Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 749

Zheng Jing understood what Zheng Lun meant. She didn't want him to talk to his parents for the sake of their relationship. She didn't want him to quarrel with the family for her sake.

He sighed gently and comforted her: "it's OK. Don't worry. I won't take any risks. I have other ways, but this method may make mom and dad a little sad, so I have been hesitant

Zheng Lun some doubts asked: "what method? Brother, do you have a way? "

How can such a thing be done?

Now everyone knows that she is the Zheng family's child, is Zheng Jing's younger sister!

This is a fact. There is no way to change it.

"I haven't thought it out yet. I'll let you know when I've done it. This method may also hurt you. It's better not to use it or not. "

Zheng Jing didn't tell Zheng Lun exactly what method, he was really worried.

Anyway, the situation of the two of them is not at its worst, and that method is not needed for the time being.


The next day, as soon as Zhao an got up, he heard a familiar voice coming from outside.

"Hello, grandma! I came today to take ANN to get her marriage certificate. She agreed yesterday. You can rest assured that I will take good care of her! "

"Ha ha, good, good, good..."

Zhao an looks pale with surprise!

Rolling down from the bed, not even wearing slippers, directly ran to the living room downstairs with the speed of 100 meters sprint.

"Not good!"

She roared: "Zheng, you are shameless! When did I promise to marry you! Get out of here, Zhao family doesn't welcome you! "

Zheng Jing did not speak, one side of the old lady Zhao is not willing to: "an an, how do you talk? I usually teach you nothing? Apologize to Zheng Jing immediately

Zhao an has no place to spread her anger. How can she apologize to Zheng Jing? She doesn't listen to the old lady. She reaches out and pushes Zheng Jing out.

As a result, Zheng Jingyi carried her up and went out.

Zhao an struggled desperately on his shoulder. He clenched his hands into fists and smashed Zheng Jing: "you bastard, let me down! You're kidnapping! It's against the law! Grandma, help! I don't want to marry him. I don't like him. He's lost his mind these two days! Come and help me

The old lady stood there and said with a smile, "An'an, be obedient. Go to get the certificate. I have given your account book to Zheng Jing."

Zhao An'an almost fainted directly!

She screamed and cried, "grandma, I'm really not your granddaughter! How can you sell me to a man who is not as good as a beast! I'm looking for my mom! Mom, come and save your daughter. Forget about the broken jewelry. Your daughter was sold by your mother! She's not your mother! She picked you up from the garbage

Zheng Jing, who was carrying Zhao An'an, heard her words, and almost fell down!

She really dares to say anything!

Mrs. Zhao has long been used to Zhao An'an, who is not big or small, and is not angry at all. She also tells Zheng Jing: "after that, An'an will be handed over to you. She has a bad temper. You should be more tolerant. I will go to Zheng's house and visit your parents tomorrow. Now it's important to get the certificate first! "

No matter how much Zhao an struggled and fought, she was eventually pushed into the car by Zheng Jing and drove in the direction of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Zheng Jing, have you run into a ghost recently? That's why you've changed your hobbies, your personality, and even your way of doing things! Went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, I do not sign or take pictures with you. How can you take me! Have you not thought about these things in advance? It's not your style at all

Zhao an's heart is uneasy, very afraid of being forced by Zheng Jing to get a certificate from him. In this way, she really has no face to see Zheng Lun!

If Zheng Lun knew that they had got the certificate, he might have been angry and wanted to die!

Even if she doesn't seek shortsightedness, but she refuses to eat, just cares about crying and sad, it will also die!

In Zhao An'an's cognition, crying can also cry the dead!

She will not get the certificate from Zheng Jing even if she dies!

"Ann, don't worry. I'm a criminal police officer. Isn't it easy to get a marriage certificate? The Civil Affairs Bureau has many of my friends! Last time, Yang Muyan was able to get the marriage certificate with MuQing without MuQing. Now that I have you around, can't I get a marriage certificate? How naive you are

Zhao an was speechless by him!

Yes, Yang Muyan got her marriage certificate last time!

MuQing has not participated from the beginning to the end!

Does she really want to get the certificate from Zheng Jing?!

No! Even if she gets the certificate, she can only marry Mu Qingling. How can she marry Zheng Jing!

Zhao an felt like a needle in the car moving around, anxious to think about the way to deal with.

The only thing she can think of now is to call jingyichen. There are almost no things that jingyichen can't do in the world. However, does he really care about her marriage with Zheng Jing?He won't help Zheng Jing and let them get married more smoothly?

How about shangguanning? Her words are more effective than Jing Yichen's. jingyichen listens to her in everything.

Zhao an thought carefully and thought that looking for her was the most reliable!

Poor Zhao An'an, I don't know that among all these people, the most unreliable is shangguanning!

Shangguan Ning looked at the three words of "Zhao An'an" on the mobile phone, and his lips showed a faint smile: An'an, I have been waiting for your call for a long time!

She connected the phone and said in an anxious and flustered voice, "Ann, come here! Lun Lun is in the hospital. She is very ill! What about Zheng Jing? Why don't you answer him? Is he with you

Zhao an's voice changed: "what's the matter with Lun Lun? Ah Ning, did she commit suicide? "

Shangguan Ning helplessly stroked the forehead, Zhao an's imagination is really too powerful!

She said that Zheng Lun was ill. How could she understand that Zheng Lun committed suicide?

It's better if she misunderstands it herself.

Shangguan Ning didn't explain more, just urged: "you come to the hospital to see her! MuQing is rescuing her! Are you with Zheng Jing? Is Zheng Lun hospitalized because of you two? You should not really get along with Zheng Jing? "

Zhao an was very anxious: "I didn't! I'm not familiar with that Zheng! I'm going to the hospital right now. Zheng Jing is with me. Let's go together! If there's any news from Lun Lun, call me! "

She hung up the phone and yelled at Zheng Jing: "you bastard, turn around and go to Mu's hospital! Your sister is in hospital for your suicide! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!