Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 745

Zhao an carefully knocked on the door of Zheng Lun's room and called inside through the door: "Lun Lun, I'm An'an. I'm here to play with you. Can I go in?"

She waited outside for a long time, but there was no sound.

Zhao an felt that Zheng Lun must be angry and knocked at the door. Without waiting for Zheng Lun's response, she opened the door and walked in.

As soon as she went in, she saw Zheng Lun lying on the bed with his face buried between the quilt and the pillow. She could only see her long dark hair.

Zhao an walked over and sat down beside Zheng Lun's bed: "Lun Lun, what's wrong with you? Get up and have a chat

Zheng Lun came out from the quilt with a choking voice: "I'm not feeling well today, you go! I'm going to bed! "

Her voice still sounds gentle, but Zhao An'an knows her and has heard her displeasure and sadness from her tone.

Zhao an was in a hurry and reached out to lift Zheng Lun's Quilt: "Lun Lun, listen to my explanation. Things are not what you think. You really misunderstand me! I have nothing to do with Zheng Jing! "

Hearing her words, Zheng Lun, who was still quite calm, suddenly choked himself into the quilt and began to cry in a low voice.

She cried depressed and sad, which made Zhao an's heart flustered.

She can't see a girl crying. She seldom tears herself, and she can't bear to see other people's tears.

"Oh, Lun Lun, don't cry. Don't cry! I said it was a misunderstanding. You must believe me! I don't like Zheng Jing at all. He must be yours. No one can rob him. Don't worry about it! "

"You get out of the quilt first. We'll have a good talk. Don't let yourself get bored! If there is anything you don't understand, just ask me and I'll tell you everything, OK? "

Zhao an tried to lift the quilt, and then he saw Zheng Lun's eyes red and swollen. He looked like an abandoned kitten, which made people feel pity.

Zheng Lun is gentle and even weak. Her appearance was originally a kind of delicate and pitiful beauty, which easily arouses the desire of others to protect. Now she looks even more pitiful when she cries.

Zheng Lun curled up into a ball and cried, "An'an, are you going to marry my brother?"

Zhao an an heard this, suddenly out of a cold sweat, quickly denied: "there is no matter! It's absolutely impossible. You have to believe me

Unexpectedly, Zheng Lun, who has always been gentle and understanding, didn't listen to Zhao An'an's explanation at all this time. She burst into tears and said heartbroken: "An'an, the person I believe most is originally you. You are my best friend in my life, but you clearly know that I treat my brother How can you do such a thing? I misjudged you! You go, I will never see you again! You are the most deceiving liar in the world

This is Zheng Lun's most heartless words in his life!

As she cried, she felt guilty at the same time. She was really upset when she treated Zhao An'an like this. At the moment, her tears were not all disguised.

Zhao An'an is anxious and angry at the moment. He hates Zheng Jing to death in his heart!

She has been treated as a liar by Zheng Lun. She wants to break up with her!

Zhao an hugs Zheng Lun at a loss, sweating, but solemnly guarantees with Zheng Lun.

"Don't, don't, Lun Lun, I didn't cheat you. I've been looking at Zheng Jing for you all the time! I swear to God, I have nothing to do with him. The person he likes is not me. What he likes is you! I still don't know why. Don't be angry. When Zheng Jing comes back, I'll confront him face to face. I'll give you an explanation! "

Zheng Lun was still crying: "you don't have to lie to me. I know everything. You will get married soon! MuQing's proposal caused a sensation in the whole city of A. I was happy for you at first. Unfortunately, I was so stupid. You only agreed to MuQing on the surface, but in fact, you didn't intend to marry him. You just stepped on two boats, fell in love with MuQing and provoked my brother again! Now you refuse Mu Qing's proposal, but you want to marry my brother. Don't think I'm stupid. I can see all these things clearly! Zhao An'an, you are not a good man! You are a great villain

Zhao an's head was so big that she always felt that she was surrounded by Zheng Lun. After a while, she found her own way of thinking, and quickly said, "I refuse Mu Qing's proposal. It's not for Zheng Jing's sake that I refuse Mu Qing's proposal, right? When did I want to marry your brother? He's yours. Can't I have his idea? No, no, no, even if he's not yours, I'm not going to give him an idea! The person I like is Mu Qing all the time. Don't you know that? "

Zheng Lun raised his head, looked at Zhao An'an with innocent and pitiful eyes, and cried: "do you still cheat me until now? Don't you want to tell the truth until you marry my brother and become my sister-in-law? Would you like MuQing to marry him? It's just your excuse! You just want to take my brother. You're so clever! I don't want to be friends with you, or I don't know when you sell me! "Sure enough, like a mother, like a daughter!

, as like as two peas, Pei Xinhua is not the one who is born with Pei Xinhua. But he is also a big guard for the two.

Both of them were the same. They believed in what they had decided and did not listen to her explanation.

Zhao An'an wants to kill Zheng Jing for the 1000th time!

In her life, there are only two good friends in her life. One is shangguanning and the other is Zheng Lun. She doesn't want to be estranged from Zheng Lun because it's not worth it!

Zhao an anxiously went to wipe tears for Zheng Lun and comforted her in a low voice: "how can I rob your brother? The people I like are always Mu Qing. You don't know. The reason why I didn't marry him was that I had cancer before and had a high recurrence probability. I was afraid that I would die in these two years, so I never married him

In order to win the trust of Zheng Lun, Zhao an said his illness.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Lun cried: "you don't have to make up a lie to cheat me. A lie needs ten lies to explain and cover up. I don't believe you now! You go, I don't know people well myself

Zhao an was shocked!

What she says now is wrong! Zheng Lun would not believe what he said. It's over!

Can't, her words, Pei Xinhua and Zheng Lun simply do not believe, they both only believe what Zheng Jing said, she wants to find Zheng Jing that bastard back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!