Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 746

"Zheng, don't laugh like that! That's weird! I always feel like talking to someone else when you laugh so much! Are you possessed by some imp

Zheng Jing is speechless. Has Zhao an read more ghost novels?

The banter in his eyes flashed away. Then he looked at Zhao An'an with more tender eyes than before, and said in a low voice: "An'an, you always like me. I know that. I also like you. Let's get married!"

Zhao an an excites Lingling's to hit a shiver!

What's going on these two days?! Why did she feel that the sky changed overnight!

Is she crazy, or is everyone else crazy?

Why don't they believe what she said? They all just believe what they believe!

Zhao an felt that she seemed to fall into a dream that she couldn't wake up in. In this dream, she lost her control ability and was manipulated all the time!

This feeling is so terrible that Zhao An'an's hair stands upright in an instant!

Her lips were trembling slightly, her teeth were chattering, and her words were all knotting: "you, you, you I, I, I I don't like you! Ghost The devil married you! You should go to the mental hospital to check if you are crazy

Zhao An'an really wants to go to the hospital to see if he is crazy!

Why does she say what others do not believe, in the end, what she said is a problem, or someone else has a problem!

"Ann, don't be so hard mouthed. It's no big deal to like me. You don't have to worry about MuQing. I will explain it to him personally. I think he will bless us! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!