Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 773

Luo Hao, who was called "Xiao Luo Zi" by Jing Yiran, went to burn hot water with a black face.

He has been following jingyichen for ten years, almost when he didn't understand anything, he began to wander around with him.

Therefore, the gratitude and resentment between the two brothers of the Jing family can not be clearer. In the past, the two brothers fought with each other, but now jingyichen has assigned him to jingyiran. Although Luo Hao is a little uncomfortable in his heart, he still does things for jingyiran according to jingyichen's instructions.

Luo Hao quickly brought the boiling water.

The water was obviously just boiled, bubbling with heat. If it was poured on the body, it would be scalded immediately!

Yang Muyan shivers all over his body. Jingyiran is more cruel than jingyichen!

These boiling hot water can scare people out of their wits just by looking at them. He wants to frighten her to death!

Although Yang Muyan is conceited, she is not one of those arrogant people. In this situation, if she does not beg for mercy, she will suffer only from herself.

"Jingyiran, don't mess around, we We can talk! I can help you! "

Jing Yiran carried the kettle to Yang Muyan and squatted down. The evil spirit laughed and said, "help me? Well, you can let my mother live first

"As I said, your mother's death has nothing to do with me. It's jingyichen who did it!"

Jing Yiran completely ignored her excuse and said to herself, "when she was in a car accident, she died so miserably. I finally have a chance to avenge her today. You say, where should I start ironing first? I don't like your face. How can such a beautiful face grow on a person like you? "

"No! Jingyiran, listen to me first, I Ah

Her words have not finished, the water in jingyiran's hand has poured on her face.

Deep in the pain let Yang Muyan scream, directly passed out.

Jingyi shook her head: "it's really not hot. I can't stand pouring so much water. Xiao Luo Zi, bring cold water to wake up this abnormal girl. I haven't had enough fun yet

Luo Hao's cheek twitched slightly.

Who is the pervert in the end!

Jing Yiran's present appearance, I'm afraid no one will say that he is normal!

However, Luo Hao thinks that it's reasonable for Jing Yiran to make such a fuss. Yang Muyan is also justified. She deliberately puts Zhang Rong's death on Jing Yichen, which makes jingyiran and jingyichen quarrel for a long time. OK, the relationship between their brothers has fallen to the freezing point.

Two pots of cold water with ice dregs splashed on Yang Muyan, and she was immediately awakened by the cold.

As soon as she woke up, she saw Jing Yiran standing by her side with a steaming kettle, and her fear was overwhelming! She wished she could just pass out again!

"Jingyiran, don't torture me any more. I'll tell you the recipe of the antidote! You take the antidote to save shangguanning three, but only if you want to let me go

It's hard for Yang Kaifu to take out her own bitter skin!

She didn't know what her face was like now, but it must have been twisted to frightening and disgusting!

She is so concerned about her appearance, spent a high cost to become a beauty, her face is so perfect, men can't move their eyes!

But now, it is so easy to be destroyed by Jingyi!

The hatred in her heart was overwhelming!

She wants to kill Jing Yiran in the most cruel way!

But the premise is, she wants to live, she wants to escape!

The antidote was her only bargaining chip.

However, jingyiran always doesn't play cards according to common sense. He holds the kettle and pours it down to Yang Muyan's right foot.

"Oh, don't you see that jingyichen and I are not together at all? I work for him, is forced by him, if I could resist, I would have resisted! What does shangguanning have to do with me

His right foot was severely scalded, and Yang Muyan's face was as pale as paper because of severe pain.

She didn't think of it at all. She put forward the antidote. Jing Yiran still refused to let her go!

For a while, he and jingyichen are brothers. They call him so close. At the same time, they are not together. They want to kill Jing Yichen. They are so capricious that Yang Muyan can't tell whether the relationship between him and jingyichen is good or not!

Yang Muyan all over the body in pain, the pain of her consciousness has begun to blur.

If it wasn't for her willpower, it would have been possible for her to have been tossed to death.

Her instinct to survive was stronger than ever!

"You don't want an antidote?"

Her voice was very low, so low that jingyiran needed to be close to her to hear it.

Jing Yiran knows that she has no strength to speak.

He didn't want the antidote, but he didn't believe that Yang Muyan would take out the antidote.Yang Muyan is cunning and treacherous. Even if the antidote is given, it must be fake. Shangguanning, the three people who use the antidote, may not have any symptoms!

Jingyichen but with the most ruthless way to Yang Muyan to beat a meal, her internal organs are broken, she also did not propose to give antidote.

How to change to be him, Yang Muyan is about to give him antidote?

What a fool she is!

She gave him a fake antidote formula. If he gave this antidote to jingyichen, shangguanning would never wake up again. Jingyichen would definitely put this account on his head in the future!

"Don't waste your energy. I think you're very unpleasant now, so I decided to send you on the road!"

Yang Muyan looks at him in disbelief. Jingyi Chen Mingming said that he wanted to let her live and suffer from torture. He also specially left a doctor here to deal with some wounds for her at any time, so as to prevent her from bleeding too much and die.

Jing Yiran, however, has no intention of killing her at all!

She is most afraid of Jingyi Chen did not want her life, but she did not look up to Jingyi ran to let her die!

Jing Yiran looks at Yang Muyan's panic, and the resentment in her heart finally dissipates a lot.

This woman deserves to die!

Jing Yichen certainly won't let Yang Muyan go, and he would like to kill her, but he wants to let Yang Muyan live a few more days for shangguanning.

Jing Yiran doesn't think so. He doesn't worry about shangguanning's condition. Anyway, it's not his woman. Sleeping more days is not a big deal at all.

He just wanted to kill Yang Muyan immediately, so as not to dream too much at night.

Of course, this thing can't be too obvious, so as to avoid jingyichen fighting with him.

However, Yang Muyan, a woman, can't stand torture, and it's normal to die directly in the past!

As a result, jingyiran pot after pot of boiling water poured down, Yang Muyan has completely no human form.

Hot into such a look, not to mention wood asked raw, is the immortal came also can not save Yang Muyan! , the fastest update of the webnovel!