Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 742

Zhao an doesn't care who said this, as long as someone can think the same as her.

As for Zheng Jing's liking for her, she was scared out of her wits. She was quite frightened and felt guilty about Zheng Lun. Although she had no interest in Zheng Jing, if Zheng Jing really liked her, she always felt that it was her fault.

Now Li Feidao also said that Zheng Jing didn't really like her. She felt much better!

Recently, Zheng Jing is really very strange. He always says some strange things and does some strange things. In other people's eyes, this "strange" should be described by another word: ambiguous.

Zhao an will not admit that she has an affair with Zheng Jing. She has goose bumps when she thinks about it!

Zheng Jing likes her lethality, which is more powerful than Li Feidao and Wenkang!

However, this does not mean that Zhao an is pleased with Li Feidao.

Besides, she doesn't like all the men who pursue her now!

"Li Feidao, what are you still doing here? Get out of here! Don't come into my office at will

Zhao an stares at Li Feidao. He has just had a resonance with others. After a while, his attitude becomes worse.

"But you haven't..."

"But what! No, but you don't listen to what I say! " Zhao an directly interrupts Li Feidao's words, but she has seen Li Feidao's ability to entangle people, and his "tenacity" makes her feel uneasy.

Hearing this, Li Feidao always felt like a little daughter-in-law in charge of her husband. He grinned and said, "OK, I'll listen to you. I'll go out now."

Zhao an was puzzled by his smile, I don't know which tendon he was wrong, she let him go, he also laughed so happy!

Like Zheng Jing, he is also a masochist!

She can't care so much now. As long as Li Feidao can stay away from her, anything will do!

There is a great advantage in Zhao an's character, that is, she won't let herself immerse herself in a painful thing for too long. She is naturally cheerful, and she won't always think about things she can't understand. Instead, she will put it down and let it pass.

Her memory is full of happy things, rarely painful things.

Although her illness has left a deep imprint on her heart, Zhao An'an will not feel pain as long as she does not touch it - she still lives, she wants to live happily.

Zhao An'an soon put Zheng Jing's affairs behind her mind and began to deal with the trivial matters of her work. There was a meeting to be held in the afternoon. She had to prepare well, so as not to be harassed by those stubborn old people.

However, when Zhao An'an got home from work in the evening, he was stunned by the guests from home!

"Oh, Ann is back This guest in the family is more enthusiastic than her grandmother!

Zhao An'an didn't feel flattered. Instead, she had a bad premonition in her heart. She showed a smile that was even worse than crying: "Hello, aunt Pei. How can you be a guest today?"

It was the mother of Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun, Pei Xinhua.

Zhao an prayed in her heart that Pei Xinhua would not have anything to do with Zheng Jing!

"I haven't been to your house before, and now I'm going to be my own. Of course I'm going to visit you! You and a Jing's words are too tight. I only knew it today! Otherwise, I would have come! You are a good girl and my aunt likes you very much! It's not my aunt's boasting that she will be a good husband after she has a good life with ah Jing

Pei Xinhua's face was full of joy, and Mrs. Zhao on the side was also full of joy, just like she was going to get married tomorrow.

Zhao an's heart suddenly fell into an ice cellar, and then it broke into slag!

In laws?!

Zhao family and Zheng family?

When did this happen!

Zheng Jing, this son of a bitch, is he crazy?

Who's going to live with him!

Now, Zhao an wants to beat Zheng an out!

Her face was red and white, her lips were shaking and her whole body was petrified.

It was a long time before she found her voice.

"Auntie, you misunderstand me. Zheng Jing and I have nothing but ordinary friends!" Hum, now even friends are not, she is going to kill that shameless man!

"Oh, your little girl has a thin skin. I'm sorry to say that it doesn't matter. After all, I was too worried about you from the beginning! He is in his thirties, and I still want to see him get married soon

Zhao an said at ease, auntie, I have thick skin like a wall. How can I be embarrassed about this kind of thing! I'm telling the truth!

However, Pei Xinhua did not give her a chance to explain.

With these words, she took Mrs. Zhao's hand, said a few polite words with a smile, and then left.Zhao An'an, who is fast in the whole process, can't get a word in!

As soon as Pei Xinhua left, Mrs. Zhao's face became gloomy.

"Come on, what's going on? How can you look like Zheng Jing's daughter-in-law! It's not enough for you to make MuQing look like this now. Do you want to continue to harm Zheng Jing? "

"Wronged, grandma!"

Zhao An'an immediately went over and hugged the old lady's arm and cried out her injustice.

The point is, she really died unjustly!

She also knew Zheng Jing's confused ideas today! And did not expect that he would be so cruel, directly let Pei Xinhua come to Zhao's house to find out the matter!

This is driving her to death!

"I have no idea about Zheng Jing! I don't know what kind of wind he is today, and suddenly he has to marry me! I beat him up today. I thought he would stop. Who would have thought he would let his mother come to our house

The old lady took part in shangguanning's whole plan. Of course, she knew that Zheng Jing's confession to Zhao An'an was just acting.

But she did not expect that Zheng Jing would pull his mother into the water!

And obviously, Pei Xinhua didn't know about all the plots. She just thought that Zheng Jing liked Zhao an very much, and Zhao an was also interested in Zheng Jing, so she wanted to let her two children get married soon. After all, they were both big.

About the Zheng family, the old lady once heard Zhao an accidentally reveal that Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun are not brothers and sisters. They get along day and night and have feelings, but their parents do not agree with them.

After all, in the eyes of their parents, the two of them are their own sons and the other is their own daughter. To let them marry is contrary to the principle of gang Chang Lun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!