Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 785

"If you don't remember me, it just means that I don't have a place in your heart. I'm very angry and the consequences are very serious."

Shangguan Ning stretched out his hand and pinched Zhao an's fleshy face. She was fattened by MuQing. Her chest seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and her face was fleshy. Looking at it, people wanted to pinch it.

Zhao an is not willing to show weakness to pinch Shangguan Ning's face, but Shangguan Ning nimbly dodges, two people are laughing in the bedroom.

Mu Qing stood not far away and listened to Zhao an's words clearly. He raised his eyebrows and said to Jing Yichen, who was holding Jingrui: "how do I feel that An'an's amnesia is a good thing! It used to be easy for her to wear a skirt as it was to let her go to war

"Well, your ability to tell lies will come in handy."

Jingyichen said a light, and then focused on the Shangguan Ning.

Although shangguanning also has a lack of memory, she basically remembers all the key things, but the details are not clear. As long as he describes her in detail, she can think of it slowly later.

She has almost forgotten about other people's affairs, but she still remembers all about him!

He remembers the wedding day when his cousin and his mother went home to commemorate their marriage, and even remember the occasion when they were taken home by his cousin.

This proves that in her inner world, he is her most important person and her most important memory.

She doesn't remember Jing Rui, but she remembers him.

His position in her heart, more than Jing Rui.

"Dad, the corners of your lips are up, the corners of your eyes are slightly picked, and your breath has also changed slightly. According to the knowledge of micro expression psychology you taught me, I'm sure you are a little proud now. Do you think mom remembers you more than I do, so you're complacent? "

Jing Rui finished this paragraph, pause for a moment, gave the father a pertinent evaluation: "compete with the son jealous, naive!"

Jing Rui, who seldom talks, speaks clearly and logically at the moment. Not only does MuQing on one side startle his chin, but also jingyichen's iceberg face has huge cracks!

What's the situation!

His son is going to heaven!

Dare you say he is naive? Where is he naive! He is the most mature man in a city!

Jing Yichen stares at Jingrui seriously, and Jing Rui stares at his father without showing any weakness. He is still worried about being forgotten by his mother! He's the mother's baby. Dad has to stand aside!

Mu Qing stares at the very similar father and son there. Jing Rui is only more than one year old now. It's too weird for him to say that jingyichen is a childish adult!

The genius world of intelligence quotient explosion table, he this vulgar person does not understand at all!

How sad!

The child talks like a grown-up at such a little bit, and he'll do well in the future!

It's just jingyichen who can hold this little bit of intelligence!

If he had such a son, the rhythm of being abused every minute! The son is too clever, the pressure of being a father is great!

However, now it seems that Jing Yichen may not be able to control Jing Rui. Look, when he was more than one year old, he even despised his father's childishness. What psychological knowledge did he take as the basis for the debate, and mercilessly pierced his father's complacency. This is the most talented and vicious little belly black ah!

Mu Qing can't help but feel a little sympathy for Jing Yichen. Jing Rui has completely inherited his abdominal black attribute, so he can have a hard time.

Oh, my father's embryo has made great progress recently. Should he tell him that he can choose an ordinary embryo and find someone to give birth to. If the embryo is too good, how can he live as a father if he accidentally cultivates a demon!

On the way home, jingyichen is driving. Shangguan Ning is sitting in the front passenger's seat with Jing Rui in his arms, talking to him gently.

"Ruiruirui, have you eaten enough at my aunt's place tonight? I don't think you have much to eat. Would you like to make something more for you when you go home later? "

Jingrui doesn't speak, and shangguanning doesn't expect him to speak.

He's been like this all the time. He talks very little. He doesn't speak unless he wants something.

has like father, like son. As like as two peas, be scanty of words, this is exactly the same as Jingyi Chen.

"He ate more at noon, so he ate less in the evening, so he didn't need to eat more when he went back."

Jingyichen's voice is light, can't hear what mood, seems to be in considerable exposition of a fact.

Shangguan Ning felt that what he said was reasonable. He nodded and said, "well, that's good. I won't eat any more when I go home at night. I'll go to bed after drinking some milk."

Quietly lying in her arms, Jing Rui suddenly said, "no, mom, I want to eat your heart-shaped pumpkin pie, soft, sweet and delicious. And pumpkins are easy to digest, so it doesn't matter if you eat more. Mom, can you make it for ruiruirui? "Hearing that her son said so much to her, Shangguan Ning felt flattered!

My God, Jing Rui said more today than he had said before!

What's going on today! What a surprise!

Shangguan Ning hugged his son excitedly and promised him: "do it, ruiruirui wants to eat. Of course, mom will do it for you! You can eat as much as you want! "

Shangguanning didn't pay attention to the fact that his son was one year old and a month old. It was just a Pediatrics for Jing Rui!

The knowledge he knows now is very, very terrible, far beyond the amount of knowledge a one year old child should have.

However, according to Jing Zhongxiu, jingyichen was also like that when he was young. He was a genius. He learned everything very quickly, had excellent memory and understanding ability, and was easy to teach.

Shangguan Ning has already seen his son's intelligence, and is used to his occasional genius.

At the moment, she only cares about the excitement and joy of her son talking to her, and even forgets that Jingrui doesn't like sweets!

However, she forgot that jingyichen did not.

He looked at the cunning son lightly, and said without expression: "don't you like sweet food? You didn't eat any yam, blueberry cake, or sweet corn porridge at noon

Jing Rui holds Shangguan Ning's arm and holds an innocent baby in her arms: "as long as my mother makes things, I love to eat them. Doesn't dad like what mom makes?"? Mom, you don't want to make food for Dad in the future. He also wastes his food. You can only do it for ruiruirui! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!