Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 740

It turns out that Zheng Jing is really on purpose and has been tracking her all the time!

As soon as Zhao an thought of this, her hair would stand up in anger, and her blood gushed to her head. She wanted to kill Zheng Jing directly!

"You finally admit that you are following me! Very good, surnamed Zheng. Today I'll let you have a taste of my great aunt and let you know why the flowers are so red! Li Feidao, help me stop him. I will kill this shameless stalker! "

Li Feidao is now obedient to Zhao An'an. Hearing her words, he immediately stops Zheng Jing.

There are wolves before Zheng Jing and tigers after them. It's quite a mess!

He couldn't understand why once a woman started to go crazy, her combat effectiveness would explode directly!

What tonic has Zhao an taken recently? How can his endurance be better than that of a criminal policeman! Run faster than him!

Zheng Jing stopped breathlessly, touched his arm which was hit by Zhao An'an, and sat on the floor with a bitter smile: "stop, stop, stop chasing, if you go on, I will be exhausted by you!"

Zhao an an stepped forward, pushed him to the ground, and then separated his legs, and the whole person directly sat on him!

This posture is too ambiguous, make Zheng Jing's face rise red at once!

He is so big that he has never been treated like this by a woman!

Zhao An'an is so fierce that people can't bear it!

Zhao An'an didn't find anything wrong with her posture at all. She used to ride on the loser after winning a fight, regardless of whether they were men or women.

This kind of slapping is very convenient, because it's very easy to slap!

She tightly grasped Zheng Jing's collar and held Zheng Jing almost out of breath.

"You are a jerk, Zheng Jing! I'll tell you you're not serious, you are! You dare to fight even my aunt's idea. Are you tired of living? Say, what conspiracy is there! If you don't, I'll take off one of your arms first! "

"What a conspiracy! I just like you and don't dare to show it. I'm afraid to make you angry. You see, if I tell the truth now, you're going to kill me. How dare I speak? "

"Bah! Bullshit, tracking me every day just like me? You are a criminal police on great ah, you will follow great ah, you know the law and violate the law! I can report you harassing an 18-year-old girl! "

"You are twenty-eight, where is..."

"Shut up! Did you interrupt me when I spoke Zhao An'an, riding on Zheng Jing's body, roars from a commanding position, looks very powerful - she likes to fight most, but she is addicted to it today!

"We usually catch suspects and give them the opportunity to defend themselves. I'm not breaking the law. Are you still not allowed to speak?" Zheng Jing refused to accept the right to speak for himself.

"What's more, I follow you every day, that's to protect you. I'm afraid you'll run away without saying a word. Last time you disappeared for half a year, I've searched the whole a city. You won't forget it so soon?"

"Of course I didn't forget it. It's not because MuQing asked you for help. It's not because you've got a crush on me that you look for me everywhere."

"I'll treat you to dinner, coffee and food every day! You've never been so nice to this woman

"Bang! When did you invite me to dinner? Which time was not oppressed by me? Every time I threaten you to fight with you, you will pay! What do you mean by that? "

"Zhao an, feel your conscience and tell me that I am so easily threatened by you? I'm a criminal police officer. When I graduated from the military academy, I was the best graduate in all aspects of ability. It's not a problem to hit ten. Can you be a threat to me as a girl? I was willing to be oppressed and threatened by you. You are so stupid that you can't see it at all? "

The more Zhao An'an listens to him, the more confused he is, and he is very manic! She almost lost the most basic judgment, do not know what Zheng Jing said is true and which is false!

She's two years old, and she's going crazy!

She has no way to accept Zheng Jing's statement!

How could he like her? It's impossible. It can't be!

This can't be explained to the pure and kind Zheng Lun!

She clearly is to help Zheng Lun look at Zheng Jing, but the result is good. She sees Zheng Jing here!

How did Zhao An'an think that he was also the constitution that provoked peach blossom!

Although she looks good, but the character is careless, like a boy, how can men like her such a woman!

What's the matter with this lately?

Did she commit suicide this year? One after another confession, what Li Feidao, Wenkang, Wu Xin, MuQing even, he has confessed for 11 years, this is no doubt, now even Zheng Jing also join in the fun!

Moreover, Zheng Jing also knew that she was entangled with Mu Qing, and that Mu Qing was the only one she liked. He also knew her physical condition. She was unable to bear children, and even her life could not be saved.What on earth did he follow!

It seems to have started since she became the headmaster. Has her temperament changed so much since she became the headmaster? Have you become a beautiful woman who loves flowers?

Zhao An'an's brain is now a paste!

Her brain capacity is limited, and it's OK to think of a few ghost ideas, but analyzing such a complicated matter will directly cause her brain to crash!

That, that What about her assistant? Well, what's the name of her assistant?

What's the name of gold or silver? Oh, yes, yes, Jinning!

What about Jinning? Where did he go?

Why isn't he here at such a critical time?

Help her to analyze it quickly. What's going on here!

Zhao an has a headache to crack, and Zheng Jing, who is under her death's pressure, is still telling his "true feelings".

"An'an, I'm the same as Li Feidao. He wants to protect you, so do I! And every time I see you, I will take money to rob you, just to make you happy

Zheng Jing gave himself goose bumps, but Zhao an did not react at all.

Her brain is only sensitive to seize the key word: money!

Steal money?

Oh, yes, I forgot to rob Zheng Jing's money today! Money is a good thing, no one will despise their own money!

She fumbled in Zheng Jing's body, and finally took out a familiar purse from his pocket. Then she took out all the money and put it into her underwear. The empty purse was directly thrown onto Zheng Jing's body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!