Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 786

Hearing Jing Rui's words, jingyichen looks black.

What does it mean that he eats and wastes!

I learned how to dig a hole for him!

He is not willing to let shangguanning cook at all, for fear that she will be accidentally cut by a knife and scalded by oil. After being married for such a long time, he has only eaten the food made by shangguanning twice, one of which is to follow Jingrui and eat pumpkin pie that Shangguan has learned to cook for several days.

This boy, he opened his mouth and asked his woman to make food for him. It's too arrogant!

Shangguan Ning didn't pay attention to jingyichen's ugly face. She focused all her attention on her son.

Today's son seems to be very clever and sensible!

Is it because of growing up? He finally found his mother's?

No matter what the reason, the son finally showed the kind of attachment and intimacy that a child should have to his mother. Shangguan Ning was very happy, and directly promised him:

"good, mother will only make food for ruiruirui in the future! In the future, what you want to do is stronger than your father's

"Yes, mom, I will certainly surpass dad in the future. When I grow up, let me protect you, OK?"

Shangguan Ning was pleasantly surprised. She was really sweet to her son today!

The little guy suddenly became so sensible that she didn't dislike the food she made and wanted to protect her. She was moved to tears!

She happily kisses her son's little face, and her eyes are red and red: "ruiruirui is so sensible. Mom is so happy! We don't want dad, you will protect me from now on

Jingyichen, who was abandoned by his wife so soon, looks even worse!

How dare you rob a woman with him!

Hum, the training intensity should be increased in the future! Otherwise, this little thing will compete with him all day long!

Jingrui obediently lets Shangguan Ning kiss his left face and his right face. While Shangguan Ning doesn't pay attention, he stares at his father provocatively. That expression is to say: look, she kisses me, but she doesn't kiss you. Mom loves me more! You have to stand aside!

Jingyichen is very dissatisfied: "the son is still young, you can't be so used to him, what he said is what, it's not easy to teach in the future!"

"My son is very willing to say a few more words to me. Don't interrupt me!"

Jingyichen is very helpless, his family status is in danger now!

The son's intelligence quotient is high, so a little bit old to learn to camouflage and estrange!

Well, all blame him for teaching his son so well that he won't be cute and cute like his son. He lost the position directly!

Jingrui beats his father. He is very proud. He blinks his big eyes, which are beautiful and shining like two black grapes. His long eyelashes move and move like a small fan. He says in a childlike voice: "Mom, I'm going to sleep with you tonight, mom. Is that ok? I sleep alone in that big bedroom. I'm a little scared, and I'm lonely. I'm so pathetic

Shangguan listened to her son's words, and she felt that it was too much for her son to sleep alone. He was so young that he should sleep with his parents!

"Yes, yes, everything! This evening, my mother will accompany you to sleep, tell you stories, coax you to sleep, and help you cover the quilt... "

Jing Yichen is a little speechless.

This kid, the devil, the devil!

He is braver than anyone else, and never knows how to write the word "fear"! Would he be afraid to sleep in a bedroom alone? Shangguanning will believe him!

"No, you can sleep by yourself. Your mother is not free and can't accompany you! It's no shame to sleep with your mother when you are such a big man! "

Jingyichen's cold voice just fell, Jing Rui immediately raised his head and looked at Shangguan Ning with innocent big eyes. He asked blankly, "Mom, how old am I?"

Shangguan Ning was not willing to, staring at jingyichen: "my son is only more than one year old, where is he old? Other family's children are still suckling more than one year old. Our son is very independent. I can't sleep with him for one night. Shut up and don't talk! "

Well, the omnipotent king big and little is completely abandoned by his wife and son!

More than one year old still suckling? Which child is so worthless?

Jingrui has a little disdain for the little baby who is still suckling for more than a year old. He has already weaned, and it is very easy to break. In his mother's words, it is - Bang Bang Da!

He also felt that he was very good, even he had always admired the father to beat, is not good!

Along the way, jingyichen is ordered by Shangguan Ning not to interrupt or talk. He can only helplessly watch Jingrui and Shangguan Ning act cute and coquettish, pretend to be good and please, and use all 18 martial arts skills. He can't tell Shangguan Ning from the East, the west, the north and the south!

This boy, even if he is thrown on the street, he is not afraid that he will be abducted. Maybe the man who abducted him will be sold by this clever little devil in the end!

Back home, Jing Rui is holding Shangguan Ning's thigh.

He also won't let Shangguan Ning make pumpkin pie for him. Pumpkin pie is just what he said casually. His mother made something that could hardly be eaten! In this respect, or the father is more powerful, he does everything very delicious!He pestered shangguanning to give him a bath, told him a little story that he had been able to recite, and then took her arm to sleep.

As soon as jingyichen enters Jingrui's bedroom, she sees his wife holding her son in her arms with the most comfortable posture. Her hands and feet are stiff, as if she are afraid of pressing Jing Rui around her.

Jingrui from birth to now, shangguanning does not sleep with him much, and he lacks some experience. However, his mother's love for his children is fully revealed. Even if he is not comfortable, he should also make his son sleep comfortably.

Jing Yichen looks at two figures on the bed, one big and one small, with a tender heart.

He has the best wife in the world and the most intelligent and lovely son in the world. His life is perfect.

He took a bath, changed into comfortable cotton pajamas, and went into his son's bedroom in slippers.

He gently moved Jing Rui to the inside. This action wakes the sleeping Shangguan Ning.

She opened her eyes and doubted, "what are you doing?"

"I want to sleep with you. The bed over there is too big. I'm not comfortable sleeping in space."

Jing Yichen said, and lay down on the side of Shangguan's body.

In this way, Jingrui sleeps in the innermost part, Shangguan Ning sleeps in the middle, and jingyichen sleeps on the outermost side.

Shangguan smiles and kisses his chin. She knows that jingyichen doesn't like sleeping alone.

Fortunately, she was worried that Jing Rui would fall out of bed because of his dishonest sleep. When he was 10 months old, she changed a big bed for him. Otherwise, the little crib he used to sleep in would not be enough for the three of them! , the fastest update of the webnovel!