Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 784

The process of preparing the antidote has been experienced, so muwensheng and MuQing made it much faster than the first time. The antidote was prepared the night after getting the deer's blood.

In the evening, shangguanning and Zhao An'an were detoxified once, and the next morning they were injected with drugs again. The physical conditions of both men changed significantly.

It was shangguanning who woke up first.

Maybe it's because she has a reaction to jingyichen's voice. After using the antidote, jingyichen tries to call her and actually wakes her up.

Shangguan Ning opened his eyes, the things in front of him were some vague, and his mind also had some muddleheaded, a paste feeling.

Jing Yichen was overjoyed and took her hand and called her: "ah Ning! You wake up at last

Shangguan Ning felt headache to crack, memory became a blur, as if it had been erased.

However, jingyichen she still remembers, which are erased are those not deep memories, the deep ones still exist.

Now shangguanning doesn't know that if she sleeps a little longer, even those deep memories will no longer exist.

Yang Mu's high price fireworks specially made of toxins, very overbearing, not only can make people sleep, but also make people slowly lose memory, and eventually even become idiots. If the treatment takes too long, then even if it is saved, it is useless.


When Shangguan Ning opened her mouth, her voice was hoarse. She had not spoken for a long time.

When Jing Yichen heard Shangguan Ning calling his name, he knew that she had not forgotten him. Perhaps her amnesia was not serious.

However, shangguanning did not remember what happened before her coma. When she saw herself lying in Mu's Hospital, she could not help asking, "what's wrong with me?"

Jingyichen took her into her arms and said in a soft voice, "it's OK. It's just that I've slept for a long time."

What about ruiruirui

Jingyichen smiles, very good, did not forget him and his son, this is enough.

"My son is with my father. Now he is very close to his grandfather. When he sees me, he doesn't pay any attention to me. I'm disliked by him."

However, shangguanning remembers jingyichen and Jingrui, but she can't remember many detailed things, such as -

"why can't I remember what Ruirui looks like? Yi Chen, what's going on? I feel like I've forgotten a lot. "

If a mother doesn't remember her child's appearance, who will believe it!

Shangguanning is a little panicked, but she can't remember no matter how hard she tries to think about it!

Then she went to think about jingzhongxiu and found that she couldn't remember it!

Her hand tightly grasps jingyichen's clothes, the heart is very uneasy, that kind of memory becomes fuzzy the feeling is very uncomfortable!

Jingyichen voice soft comfort her: "it's OK, I let dad send him over, you see him, you remember."

After a long time, shangguanning still couldn't accept the fact: "I Lost memory? "

"A little, but I don't think it's serious. At least, you remember me."

Jingyichen is very indifferent. As long as shangguanning remembers him, the rest is not a problem.

In the afternoon, Zhao An'an also woke up.

Her memory loss is similar to that of Shangguan Ning. She can't remember the details of her life, but she will remember the important people and things around her.

But, what makes Mu Qing feel painful is that Zhao an can't remember marrying him!

She remembered his proposal, but she did not remember that they were married!

Her memory of not marrying MuQing is too deep, but her memory of marriage is relatively weak.

However, it is difficult for Zhao An'an to deny that there are all witnesses, marriage certificates and registration with the Civil Affairs Bureau.

She had an unrealistic feeling of sleeping and then waking up and turning upside down.

The three women wake up, although they all have different degrees of amnesia, and even cause some inconvenience in life - to see acquaintances do not know, but this is the best result.

Time flies, and soon it is may, when Zhao An'an and Mu Qing hold their wedding ceremony.

Until the day before the wedding, Zhao An'an still held Shangguan Ning's hand and kept asking, "ah Ning, am I really married to Mu Qing? You guys didn't work together to cheat me, did you? After all, I lost my memory. It seems easy to cheat me at this time! "

Shangguan Ning resolutely said: "absolutely not, this is true! You always like MuQing. What's so strange about marrying him? Isn't it nice to marry him? You and he even got the marriage certificate. Tomorrow is your wedding. But the wooden family invited all the relatives and friends. If you go back on your word, Mu Qing's face will be very big, and the old man will be angry. "

She doesn't remember the design of Zhao An'an before!

She only had a very vague impression of Zhao An'an's marriage. She was confused about how they got married. But in front of Zhao An'an, she certainly would not show her doubts about their marriage.Among Zhao An'an and Zheng Lun, Zheng Lun is the only one who remembers what happened to Zhao An'an's marriage to Mu Qing. She has few memories left. Zhao An'an has a strong impact on her simple and kind heart, so she has a very clear memory.

Zhao An'an listened to Guan Ning's affirmation, but most of his doubts disappeared. He was happy to play with the clothes he was going to wear tomorrow.

As she stroked her skirt, she muttered suspiciously, "how can I remember I didn't wear skirts before? Mu Qingfei said that I used to love to wear skirts. I cried and cried to buy those skirts at home, but I have no impression at all

Shangguan Ning doesn't remember whether she used to wear skirts or trousers, but she certainly encouraged Zhao An'an to wear skirts. After all, Zhao An'an is a girl. Wearing skirts is more beautiful and feminine than wearing pants.

"Don't you all lose your memory? How can you remember the past? I remember you like to wear skirts very much, saying that wearing skirts is more beautiful

"Is it?"

Zhao an is suspicious. After a while, her brain finally reacts that something is wrong.

"Don't you also lose your memory? I don't remember my own things. Do you remember my little things? I can't remember what you like to eat, what kind of clothes you like! Why do you remember me? Ah Ning, you're too bad to join hands with them to cheat me

"You think too much about nothing! You and I are the closest girlfriends. How can I cheat you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!