Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 752

Zhao an burst into the office like a gust of wind, and pulled Mu Qing out of the office like a fire. All the patients and their families were at a loss.

When they come to their senses and are about to get angry, Mutong walks into Mu Qing's office with a smile.

His round face was full of amity, smiling and comforting the patient and the patient's family: "I'm Mu Qing's brother, Mutong. My brother and his brother's daughter-in-law are busy getting their marriage certificates. They are in a bit of a hurry. I'll see you for him. Don't worry, my grandfather taught us both. The patient's illness is not serious, and I think there will be no problem. "

Although Mutong is not as famous as MuQing, he is also very famous in a city, for nothing else, because he is also surnamed mu, and he has studied medical skills for several years more than MuQing.

Hearing that it was him, the patient and his family members did not have any objection. Hearing Mutong say that his condition was not serious, they were all happy and congratulated him one after another.

"Congratulations, Dr. mu, but the wooden family is going to have a wedding ceremony."

"We'll go to Mu's house to have a wedding banquet! Follow the new man with joy

"Oh, isn't that the girl who proposed to Mr. Mu before? It looks even more beautiful than in the picture

Wood with a smile ha ha's talk with the public, but set off in the heart of the waves.

Zhao an an agreed to marry Mu Qing today! Is the sun coming out from the west? Has she not been willing to marry after death? What's more, after listening to Mu Qing, Zhao an turned down his proposal last time!

What happened? Will the earth be destroyed tomorrow?

Just now shangguanning went to see him and asked him to replace Mu Qing to see the patient. He was still baffled. It turned out to be for this!

Wood with the heart of a sigh, wood green can be regarded as boil out of the first!

His children can play soy sauce, but Mu Qing has never been married, and now it is.

It's not easy to chase Zhao An'an. The girl always knows how to make trouble. Last time, she tore the old man's new clothes. The old man hasn't been depressed yet! I don't know how to be disciplined by the master when she passes the door!

Zhao an pulls MuQing, who is still wearing a white coat, and leaves the hospital in a hurry. Then he gets on MuQing's car and puts MuQing into the front passenger's seat. He sits in the driver's seat and steps on the gas pedal and runs out.

The Civil Affairs Bureau is 20 minutes' drive away from Mu's hospital. Zhao An'an is only ten minutes away! I don't know how many red lights I ran along the way. I'm in a terrible posture!

Mu Qing didn't relax until he got on the car!

Because he knows nothing about Zhao An'an these days!

Zheng Lun lives in the Mu's Hospital, and he doesn't know it at all! It was shangguanning who found other doctors in the hospital to help Zheng Lun wear the oxygen mask. The drops on his wrist were just ordinary nutrition needles!

Mu Qing doesn't understand why Zhao An'an suddenly took him to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate!

He wanted to ask what was going on, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Zhao an asked him to shut up, and then he still drove recklessly.

Ten minutes later, when they arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, Zhao an suddenly turned his head and asked, "have you brought your household register and ID card?"

Mu Qing took out the account book and ID card from the big pocket of his white coat and said, "here you are!"

Shangguanning asked him to take his account book and ID card with him these two days, so that he could get the certificate to register for marriage. As expected, it was used today!

But what's going on? It's too fantastic!

Fill in the form, pay the fee, take photos and get the certificate.

The whole process took less than three minutes!

The efficiency of Civil Affairs Bureau's people is ridiculous! What's more strange is that there is no one in the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate today. There are only two of them in the hall!

It's like it's specially prepared for the two of them today!

Mu Qing a stomach of doubt, Zhao an an but a long sigh of relief.

"That's great. After Lun Lun saw our marriage certificate, he would never doubt that I would marry Zheng Jing's psychopath again! She would never have killed herself! Ha ha ha

Mu Qing was puzzled, but he was clever and didn't ask.

In Zhao an's words, there are too many doubts!

Mu Qing instinctively felt that Zhao An'an must have been cheated by shangguanning's plan! Otherwise, how could she suddenly change her mind and drag him to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate!

He looked down at the bright red book, which represented the legal marriage relationship between husband and wife, and was still unbelievable.

"Ann, we Married? "

How did he feel like he was dreaming!

In fact, Zhao an is a little confused, but in order to make Zheng Lun believe that the person she likes is Mu Qing, and not to let her commit suicide again, marriage is necessary!

"Yes, we Married

Hearing her reply, MuQing immediately borrowed a lighter from a passer-by, and then, under Zhao an's shocked eyes, burned the marriage certificate that had just been obtained and was not yet hot!Zhao an widened his eyes and rushed to grab: "asshole, you are crazy! This is our marriage certificate. Why did you burn it!? Do you also think that the affair between me and Zheng Jing is true? Don't you want to marry me

MuQing didn't let her touch it at all. He was relieved when the marriage certificate burned to ashes. Then he picked up the angry Zhao An'an and walked to the car.

"You can't divorce without a marriage certificate! Zhao An'an, you are going to marry me this time. I didn't force you! Now my marriage certificate is burned, we will always be husband and wife. If you want to divorce, if you can't get the marriage certificate, the Civil Affairs Bureau will not accept it! "

Zhao an was stunned when she settled down. She stopped struggling and lost her voice and said, "you burned the marriage certificate because you didn't want me to divorce you?"

In fact, she really has this plan!

Mu Qing knows her so well that she blocked the way ahead of time!

However, this method is too cruel!

How could he burn that marriage certificate! I just got it. I don't like it enough!

Zhao an tightly protected his own marriage certificate: "you are not allowed to burn mine! I want to keep this one! "

Wood green will smile, the tone is gentle and doting: "if you like, this is for you to keep, do not burn, anyway burned one can not divorce."

He said, put Zhao An'an into the car, then went around to sit in the other side, and drove away from the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Shangguanning revised the plan and forced Zhao An'an to submit in a more oppressive way. Mu Qing didn't know exactly how they did it. But he knew that Zhao An'an was willing to marry him. This must be the credit of shangguanning and Zheng Jing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!