Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 783

The fawn is crammed into the car by Jingyi and then flies to a certain direction.

When he got to the place, Xiaolu got out of the car to have a look. It turned out to be the Civil Affairs Bureau!

"Are you going to marry me?"

"Otherwise? Who will I marry if I don't marry you? Xiao Luo Zi? Same sex marriage is not allowed in China

Jing Yiran is not in a good shape. He takes his own account book, ID card and Xiaolu's account book ID card, and takes her hand into the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Xiaolu's Hukou book was set up for her by the prospect Zhongxiu. The name on it is Chi Lu - this is the real name of Xiaolu.

She used to like her name very much, but she never used her real name since she learned that she was an experiment of her parents.

In addition, she is a killer, most of the time can not reveal her real identity, her ID card has a lot of different names, all of which are from different countries, and they are all real. These are done by killer organizations to facilitate her to do tasks.

Jing Yiran also thinks that "Xiaolu" sounds more lovely and smooth. It doesn't matter what her original surname is. Anyway, it's Xiaolu who marries him.

The marriage process is relatively simple. There is something wrong with taking pictures.

Fawn has not been photographed since he was a killer. Because taking photos will expose her identity, there will be great risks, so she never takes photos.

The photos of angel circulated on the Internet are also intercepted from the surveillance video. Most of them are vague. Even if there are clear ones, it is her masked face, which is beautiful and beautiful, which is totally different from the cold and light one in reality.

So when the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau asked fawn to sit beside jingyiran to take photos, her first reaction was to refuse.

"I don't take pictures!"

The people of the Civil Affairs Bureau are well-informed. Some young couples will be happy when they register for marriage, some will cry, and some will have to die. They will struggle from the morning until they close their doors at night! They have seen so many wonderful flowers!

They didn't even lift their eyelids, so they said, "this pair doesn't end, the next pair!"

Jing Yiran immediately glared at the staff: "who said we didn't end it? Let's tie! Just shoot it

He said, pulling the fawn to his side, pressing her shoulder to let her sit down, and then sitting next to her, put on a smile.

The woman in charge of the photo taking is an old woman who has been divorced. She is not very friendly to all the young men and women who come to get married, especially when jingyiran is so handsome, but fawn looks reluctant. She is so jealous that she wants them not to get married!

She lingered, and it took a while to get the picture ready.

Jing Yiran came to get the certificate with Xiaolu today. She was in a good mood, but now all of them are destroyed by this old woman!

He was so angry that he called Jing Yichen as soon as he got out of the Civil Affairs Bureau. His tone was straight and forceful: "brother, the one who took the photo in the Civil Affairs Bureau is an extinct nun. You should change her quickly. I don't like her!"

Jing Yichen was so calm and calm that he was stunned. He didn't understand what he was coming from.

When did they get on so well? What's the tone of Jing Yiran's attitude of looking for him to handle affairs?

What's more, he didn't open the Civil Affairs Bureau. He said he would change people if they changed people!

"What are you doing?"

Jingyichen's voice is cold, can't hear the joy and anger, but can hear that he seems to be a severe elder brother who teaches his brother a lesson.

"I didn't make a fool of myself. I got the certificate from deer. Oh, yes, yes, she is your sister-in-law now."

"However, that photographer's attitude towards your younger brother and sister is very bad. I'm very happy to go there, but my lungs are almost exploded. You are my brother. Your sister-in-law contributed 100 ml blood to your woman a few hours ago. You won't let your brother and your sister-in-law be bullied?"

Jingyichen is going to be driven crazy by jingyiran!

What brother and sister! How thick skinned he is! In the morning, I went to him to draw the deer's blood. He would not let him smoke. In the afternoon, he immediately asked him to be his brother!

Just after a noon, how can there be a sense of disobedience when people change their souls!

Jing Yichen's face is black into the bottom of the pot, but Jing Yiran is still chattering on the other end of the phone.

“…… That old woman is not responsible at all! Is it easy for us to get married? Isn't the deer not used to taking pictures? The people of the Civil Affairs Bureau should encourage this shy little bride more! "

"We're going to get married, not to divorce. Our faces are longer than donkeys, so we're upset! Photography is still so poor, I look so good-looking, she was taken out of Leng is extremely ugly! I can't even take pictures. How can I find people from the Civil Affairs Bureau... "

"All right, I see!"

Jing Yichen quickly hung up the phone, the forehead has exuded sweat.

If he doesn't hang up the phone, jingyiran will keep talking!He never knew that Jing Yiran could say so much and stick to people!

However, has there been a change of people taking photos of the Civil Affairs Bureau? He remembers that when he went with Guan Ning to get the license, he took a picture of a mature and stable middle-aged man. When did he change to an old woman?

The next day, people who went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate found that the one who took the photo was replaced by a simple and honest uncle. The uncle was smiling and very patient. Those who failed to get the certificate yesterday have become one after another today!

After hearing the news, Jing Yiran happily hugged his new wife and gave him a kiss: "look, it's so good to have a Almighty brother! You said that I used to be so stupid and do everything by myself. In the future, I don't have to do anything. If I have something to do with my brother, I can do it! "

Deer calm way: "kill him, you can find me. I'm now the world's number one killer, good resources, you don't waste

Jingyi ran touches her chin and suddenly goes to take off the deer's clothes.

"You're right. Good resources. I can't waste them. You are not the same as other women, physical stamina are so good, I want to make good use of it! The three times last night were not very successful. Your reaction is not strong enough. I will try more times today! "

Not fierce enough?!

Fawn felt that her reaction last night was completely beyond the scope of her own cognition!

Last night it was like she wasn't the one at all.

Comfortable, she wanted to be so indulgent all the time.

What would it be like to be more intense today!

And it's a lot of three times, OK? She's not so tired after a fight!

If you come here a few more times today, she can't bear it with her strength! , the fastest update of the webnovel!