Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 753

Mu Qing quietly sent a message to Shangguan Ning: we have got the certificate, thank you!

Zhao an was still protecting her marriage certificate in the car. After a long journey, she realized that Mu Qing had already prepared her household register and ID card!

This is not right, this is not right!

It's normal to carry ID card with you. How can anyone carry household register with you?!

She immediately turned to look at Mu Qing and asked, "why do you take the account book with you?"

Mu Qing lied without blinking: "my account book was stolen by Yang Muyan once before. I took it to get her certificate to register with her, so from that day on, I took it with me."

This seems to be a very reasonable reason. Zhao An'an couldn't find any refutation at all.

Most of her doubts went to her heart, but as soon as she saw the road MuQing had taken, she was not happy at once: "where are you going? Let's get back to the hospital! I have to tell Zheng Lun that we have got the certificate! Then tell the bastard Zheng Jing that I've already married you, and let him stop thinking about me

Mu Qing chuckles in his heart: fool, you don't need to go back to say, they already know!

If you are cheated, you have to go back to demonstrate with your marriage certificate. It's really silly.

Mu Qing roughly knows that Shangguan Ning is using what method to force Zhao An'an to take the initiative to find him to get the certificate.

He looked at Zhao An'an and asked hesitantly, "Zheng Jing said he wanted to marry you?"

Zhao An'an has heard this countless times. She will collapse every time she hears it. Now when she hears that even MuQing asks, her eyes are red!

"I'm married to you now, and I'll get the certificate from you! Say these all useless, I tell you, I like the person is you, not Zheng Jing! That bastard is using me! I will not marry him if I die. I will only marry you in my life! No one else believes me. You must believe me! "

She said very angry, but Mu Qing was full of doubts.

What's the situation? Zhao an's reaction is a little extreme?

It's so easy to tell him!

They've been stressing that they've got the certificate! How strange!

Shangguanning, what kind of force Zhao An'an into! It's weird how it feels like she's totally in another world.

Zhao An'an saw Mu Qing staring at herself and didn't comfort her as before. Moreover, when they got the certificate, he didn't show any joy at all. Even the marriage certificate was burned. She suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Mu Qing, do you believe those recordings of Zheng Jing? Do you doubt my feelings for you? You didn't burn your marriage certificate so you couldn't divorce me, did you? Do you hate that marriage certificate? "


What recording?

MuQing is suffocating!

He doesn't know anything!

Shangguanning didn't let him take part in the following things in order to be afraid of his bad things. He didn't know what happened to Zhao An'an. He only knew that shangguanning asked Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun to act and forced Zhao An'an to get a certificate from him.

Mu Qing is not clear about the details.

But now, he really wants to know! Otherwise, what Zhao An'an said, he can't take it!

However, Zhao an's state is obviously very abnormal, which makes people feel that she is like a strong stimulus, too excited, almost out of control.

Mu Qing temporarily suppressed the doubts in her heart, stretched out a hand to hold Zhao an's hand, and said softly, "An'an, anyone may doubt your feelings for me, only I will not."

His words made Zhao an's anxious heart feel better at last.

The feeling of not being trusted by everyone and being misunderstood by everyone is really hard!

She has the illusion that "all the people are drunk, but I wake up alone"!

She was the only one who told the truth and knew the truth, but no one believed her. Everyone believed in Zheng Jing's words, even Zheng Jing himself also believed in that illusion!

This feeling is terrible!

Zhao An'an is afraid that even Mu Qing doesn't believe her. Even he thinks that she is in love with Zheng Jing!

This is not a misunderstanding, this is a disaster!

Fortunately, MuQing did not doubt her, he still trusted her!

Zhao an's tears fell down in an instant.

Or Mu Qing is the best for her, he will never unconditionally trust her!

Mu Qing stops the car and gently holds Zhao An'an into his arms. While wiping her tears, she whispers: "also, An'an, I'm not unhappy about getting the certificate. I'm afraid that you're lying to me again. I'm afraid that you'll tell me again when you get up tomorrow. I'm afraid that after my dream is broken, my heart will also be broken. I am very uneasy now. I always feel like I am dreaming

Zhao an hugged his waist and cried: "MuQing, you believe me, it's not a dream, it's true! This is not for fun. We are really married! I'm so sad about your reaction. I always think you don't like me. Otherwise, how could you not even smile when we get married! Didn't you marry me all the time? Now I married you, but you are not happy, I am so flusteredMu Qing looked down at Zhao an Ansai's marriage certificate on her chest, and gently laughed: "yes, I've always wanted to marry you. I've been thinking about it for 11 years. Today has come true. I can't accept it. I always feel that God is joking with me again, but I'm still very happy. Anyway, I won't let go

Two people drive a car to Mu Qing's hot spring villa. In front of the villa door, MuQing holds Zhao an down from the car, and then carries her into the villa.

The water in the hot spring is still steaming with dense mist and craggy rocks, just like a fairyland on earth.

Zhao An'an is not interested in hot spring this time. She is still worried about Zheng Lun.

"No, I think I should tell Lun Lun that I am married to you, and I will not marry Zheng Jing. Otherwise, how can she commit suicide later?"

Mu Qing's feet were staggering and almost threw Zhao An'an in his arms out!

Zheng Lun committed suicide?!

It's big enough to play!

No wonder Zhao an went crazy and took him to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register for marriage!

It took him a lot of effort to hold back the surprised expression on his face and said as if nothing happened: "it's OK. She won't commit suicide. I'll tell her about our marriage in person later, which is more convincing than telling her by yourself! "

Zhao an thought for a while and thought that Mu Qing's words were very reasonable. Zheng Lun refused to believe her words.

"Well, you'll call her later! She doesn't believe me, she should believe you , the fastest update of the webnovel!