Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 747

Zhao An'an immediately screamed: "you are not allowed to go!"

What if Mu Qing was cheated by Zheng Jing! In case even Mu Qing thinks that she is in love with Zheng Jing, and she has to marry Zheng Jing!

She doesn't want Mu Qing to misunderstand her!

"Oh, well, since you don't want me to go, I won't go. It's all up to you! Now, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate. "

"What are you talking about?"

Zhao an almost bit his tongue!

Get a license?!

She and Zheng Jing?!

Zhao an's forehead was blue and blue, and she was sweating. She wanted to beat Zheng Jing, but her two hands were tightly held by Zheng Jing, and she couldn't pull them out at all!

She simply raised her feet and kicked Zheng Jing.

Zheng Jing is much more flexible than her, and her two legs directly clamp Zhao an's legs.

As a result, the two of them became that kind of extremely ambiguous posture.

Looking through the eyes, they clasped their fingers, their legs overlapped and entangled, and they were almost intimate with each other!

There are criminal police who pass by Zheng Jing's car. When they see the situation of two people in the car, they immediately start to coax.

"Captain, you have to hurt your daughter-in-law to go home. I'm afraid the car can't stand the big bumps you've made."

"Sister in law, we didn't see anything, you go on!"

"Sister in law, when can we have your wedding wine? I have prepared this red envelope for several years, and I am waiting for this day


Zhao an was called "sister-in-law". She was so angry that she almost vomited blood!

She immediately called out, "who is that sister-in-law, I am not! No shouting! I have nothing to do with this Zheng! "

She is now closely entangled with Zheng Jing. Who believes this!

Others only thought that she was fighting with Zheng Jing. None of them took it seriously. They all laughed and left in a whisper.

Zhao An'an is so angry that he wants to kill Zheng Jing with one bite!

"Bullying a girl is no skill. Let me go! Have something to say! "

Continue to maintain this ambiguous posture, tomorrow all the criminal police in a city will think that she and Zheng Jing have any unclear relationship! How can she live in the future!

"I want to talk to you well, but you have to do something about it. I can't die in your hands, so I have to do something about it."

Zheng Jing was calm, and had no intention of avoiding his brothers.

I misunderstood him. I misunderstood his relationship with Zhao An'an, so that Zheng Lun would not be suspected.

He has not yet found the perfect solution, before that, she can only be his sister, not his woman, otherwise she will be pushed to the forefront of the storm.

Zheng Jing is willing to kill two birds with one stone.

Zhao an struggled desperately, and finally he even used his teeth. He bit out a lot of teeth marks on Zheng Jing, and then he regained his freedom.

Looking at the teeth marks on his arm, Zheng Jing couldn't help laughing: "I think that when I get home in a moment, my mother and my sister should know that our relationship has gone further."

"If you dare to show them and tell them what happened today, I will I'll let Li Feidao fight with you

Zhao An'an can no longer be used to threaten Zheng Jing!

He has no shortcomings. He doesn't know which way to attack him!

Fortunately, there is a Li throwing knife that Zhao an can use temporarily.

However, Zheng Jing was not worried at all. He stared at Zhao An'an's eyes and said slowly, "why does Li Feidao come to help you? Just because he likes you? Do you mean to make use of him without giving him any benefit? Or are you going to make an offer to him in exchange for his help against me? "

Zhao an was angry, picked up a bottle of mineral water in the car, unscrewed the cap and poured it on Zheng Jing: "you go home quickly and explain clearly to your mother and Lun Lun, saying that we have nothing to do with each other!"

Zheng Jing didn't even hide. She was directly splashed with water by Zhao An'an. She looked at her like a smile and said, "with your attitude, why should I go home and explain to them? Besides, it's no use explaining it any more. My mother has already identified you, my sister I've decided that you followed me. Of course, I've also identified you. Sit down, I'll take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate now! "

When Zhao an settled down, he roared: "other people's Civil Affairs Bureau is off work! Get a fart certificate, you

Zheng Jing raised his wrist and looked at the time. Then he nodded: "yes, that's right. Tomorrow will be fine! Tomorrow you wait at home. I'll pick you up and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau together. "

Zhao an completely collapsed!

"Zheng Jing, are you finished! I've said that if I don't like you or marry you, why are you still talking to yourself? "

Zheng Jing did not say a word, started the engine, and drove directly to the direction of the Zheng family.After walking for a while, Zhao An'an found something wrong. She yelled, "where are you going? I'm going home!"

"To my house is to go home! Anyway, you will be the Zheng family after you get the certificate tomorrow. You can stay with me tonight

God, what the hell is going on here!

But just a day and a night of Kung Fu, how the painting style suddenly become like this! Why Zheng family suddenly did not have a normal!

"I'm not going, I'm not going, I'm going back to my own house! Zheng, no matter what kind of tricks you are playing now, you frighten me. Stop, I want to get off! I don't want to stay with you lunatic

Zheng Jing ignored her and drove forward.

Zhao an's voice was going to be hoarse, but in the end he followed Zheng Jing to Zheng's house!

She shrank in the car and refused to get out of the car. Despite her desperate struggle, Zheng Jing resisted her into the home.

Dinner at home is almost ready now. Except for Zheng Jing, all three members of the Zheng family are sitting at the table!

As soon as Zhao an came in, there was an impulse to die!

She's a stranger. What's the matter with her!

What's more, she was carried in by Zheng Jing!

If she had known that, she must have walked in by herself! In that case, at least Zheng's father and mother would not look at her with such a playful look, and Zheng Lun would not immediately be red eyes, tears directly fell down!

Today is a bad day for her Zhao An'an. It's not suitable for all kinds of things!

What to do wrong, how to do wrong!

She quickly whispered to Zheng Jing: "let me down quickly! What a shame

Zheng Jing did not let go, asked her: "I put you down, you are not allowed to run outside, or I have been carrying you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!