Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 754

"But, Ron, is she really OK? How did she commit suicide? Do you want to kill yourself by cutting your wrist? Did you bleed a lot? I see her pale and frightening! Why did you give her an oxygen mask? Is her condition very serious? "

After Zhao an was impatient, his sticky brain began to work normally and asked some decent questions.

Mu Qing laughs bitterly in the heart, where does he know Zheng Lun how to "commit suicide"! He didn't even know that Zheng Lun had committed suicide! Where is Zheng Lun's oxygen mask that he wore for her!

In this play, Guan Ning didn't tell him at all!

But his IQ and EQ are much higher than Zhao An'an, so it is not a problem to fool her.

"She's OK. Don't worry. Just keep it for a few days. Do you still need to doubt my medical skills? You don't believe me? "

Two rhetorical questions immediately distracted Zhao An'an's attention. Mu Qing neither admitted Zheng Lun's suicide nor answered how she committed suicide, cleverly avoiding the core.

Zhao anqing believes in nature.

What she fears most is not to be trusted, so she naturally doesn't want Mu Qing to feel distrusted.

"No, no, no, I believe you! With you there, Ron will be OK! "

"Well, that's good! I'll call her later, and you'll confirm for yourself if she's OK

Mu Qing said, holding Zhao An'an on the second floor.

He let Zhao an an into the bedroom, and then went to another room, immediately called shangguanning.

Shangguan Ning received a call from MuQing, not surprisingly, but her attitude was not enthusiastic at all.

"Dr. wood, what can I do for you?"

MuQing knows that shangguanning is not enthusiastic, but he has no way. Shangguanning always blames him for being too indecisive and unwilling to force Zhao An'an. He almost ruined his good plan.

"Sister in law, what is the matter? You have to tell me everything, otherwise I can't handle it! Don't be angry, sister-in-law. I was wrong before. Now I can get the certificate from An'an. It's all your credit! I'll thank you face to face when I come back! "

Shangguan Ning immediately laughed, and then returned to his former gentleness, and said with a smile, "OK, don't thank me. When An'an knows the facts, don't kill me! I sincerely wish you and An'an can be happy, will always be together, accompany each other through life! After that, Ann will be your wife. You should treat her well! "

Mu Qing got the certificate after that kind of dream feeling, until now just slowly dissipated.

Shangguan Ning's words seem so solemn and solemn. Obviously, his marriage with Zhao An'an is a fact, which is not his wishful thinking dream!

Zhao An'an is really his MuQing's wife from today on!

His wife

Mu Qing's heart throbbed. He said in a firm voice, "sister-in-law, I'll be safe with an. No matter what happens to her in the future, she is my wife. I always protect her and take care of her."

Shangguan Ning smiles: "well, I know that you will. ANN has not chosen the wrong person!"

She told Mu Qing about Zhao An'an's plays. Mu Qing was stunned.

Zheng Jing has been forcing Zhao An'an to marry him?

And all the people in front of Zhao An'an is to believe that she and Zheng Jing are in love!

Zheng Lun didn't commit suicide at all. He pretended to be sick because he was too sad and fasted. It was Zhao an who misunderstood him!

Well, even if Zheng Lun did not commit suicide, this move is really cruel!

How could Zhao An'an bear this!

If Zheng Lun really doesn't want to live because of her and Zheng Jing, Zhao An'an will be crazy!

She is a very righteous person. She can do everything for her friends. She will never betray her friends. As long as Zhao an thinks about robbing her best friend, I'm afraid she can't stand it.

No wonder she had to take their marriage certificates to the hospital to find Zheng Lun!

Now all people don't believe her. They say that she fell in love with Zheng Jing. If she wants to marry Zheng Jing, she has no choice but to convince them in the most convincing way.

Marry him, this is really the only way Zhao an can go!

Hang up with Guan Ning's phone, Mu Qing has dialed Zheng Jing's phone.

He solemnly thanks Zheng Jing. With Zhao an's fiery temper, he performed the play. I'm afraid Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun also suffered a lot.

After the two people passed the gas, Mu Qing walked into Zhao An'an's room and handed her the phone: "I have told Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun that we are married. Zheng Jing will never pester you again. Zheng Lun also believes in you. Talk to ronlon

Zhao an answered the phone and asked carefully, "Lun Lun, are you not angry with me? You see, the person I like is really Mu Qing. I don't mean to marry Zheng Jing at all! Don't do stupid things again, will you? "Zheng Lun already knew that Zhao an and Mu Qing got their certificates quickly. In order to get the certificates quickly, Shangguan Ning asked Jing Yichen for help. He had already said hello to the Civil Affairs Bureau. The rest of them did not apply for marriage. Instead, he mobilized all the people to help Zhao an and Mu Qing get marriage certificates as soon as possible, so as not to change his mind again.

She is very happy for Zhao An'an!

She is finally with Mu Qing! Excellent!

Zheng Lun slightly choked: "An'an, you must be happy in the future! Marriage is not a joke. You can't go back on it like engagement. You live a good life with Dr. mu. Don't leave him. He loves you most

Zhao an misunderstood Zheng Lun's words. She thought that Zheng Lun still refused to believe her, so she said such words.

She quickly promised: "Lun Lun, you can rest assured, I will not go back on my regret, I will always be with Mu Qing! Zheng Jing is yours. He has nothing to do with me. Don't think much about it! "

Zheng Lun some embarrassed smile, said: "well, I believe you, Ann."

There is a deeper meaning in her sentence, but Zhao An'an can't hear it at all.

She only heard Zheng Lun say that she believed in herself, and a big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground!

Zhao an gave a long sigh of relief: "that's good, that's good! You believe me and Zheng Jing have nothing! You scared me to death. I'm so scared because I hurt you

Zheng Lun bit his lip and whispered, "in fact, I'm afraid that you will ignore me. An'an, you can't ignore me any more."

Zhao an was puzzled by what she heard. It was all because she was afraid that Zheng Lun ignored her. How could Zheng Lun say the opposite? , the fastest update of the webnovel!