Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 751

"There's an accident. Good! We can both die! You, the chief culprit, can die. I don't have to live so hard! How much, let's crash together

Zhao An'an shakes Zheng Jing's arm like crazy.

Zheng Jing's hand did not dare to hold the steering wheel. The car was moving forward at full speed, rubbing other cars and breaking the glass of another car! It's dangerous!

"Zhao An'an, if you don't let go, I'll knock you out, and then I'll carry you to the Civil Affairs Bureau directly, and then I'll take advantage of your coma to give you up!"

These words are so lethal that Zhao An'an quickly shrinks her hand back.

She is not sure whether Zheng Jing will really do this. According to his mental state these days, he is really likely to do such things as animal!

Zheng Jing is also forced to share by Zhao An'an. With his character, he will never say such words as "giving you to him". But if you don't say it frighteningly and let Zhao An'an make such a fool of himself, they will really go to see the king of hell!

Zhao an shrinks in the front passenger's seat, suddenly wipes the tear to cry.

"Wuwu, help! The criminal police abduct and sell good girls! Come and help me, cousin, sister-in-law, come and help me! My grandmother sold me! My mother doesn't want me either

"Mu Qing, you are not a good friend! He robbed your woman. You'd better kill him

She was obviously crying, but the words she said were too happy, inexplicably funny!

Zheng Jing couldn't help laughing.

"You have no conscience, you can still laugh! If you marry me, I will die. You can only marry a corpse home, hum! "

"I want the body, too. You're my man anyway!"


Two people quarreled all the way, and half an hour later they arrived at Mu's hospital.

In the hospital, Zheng Lun's face was pale and lying on the hospital bed, with an oxygen mask on his face, looking like he was dying.

She was born weak, but now she looks more and more delicate.

Zheng Jing stood in front of the hospital bed with an ugly face and refused to say a word. However, Zhao An'an held her hand with some heartache and cried out to her: "Lun Lun, wake up! I'm Ann. I didn't rob your brother. I brought him back to you

Shangguan Ning stood aside and looked at Zhao An'an's tears and felt guilty.

However, she still wants to say what should be said, or all her previous efforts will be wasted.

"Ann, don't be sad, Ron Lun. She is out of danger. Dr. Mu said that she should wake up in a moment. However, I don't think she would like to see you when she wakes up. You can go with her for a while. I heard that you are going to get the certificate from Zheng Jing. I also want to congratulate you! "

Zhao an's cry stopped suddenly.

She turned her head and looked at Shangguan Ning angrily and said coldly, "Congratulations, fart! Even you think I like Zheng Jing that idiot? The person I like has always been Mu Qing, don't you know? "

Shangguan Ning looked at Zheng Jing helplessly, and then said, "yes, I always thought that the person you like is Mu Qing, but you still refuse to marry him? Now listen to Zheng Jing, it seems that you are willing to get the certificate from him. Otherwise, Lun Lun will not be like this! "

Zhao An'an jumped up from the bed and kicked Zheng Jing severely. Then he went to hold Shangguan Ning and said: "you don't talk nonsense! When am I willing to get the certificate with Zheng Jing! If no one else believes me, you should believe me

Shangguan Ning looked calm, and his tone seemed quite casual: "good, then you have to prove it to me! Don't you get the certificate with Zheng Jing at that time. You still say that the person you like is Mu Qing. The ghost doesn't believe it! If you have the ability, you can get the certificate from Mu Qing. "

Zheng Jing said in a hurry: "how can I do this? ANN has promised to get the certificate with me. How can I get the certificate with Mu Qing again! I don't agree! "

Zhao an looked at him impatiently: "shut up! I get the certificate from Mu Qing. It has nothing to do with you! "

After she finished, she suddenly realized a problem. If she got the certificate with Mu Qing, she would have nothing to do with Zheng Jing!

Isn't this the perfect solution?

In this case, Zheng Jing certainly won't marry her again. Zheng Lun will also believe that the person she likes is Mu Qing all the time, and even Zheng's mother also has an explanation.

Most importantly, she is so eager to marry Mu Qing!

Maybe their argument was too loud, and Zheng Lun in bed suddenly woke up.


Her soft and weak voice made Zhao an's whole body shake. She immediately released shangguanning and ran to the bedside to hold Zheng Lun's hand: "Lun Lun, you're awake!"

"You go, I don't want to see you. You're not a good man. You robbed my brother...""No, no, no, no! I will never marry him

"You're lying! If I wasn't about to die, you would have gotten the certificate from my brother. I regard you as my best friend. How could you do this to me... "

Zhao an was in a cold sweat. She was afraid that Zheng Lun would not want to commit suicide again. She quickly said, "what can I do to make you believe me?"

"I won't believe you. You don't mean what you say. Even if you promise me now, you may become my sister-in-law. I'd better die. You don't want to save me."

"Oh, no, Lun Lun! You really misunderstand! The person I like is really Mu Qing, not Zheng Jing! "

"Then why do you want to marry my brother, not Mu Qing? This kind of words can't deceive three-year-old children, An'an, you don't have to say again, let me go quietly! I I wish you happiness... "

Zheng Lun said, the tears began to flow out, see Zhao an in the heart uncomfortable fierce!

She suddenly bit her teeth and looked at Zheng Lun's eyes and asked, "Lun Lun, will you believe me as long as I marry Mu Qing? You're not going to die? "

Zheng Lun looked at her quietly and nodded after a long time.

Zhao an immediately gets up, grabs Zheng Jing's bag, finds out his account book and ID card from it, and then runs out of Zheng Lun's ward and into Mu Qing's office.

In the office, Mu Qing is seeing a doctor for the patient, and several family members of the patient are sitting beside him. Several people are asking about the patient's condition. Zhao An'an is so straight in.

She didn't care about so many people nearby. She directly took Mu Qing's hand and went out: "human life matters! Come on, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and get the certificate! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!