Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 771

"Bang bang" two gunshots, harsh sound reverberated in the villa.

Then there is Yang Muyan's heartrending and wailing.

She flopped to the ground and couldn't get up anyway - her knees were broken by fawn's gun!

This kind of place is not fatal, but it will bring her severe pain. In the future, even if she goes to surgery for repair, her legs will be basically useless!

"Jingyichen, I'm not so good, and your woman can't be better! All three of them have to die! My poison is specially customized from the United States, without antidote, they will never wake up! The old man of the wooden family can't save them! "

Jing Yichen walked to Yang Muyan's side, looked at her from a commanding position, coldly said: "it doesn't matter, how long they sleep, you will be tortured for how long, the old man may not wake them up, but it is still possible to keep your life and not let you die."

As soon as his voice fell, ah Hu and Zheng Jing dragged Yang Muyan away.

"The God of death" just stood there, watching the fawn on guard. He did not look at Yang Muyan at all, nor did he open his mouth to stop him.

He likes to kill people, which can bring him more crazy than sex fast!

He has killed countless people in his life, but he has never killed a strong opponent like fawn!

Even if the fawn just stands there, he can also feel the strong and strong sense of danger emanating from her petite body.

He has got enough money from Yang Muyan and killed more than a dozen people for her. Their employment relationship has been terminated.

Fawn is also on guard. "Death" has brought her a lot of pressure. This is the most powerful opponent she has met for so many years, which has inspired her strong sense of war!

"You go out, this is my battlefield with him. Today, only one of us can walk out of here alive."

The deer said, took a look at Jing Yi Ran, who was anxious and couldn't do it. He said faintly: "I think that person who goes out must be me."

Jing Yichen is the first to go out. He believes in the strength of fawn and her judgment of her own strength.

Jing Yiran was worried about it. He was about to open his mouth. The God of death looked at him coldly.

Even if he specially took the beautiful pupil, his eyes still had bloodthirsty killing intention.

Jing Yichen's voice came from afar: "ah Hu, take him away."

A Hu should sound "yes", stride back, carry Jingyi ran to go out.

Jing Yi Ran was angry, and her face turned red. He just wanted to tell the deer to be more careful. He didn't want to stay here at all!

He knows his own level. Staying here is just to make trouble for the deer. The grim "Death God" can kill people with almost one look. He is not enough for others to crack their teeth!

"Let me down and I'll go by myself!"

Jingyiran clenched his teeth, but ah Hu seemed to have not heard it. He still carried him out. He only listened to jingyichen's orders, which he always chose to ignore.


In the dark basement, Yang Muyan was lying on the ground.

This is the basement built in the year of Tang Dynasty. Although it is not as advanced as those he built in B city, it is more than enough to trap Yang Muyan.

The basement is more than 50 meters deep. If she wants to escape, she needs to go through at least 12 levels, and go up one layer at a time. Finally, she can go out through fingerprint verification.

Of course, the fingerprint verification system will certainly not recognize Yang Muyan. The possibility of her going out is basically zero. Even if her people come to rescue her, it is very difficult.

Jing Yichen and Jing Yiran brothers interrogate Yang Muyan in turn.

This is the first time that the two of them have cooperated so well in so many years, which drives Yang Muyan crazy!

Jingyichen doesn't like to talk, so he is only responsible for exerting pressure and torture on Yang Muyan. When she can't hold on to her, he changes to jingyiran's nagging and starts asking questions without stopping.

"Take out the antidote quickly. If you don't take it, your beautiful face will be destroyed! Tut Tut, look in the mirror. You are so ugly now! The whole body is so frightening, the face is too thin, the cheekbones are so high, the chin is so sharp, like a snake spirit! "

Yang Muyan is dying. She looks at jingyiran with a venomous look, but she is closed and refuses to say a word.

"In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't take the antidote. It's a big deal. My sister-in-law will sleep a few more days. Do you think that the old man who died of the poison wood really can't come up with an antidote? Oh, Miss Yang, you are a frog at the bottom of a well! That old man is called "miracle doctor". Do you think that's all for nothing

"Oh, I see! Are you waiting for your people to come and save you? Hahaha, ouch, do you think jingyichen is a vegetarian? You implanted in their own body GPS positioning system, he has known for a long time, but also told people not to take it out, or your people do not know where to find you! If they do not come, I will not be too idle with my brother. However, I didn't expect that so many people came to die, which made me kill a lot. I want to kill people when I see people now! ""If you have the ability, you will kill me!"

Yang Muyan's voice is hoarse and her lips are bleeding.

She knew that her internal organs were broken by jingyichen's people ten minutes ago. Now, as long as she coughed a little, she would cough and bleed.

"I'm sorry, I only kill people. You're not as good as pigs and dogs like you. Let jingyichen kill them. He doesn't care if you are a human being or a ghost. If he annoys him, he has to go to hell!"

"If you don't kill me, I'll get out sooner or later!"

Yang Muyan said in a very low voice.

Jing Yiran heard what she said. He touched his chin and thought for a long time: "Oh, you want to die so much! Then I may tell my brother to see you on the road first. "

He really felt that Yang Muyan should be killed first.

Mu Wensheng has said that he can solve the poison, but it will take a long time, and it may damage the health of shangguanning three people.

However, this is not a matter for jingyiran!

It's important to get rid of Yang Muyan first!

Jing Yichen and Mu Qing, Zheng Jing all want to let Yang Muyan live, get the antidote from her, let shangguanning three quickly wake up from hibernation.

However, Yang Muyan is so smart, how can she easily give them the antidote, give the antidote, and her last dependence is gone, waiting for her, only death! , the fastest update of the webnovel!