to change.

Jing Yiran knows that fawn doesn't like this kind of occasion. He holds her hand and comforts her in a low voice: "it's OK. It's over soon. They've already exchanged rings. They'll take a picture next time."

His voice has just dropped, and sudden changes have taken place!

The sharp and piercing sound of the gun exploded in the quiet church, and then someone heard a painful grunt, followed by Zhao an's shrill and panic cry: "MuQing!"

Jing Yiran's hand suddenly disappeared. There was no deer on the seat beside him.

The church fell into chaos in an instant, and screams came and went.

There were two gunshots in the air. A few seconds later, deer appeared on the seat beside jingyiran.Jingyi ran saw her appearance and was surprised: "deer, what's the matter with you?"

Her face was pale, her hair slightly disordered, and her face had an expression of forbearance and pain.

The killing didn't cost fawn too much physical strength. The reason why she turned pale was that she was moving at super high speed just now, and --

"I was shot. I will accompany me to the hospital in a moment."

She said, releasing her hand that had been covering her chest. Her white hands and her white Sweatshirt were covered with blood.

Jing Yiran was so distressed that she scolded: "you are so crazy! Did you stop the idiot Zhao An'an? MuQing's wife is important, my wife is not important? My wife is a hundred times more expensive than his wife. If you do this again, I will lock you at home and never let you go out again! "

Although he was about to get mad, he still picked up the little deer for a moment and ran all the way out.

"Get out of my way, don't you see my wife hurt?"

"Brother, fawn is injured, you should find a helicopter to take her to the hospital!"

At the critical moment, Jingyi ran remembered that she had a Almighty brother, so she immediately called on him to help! Brother, isn't it used at this time?

Jing Yichen did not have the slightest hesitation, said directly: "take her out, the helicopter will land in a minute!"

His two helicopters were responsible for aerial photography of MuQing's wedding today, hovering over the church at the moment.

Moreover, not only fawn was shot, but also two other killers, MuQing, and the killers who shot and wounded MuQing and fawn.

The killer shot the fawn in the heart and died in an instant. MuQing was seriously injured and needed to go to the hospital immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!