Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 748

Zhao an pressed down the anger in his heart and humiliated him and said, "good, good, I won't run."

Zheng Jing put her down.

However, as soon as Zhao An'an had just stood still, Zheng Lun put his chopsticks on the table, got up and whispered, "I'm not feeling well. I'm not going to have dinner." then he quickly walked past Zhao An'an with his head down and went back to his bedroom.

Zhao an an did not care about anything, immediately followed Zheng Lun and went to the bedroom with her.

As soon as she went in, she heard Zheng Lun's oppressive sobs, which made people feel very sad!

"Lun Lun, don't cry, don't you cry!"

Zhao an quickly went up to wipe her tears. Pale and powerless, she explained to Zheng Lun, "I didn't want to come back. Zheng Jingfei wanted me to come! I really didn't mean to rob your brother. I just want him to make it clear to both of us

Zheng Lun cried heartbroken: "you clearly with my brother have been like that, now still cheat me, in your heart, I am so stupid?"

She took a brown towel and kept wiping tears, but the more tears she wiped, the more tears she could not control.

Zheng Lun felt a little regret. How could he pour so much hot pepper water on the towel? This time, his eyes hurt!

However, only in this way can we cheat Zhao An'an. She is also willing to go. It is only a matter of one or two days. If you can help Zhao An'an, it will be worthwhile for her eyes to ache.

Zheng Lun is not good at deceiving people at all. She can't lie and stutters easily when she lies.

But this time she didn't have to do much, just cry all the time.

Zhao an's urgent voice smoke son, keep explaining, tell Zheng Lun the truth of the matter.

However, she and Zheng Jing are really confused!

She never regarded Zheng Jing as a man. She felt that they had a good relationship with Zheng Jing. She would not be very different from Zheng Jing. She would say a lot of words casually and hook up with each other!

At this time, it seems that the previous informal, actually all problems!

The biggest problem is that the affair between Zhu ruotong and Zheng Jing was really broken up by Zhao An'an!

Zhao an explained all night, even half of the effect is not, on the contrary, Zheng Lun's eyes are crying swollen.

Zhao an reluctantly left Zheng Lun's room, and then was taken to the living room by Zheng's mother. She made several dishes for her to eat.

However, Zhao An'an also suffered from mental crushing when eating!

"An'an, listen to a Jing, did you go to the criminal police team to look for him today? Silly boy, he will always go home. Just wait for him at home. You can't do it if you don't see him for a while? "

"Oh, by the way, I called your grandmother just now. You'll live here tonight! Ah Jing's room is upstairs. His bed is very big. You two must have no problem sleeping. "

"In the future, we will be a family. I will love you as my own daughter, An'an, but you should also love ah Jing. I think there are so many deep tooth marks on his arm. Are you biting it? If you like him, you can't bite him

"Besides, you'll get the certificate tomorrow, right? Tomorrow is a good day. Get up early and register early


Zhao An'an looks at the delicious dishes on a table, but can't eat any more!

Did she fall into the wolf's nest?!

She is crazy to get a certificate from Zheng Jing!

No, no, no, the Zheng family can't stay any longer. If it goes on like this, she will be driven crazy in a few hours!

It's terrible!

Zhao an an ran away from Zheng's house when he was half eaten!

Pei couldn't stop her from leaving.

Zheng Jing stood in his bedroom on the second floor and watched Zhao An'an fly away from Zheng's house. Then he stopped a taxi and ran away. He couldn't help laughing.

He may be about to make Zhao an an insane!

Zheng Jing thought for a while, opened the door, walked out of his bedroom, and then quietly entered Zheng Lun's bedroom.

At this time, Zheng Lun, like him, was standing by the window and watching Zhao An'an leave.

Hearing the opening of the door, Zheng Lun could not help looking back.

"Brother, why are you here? If you are seen by your mother... "

She didn't go on.

Recently, Pei Xinhua's eyes on them have become more and more tight, especially at night, she forbids Zheng Jing to come to Zheng Lun's room again.

If found, Zheng Jing Shao must be scolded again, and will force him to get married quickly.

Fortunately, this incident of Zhao An'an has attracted Pei Xinhua's attention these days. She thinks that Zhao An'an and Zheng Jing can really be accomplished, so she doesn't force Zheng Jing to go on a blind date.

Zheng Jing is already 33 years old this year, and it is indeed the age to get married. It is not surprising that Pei Xinhua is worried.

In addition, he and Zheng Lun do not know this dangerous relationship, Pei Xinhua forced Zheng Jing to blind date, which is light!Looking at Zheng Lun's red and swollen eyes, Zheng Jing couldn't help feeling hurt. He said with a smile, "Lun Lun, are you acting too hard? Just cry for a while. How can you make your eyes swell

Zheng Lun was embarrassed: "I used the chili water you gave me, but I couldn't stop my tears at all."

Zheng Jing gently stroked her soft and smooth long hair, and said in a soft voice: "remember to apply ice before going to bed, otherwise you will still be swollen when you sleep like this tomorrow."

Zheng Lun nodded cleverly and hesitated: "brother, can we really succeed in this way?"

Zheng Jing said with a smile: "originally I thought it was a little difficult, but judging from Zhao An'an's mood today, the possibility of success is very high. She went into the dead end and couldn't get out. We had to give her a push. In a few days, we should be able to drink her wedding wine with MuQing

After hearing what he said, Zheng Lun was immediately happy: "I think An'an and Dr. Mu are very suitable together. They will be happy in the future."

Zheng Jing quietly held Zheng Lun into his arms and said in a deep and firm voice: "seven seven, I will also make you happy, believe me!"

Every time Zheng Jing called Qi Qi, Zheng Lun would be very happy.

She didn't like the name Qiqi before, because it represented her dark and painful past, cold and hunger.

Now, she likes what Zheng Jing calls her.

Because only when she is Qi Qi, not Zheng Lun, can we prove that she and Zheng Jing are not brothers and sisters, they have no blood relationship, and it is not wrong to fall in love with each other.

She leaned against Zheng Jing's arms, feeling his powerful heartbeat, only felt incomparably happy and warm.

She didn't want to embarrass Zheng Jing, so she said in a low voice, "brother, I think it's good for us to do this. You don't want to take risks." , the fastest update of the webnovel!