Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 787

The next day is the wedding day of Zhao An'an and Mu Qing. Shangguan Ning and Jing Yichen get up early and go to the Zhao family with Jing Rui.

Zhao an gets married from the Zhao family. Shangguanning and jingyichen are both her parents. Of course, she has to help.

Her wedding is a combination of Chinese and western. She got up early in the morning to make up. She was wearing a bright red cross collar cheongsam style dress, which made her uncomfortable.

"It's not right, it's definitely not!"

Shangguan Ning asked curiously, "what's wrong?"

"You must be lying to me. I certainly didn't like to wear skirts before. I have no mistake in remembering it!"

A person's preferences, basically, will not change because of amnesia. For example, people who originally like light color clothes will still like light color instead of dark color clothes. People who like sweet food will not like eating because of amnesia.

Zhao An'an always felt that she didn't like wearing skirts before, but she was told so much by Mu Qing and shangguanning. She thought that her memory was blurred and her memory was wrong.

After trying several times, she found that it was not at all!

She still likes to wear pants, not skirts!

"My God, did you cheat me about something else, but I don't know? MuQing, that bastard who lied, even if you are my best friend, how can you conspire with wolves to deceive me who is simple, kind and forgetful

Finally, Shangguan Ning couldn't help but smile.

Zhao An'an, who is so brazen and praises her, has a strong sense of familiarity. She must have been so shameless in the past. Although the specific Shangguan can't remember clearly, she always has this familiar happy atmosphere in her memory.

"I'm not lying to you. It's because you have a low IQ and trust others. As you can see, there is no good person among us, so you should eat more walnuts to replenish your brain in the future, and don't forget the past things easily! "

Shangguan Ning always thinks that she should have cheated Zhao An'an once before. Now when I see her, I always have a vague feeling. It seems that she is a little guilty and a little proud.

No, I have to go back and ask jingyichen what she has done in the end!

Zheng Lun also came soon, but Zheng Jing didn't come. He is MuQing's best man today. He is helping MuQing at the moment.

According to the custom, the bridegroom and the best man will come to the bride's house to meet people before noon. Before that, people from the man's side are not allowed to enter the bride's house.

Zheng Lun's memory is the most complete. Her lost memories are recent unimportant ones. She remembers things about shangguanning and Zhao An'an very clearly.

However, Shangguan Ning and Zhao An'an have a vague impression of Zheng Lun. When they just woke up, they did not remember Zheng Lun.

Of course, after several contacts, the sense of familiarity soon returned. After all, it was easy for the three of them to cultivate tacit understanding and intimacy.

"Ann, you are so beautiful today!"

"Ha ha, this is the credit of the makeup artist my mother hired for me!"

The makeup artist praised by Miss Zhao repeatedly shakes her head. She is now the Royal makeup artist of popular stars. She is used to wearing heavy make-up for stars. Now Zhao An'an doesn't like this or that. She can't do it any more!

Just like now --

"Oh, don't don't don't, the false eyelashes still don't stick. It's too long and too fake!"

This is the fake eyelash that has been trimmed, can't be shorter, OK?

"Wait a minute. Why is this lipstick as red as blood? Wipe it off. It's weird Miss

, you are married today, and you are married. I don't want you to use big red lipstick. Do you want to use pink?

"No, it's too thick. Will I brush down as soon as I walk! Don't wipe it. It's too white. It's like a zombie. "

The make-up artist was totally defeated by Zhao An'an. Is her makeup technique so poor? What she used for Zhao An'an just now is the most famous BB cream in the world, not powder. How can she brush it down? The girl's imagination is too rich!

Finally, the Shangguan Ning pressed Zhao An'an hard and didn't let her move. Only then did the makeup artist successfully complete the most difficult bride's make-up since she was employed.

false eyelashes are not posted to her, but the make-up artist has done a good job of taking pictures, giving her eye liner and mascara to make Zhao Anan's eyelashes thicker and slender.

Zhao An'an felt that half of her world was covered by her long eyelashes. She always wanted to pull her eyelashes with her hand.

Shangguan Ning patted off her hand: "hold on, don't move! If you get married today, you have to make up. Otherwise, you will think you have a problem with their family. So many guests will look at you later. If you take off your eyelashes, it will be a shame! "

"Well, I'll bear it."

Zhao an was very unwilling to compromise.

The sound of festive firecrackers means that the bridegroom has come to pick up the bride.Mu Qing gives shangguanning and Zheng Lun a thick red envelope, and then takes Zhao An'an to give old lady Zhao and Zhao Zhaojing tea.

The old lady is also red today. She can't close her mouth happily. It's not easy for her to see her granddaughter get married!

Zhao Zhao's eyes are red, but today is her daughter's big day, can't shed tears, she has been trying to bear.

She took Zhao An'an's hand and handed it to Mu Qing: "MuQing, I gave An'an to you. She was spoiled by me. You should be more tolerant."

Wood green face with a smile, tone but some solemn way: "Mom, you don't worry, I will let an an an happy!"

His name "Ma" was so smooth that Zhao Zhao couldn't help laughing, which gave her a new feeling of having more sons.

Give Zhao an an to Mu Qing. In fact, she can't rest assured that there will be no more secure person than MuQing.

"Well, well, I wish you all a happy life!"

"Thank you, mom."

Zhao an looks at Mu Qing in a funny way. He looks very handsome today. Even his hairstyle is specially made. Now he calls Zhao Zhao "Ma" more intimate than she is. What a good son-in-law looks like!

From the Zhao family, the party will go straight to the wood family.

The magnificent luxury welcome motorcade bypassed most of a city. When it arrived at Mujia, it was immediately put on the headlines by reporters and people of a city!

It starts with a cool white Bugatti, followed by 20 rolls Royces and 20 brightly colored Ferraris.

The two helicopters were filmed with each other throughout the whole process, so as to make the wedding micro film in the post production stage.

Such a luxurious lineup immediately attracted people's admiration and admiration. , the fastest update of the webnovel!