Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 755

Zheng Lun did not explain, she just said a few words of "happy new marriage", and then hung up the phone.

She and Zheng Jing's play is over, and now she can go home.

Zhao an can marry Mu Qing, even if she is not busy in vain.

Zhao an heard that Zheng Lun didn't talk to her much, and thought Zheng Lun was still angry with her. As a matter of fact, Zheng Lun was too guilty, for fear that too much would arouse her suspicion.

Zhao an is sitting on the bed, holding a mobile phone, a little dazed.

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't say what was wrong.

Mu Qing took the mobile phone from her hand, then sat down beside her and whispered, "An'an, don't worry. Lun Lun must know that she misunderstood you."

Zhao an looked back and looked at Mu Qing's handsome face. He suddenly lowered his head and took out his marriage certificate from the clothes on his chest. Then he opened it and looked at the words and photos on it. He said, "are we getting married too soon?"

Mu Qing nodded: "yes. Did you go back on your word? "

That's what he worries about most.

Zhao an shook his head: "not yet."

The two of them got married. She dragged MuQing to get the certificate. Although she was forced, MuQing was the most innocent.

Marriage, has always been Zhao an's dream to do a thing.

She just didn't dare to get married.

"For the time being?"

Wood green frown, temporarily did not mean, will regret later?

Zhao an suddenly hugs Mu Qing, buries his head in his arms, and speaks of the fear in his heart.

"I often have a dream that my own condition recurred and died of no remedy. I think this is really something that will happen, and in my dream, I should be about the same age as now, so it won't be too long before my disease will recur. I think, since I'm dying, I don't want to drag you down. It's not good for you to marry you. "

Her voice was calm, as if she had already accepted the reality.

Mu Qing's heart is like a knife cut the same pain.

He hugged Zhao An'an, put her face to his heart, let her listen to his heartbeat, let her know his heartache.

"Ann, don't think blindly. You believe me, the anticancer drugs I developed are the latest and most effective. You can be OK. And I never feel like you're dragging me down. In this life, you are my wife. Even if you are not married, you are also my wife. You have my child, Ann. "

Zhao an subconsciously gently stroked his abdomen and whispered, "if only I had given him birth. By now, he should have been ten years old."

"It doesn't matter. We'll be reborn. When I was 17 years old, how could he regret that you didn't have a good body when you were 17 years old. Otherwise, what's the use of having children without you? "

Mu Qing didn't say that it was possible to cultivate embryos. It was not sure whether it would succeed. If she did, she would tell Zhao An'an that it would be useless even if she opposed it.

Zhao an's heart is warm, Mu Qing always put her in the first place, even if people all over the world do not believe him, and he will believe her.

Zhao An'an is not too tangled about the children.

She has already been prepared for the fact that she can't have children, so she won't be too sad about it now.

Now the most important thing is that she must be able to live on her own.

Mu Qing is still wearing his white coat. There is a faint fragrance of Chinese herbal medicine on his body, which makes Zhao An'an feel very safe.

She tossed about all day yesterday, and she didn't sleep well last night. She was pulled by Zheng Jing to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register for marriage in the early morning, and then went to the hospital to toss about. She was really tired.

Now she finally relaxed, and she went to sleep in MuQing's arms.

After sleeping in the evening, Zhao An'an woke up.

And her side, is her heart and mind that man, Mu Qing.

One of his arms served as a pillow for her, the other around her waist and held her in his arms.

This is the happiest moment Zhao an has always felt.

The red and gorgeous little book was also tucked into her clothes, because the little book, the man holding her, was no longer a boyfriend.

This is her husband, her husband!

Zhao an is very happy!

She's married!

Finally can get rid of Zheng Jing that bastard, she is a married woman now, no one to tell her!

It's really good to let those Li Fei Dao, Wen Kang and so on, as well as Zheng Jing, go to hell!

She's married. She's got a husband!

This kind of joyful feeling, until now Zhao An'an deeply realized, just began to get the certificate that a few hours, did not feel at all, too strange!She was so happy that she couldn't even hate Zheng Jing.

If it wasn't for him, maybe she would never marry Mu Qing.

Originally, Zhao An'an thought that Zheng Jing must be well regulated in the future, but now she has decided to let him go.

Zhao an didn't wake Mu Qing who was asleep. She carefully took out her marriage certificate again. She looked at it carefully from the beginning to the end, and then she stuffed it back into her chest clothes like a treasure.

Mu Qing opened his eyes to see this scene, and could not help but set off a layer after layer of ripples.

Zhao an is so precious about this marriage certificate that she is eager to marry him.

Fortunately, he proposed before they got married, otherwise it would leave a great regret for both of them in their lives.

He whispered, "Ann, do you like this marriage certificate so much?"

"Are you awake?" Zhao an looked up at his eyes, and his lips showed an undisguised smile: "of course, to marry you is my greatest wish!"

Anyway, the marriage is all married, even if the divorce can not make up for.

Zhao an simply admits his feelings.

Anyway, no one knows that she likes MuQing.

Mu Qing smiles happily.

Zhao an is such a good thing. She is not a pincher. As long as she really wants to open up, she will freely admit that she doesn't know how to hide.

The two quickly got up, washed and went to the living room downstairs for dinner.

Aunt Dou had already prepared all the dinner. When she saw them downstairs, she was busy serving them porridge and dishes.

After dinner, there seems to be no difference between Mu Qing and Zhao An'an, but there seems to be something different.

There are still emotional differences between getting married and not getting married.

From today on, the two of them officially own each other, which is recognized by law, and is also subject to legal constraints and protection. , the fastest update of the webnovel!