Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 772

Hear Jing Yiran said to kill himself, Yang Muyan suddenly silent smile.

Her voice was so hoarse that it was hard to make a sound when she was laughing.

But her silent smile was even more grim.

Jing Yiran was laughed by her, and her whole body was hairy. She frowned and said, "what are you laughing at? I'll kill you now, as easy as trampling on an ant!"

"If you kill me, jingyichen will kill you immediately! Ha ha ha, you are just a poor bug controlled by jingyichen! Your fawn is still angel's, and I don't know whether it's dead or alive! "

"Do you feel sorry for me?"

Jing Yiran sits on a leather chair specially moved by people, cocking her legs and knocking melon seeds, she asks leisurely.

Melon seed son to eat more on a little thirsty, Jing Yichen to his assistant is very eye-catching, gave him a cup of tea.

Jingyi took a sip and moistened her throat. Then she said in a relaxed way:

"you didn't see me when I was poor! Now this treatment can be regarded as very good, he is the boss, I am the second! Jing family is all his. Before, I always wanted to rob, but now it is not rare. My woman ranks second in the world. His woman can't compare with him in any way. In this respect, I won! Oh, of course, soon my woman will be the number one in the world! The God of death will soon be taken away by the God of death. You don't have to look forward to it! "

It has been a day and a night, deer and death have not come out of the villa of the Ji family.

This time, in order to kill Yang Muyan, Xiaolu carries the most advanced equipment provided by Jing Yichen, including the fastest gun, the best bullet and the best bullet proof vest.

She carried enough bullets to kill hundreds of thousands of people. In addition to spending two bullets on Yang Muyan's knee, the rest had not been used.

Whether it's a bullet fight or a pure power fight, jingyiran believes that the deer with such sufficient preparation will not be as dangerous as the one that killed Tang shunian.

"The real poor man is you, Yang Muyan. I said you are not a human being, and I didn't mean to scold you at all. I really think you can't be regarded as a person any more! What is the basic difference between man and animal? "

Jingyi ran ate melon seeds and began to give Yang Muyan the great truth of life.

In the past, when he cooperated with Yang Muyan, Yang Muyan always had a high toe and high spirited appearance. He always held up his chin and took him as her commanding officer!

The second young master of his magnificent view family, when did he have this kind of bird spirit from childhood to adulthood!

Although he was later expelled from the Jing family, he experienced the hardships of the world, but he was still proud.

Jingyichen scolds him and beats him. Anyway, jingyichen is his brother, and jingyichen does crush him completely in all aspects. He is convinced that he loses.

Yang Muyan this kind of person, Jing Yiran before won't put in the eye at all, but Leng was humiliated by her.

Now the opportunity for revenge is placed in front of him. If jingyiran does not torture Yang Muyan well, he will not be called jingyiran!

"The most basic difference between human beings and animals is that people are living and animals are living. People are trying to live better, animals have no brain, are trying to squeeze under the knife edge. The animals are all living in a muddle and have no self. Like those animals, you have lost yourself

Yang Muyan listens to Jing Yiran's "brute" and looks at the dark basement and dirty ground. His inner suffering can't be described by words.

Her knees were swollen so high that there was blood seeping out.

The bullet is still in her kneecap, and jingyichen can't take it out for her. He just wants to keep the bullet on purpose, torment her and defeat her will.

Metal bullets, embedded in bones, can easily cause inflammation.

Jingyichen asked people to make a simple bandage for her, so as not to let her die because of excessive blood loss, but also deliberately did not deal with the inflammatory symptoms of her knee.

Other parts of Yang Muyan's body also suffered different degrees of damage. At the moment, she was in pain all over her body, especially in her chest and knee. The pain made her even difficult to breathe.

Physical and mental double torture, again and again impact her willpower.

The only thing that can support her to survive is that she has turned shangguanning into a half vegetable!

Think of this matter, she will feel very happy!

Moreover, she has already arranged enough people to kill Jing Zhongxiu a few days ago!

Just in time, she got the news that Jing Rui was also in jingzhongxiu. Neither of the two grandparents wanted to live!

She is in the dark basement, and she has no idea how long it has passed now, because for Yang Muyan, every second here is extremely difficult. She thinks that at least three or four days have passed, but in fact, it is only one day and one night.

After three days, Yang Muyan thought that jingzhongxiu and Jingrui should be dead now!She felt that she had to live. She wanted to see jingyichen's pain. She wanted to make jingyichen lose her father, wife and son!

She wanton, tenacious survival, jingyichen give her all the food, she ate all, is to be able to live!

They two brothers take turns to torture her, Yang Muyan is not afraid.

She is very clear in her mind that it is too difficult to deal with jingyichen, but maybe she will have a chance to survive!

"Jingyiran, you are just jingyichen's running dog now. Do things for him and help him speak. What's the difference between you and a beast! You are all surnamed Jing. He is the emperor who covers the sky, and you can only be ridiculed

In the past, Yang Muyan was adept at instigating dissension.

Jing Yiran's personality is easy to be impulsive, many things will not go deep into, he often can only see the surface, the method of provocation is very useful to him.

This time, she thought, it would still work.

Unfortunately, jingyiran is no longer the former jingyiran.

His trust in jingyichen increased rapidly when he didn't know it.

And Yang Muyan, this is his mother killing enemy! If he believes in Yang Muyan, he is really an idiot!

He also has a little bit of his own cleverness, will not easily expose his cards, he said, there are always true and false, Yang Muyan has been cheated by him.

"Oh, Miss Yang, you still have the strength to swear! My affair with jingyichen is a domestic affair. You yell nonsense! Xiao Luo Zi, go and cook a pot of boiling water for me. There is a dead pig here. She is not afraid of boiling water! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!