Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 741

Zheng Jing couldn't laugh or cry!

The girl's heart is too big!

When is it? She still thinks about his money! And he hid the money in such a secret place, for fear that he would steal it back!

She's hiding in her underwear. Who dares to rob her! No more?

"You don't have to rob me. I'll give you all my money later. You can have as much as you want!"

Zheng Jing feels that his acting skills are booming now. Speaking of these words, he doesn't even frown.

But he did not frown, but Zhao an frowned: "shut up! Who wants your stinky money and wants to take care of me? How can such a little money do it? "

"I'm not taking care of you, I'm going to marry you! I want to... "

Before Zheng Jing's words were finished, he gave a "bang" on his face, and was hit by Zhao An'an: "didn't I tell you to shut up? Why are you still talking?! If you dare to marry me and like me, I will send you to a mental hospital now

Now the cheeks on both sides of Zheng Jing are the same height!

His face is so swollen that he can hardly speak!

This dead girl, how dare you! Not afraid to break his cheekbones directly!

Zheng Jing held back the bursts of pain from his face. He wanted to cry without tears in his heart. He had to pretend to be devoted to love on his face. It was really hard for him to die!

He's not a professional actor. He's just a cop!

The original design of the script is very good, but when it comes to acting, it's not like that at all!

Zhao An'an doesn't play cards according to the routine. She is extremely fierce, and she can't fight back. If she goes on like this, she will die sooner or later!

Zheng Jing bit his teeth and said, "An'an, I have prepared a gift for you!"

Zhao an looked like he was going to eat people and glared at him: "gift? Where is it? "

"It's in my wallet compartment!"

Really? Why didn't you pay any attention just now!

Zhao An'an immediately picked up Zheng Jing's purse again, and then turned over every interlayer, and finally found a thin necklace.

She pinched the thin necklace with two fingers, and sneered, "is this the gift you sent me? It looks really upscale! Did you buy them for ten dollars and three at the stall? "

"If you take a closer look, don't you feel familiar? Look at the sign on it

Zhao an looked suspiciously at the logo on the necklace and then widened his eyes: "is this the necklace in our jewelry store?"

"Yes, this is the necklace we bought together in your jewelry store."

Zhao an suddenly remembered that this necklace is really the one she helped Zheng Jing select.

She asked maliciously, "didn't you say you wanted to send someone? Why did you give it to me again? This necklace is only a few thousand yuan, and it's on sale. Would you like to give it to me? And why did you give it to me? "

"I wanted to buy you something more expensive, but you didn't agree with me. You had to choose a discount! It can't be on me

"Bah! How do I know you gave it to me! Do you give me a necklace

"Because I like you!"

"Bang", Zheng Jing directly received a blow in the chest: "stop this! If you dare to mention half a word later, I will kill you! You can only like Lun Lun Lun, no one but her! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll let muqingzha kill you! "

Zhao an was exhausted and got down from Zheng Jing with a look of disgust: "get out of here quickly. The farther you roll, the better. You are not allowed to come back to our school in the future."

Zheng Jing was hurt all over by her. He sat up from the floor feebly. He wanted to say something more, but when he saw Zhao an's gloomy face about to rain, he closed his mouth obediently.

His play is finished today, and the rest will not be as dangerous as it is today!

He was relieved and thought that Zhao An'an would be trapped below, and his face could not help but smile.

Zhao An'an saw that Zheng Jing could still laugh, and she was staring at her face and smiling. She seemed to like how much she liked her!

Zhao an was shocked.

Can't, Zheng Jing can't really like her?

God, give her a thunderbolt and chop her to death!

How could she be so unlucky!

I don't know how many years she can live. She was pestered by these people and wasted her precious life!

Did Zheng Jing's brain get kicked by a donkey? Put so gentle and beautiful, pure and kind Zheng Lun doesn't like it, but likes her violent maniac!

Is he abusive?

I didn't see it before!

Zhao An'an angrily walked to Zheng Jing and kicked him vigorously: "immediately disappear from my eyes! Go home and take your medicine

Fortunately, she kicked off her shoes in the process of chasing Zheng Jing. Now it doesn't hurt to kick him barefoot, otherwise he will be blue and blue again.

Today's task has been completed. Zheng Jing is relaxed and no longer stimulates Zhao An'an any more. He gets up from the floor, sorts his clothes and hair a little, and then goes out of Zhao An'an's office.After solving the problem of Zheng Jing, Zhao an an sat on the floor feebly, leaning against the wall, and his brain fell into a state of blank chaos.

How can she feel so unreal about today's events?

She always feels strange, but Zhao an can't say what's wrong.

Zhao an frowned, but could not sort out any clue, she deeply felt that her brain capacity is not enough! If she was half as clever as her brother, she would have figured it out today!

Zhao an's brain capacity is not enough. Li Feidao, who has been standing there for a long time and refuses to leave, has not seen Zheng Jing's abnormality because of his lack of emotional experience.

Of course, Li Feidao could not think that Zheng Jing's appearance of liking Zhao An'an was a conspiracy deliberately disguised.

He just always felt that Zheng Jing cared too much about Zhao An'an.

He took Zheng Jing as his rival in love.

"An'an, don't like Zheng Jing. He doesn't suit you, and he seems to like his sister's. I'm different from him. I only like you. Can you give me a chance

Zhao An'an directly ignored the words in front of and behind him, only heard the words in the middle of him.

As if she had met a bosom friend, she was happy to recover from the chaos and said, "do you think he likes Zheng Lun? Do you think he doesn't like me

"I heard from ah Hu. I only met Zheng Lun once. However, ah Hu should be right to say so. He is very experienced in seeing these things. "

Although Li Feidao didn't like Zheng Jing to rob Zhao An'an with him, he was more upright in nature and was not a person who would take advantage of the opportunity to fall into the trap.

He just explained the reason with some caution. , the fastest update of the webnovel!