Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 739

Zheng Jing looked at her with a face of course: "yes, it's over."

"You can't do that. You have to say more! Aren't you a criminal police officer? You're good at persuading criminals

Zheng Jing has no choice but to touch the forehead. Li Feidao is not a criminal. This is an emotional problem, not a criminal case!

Li Feidao is also inexplicable. He didn't break the law. It's useless for Zheng Jing to be a criminal policeman!

After thinking about it, Zheng Jing simply said the lines that should be repeated in a few days: "An'an, I have a very good solution, which can not only let Li Feidao no longer pursue you, but also solve Mu Qing at the same time!"

When Zhao an settled down, he was overjoyed and said in a hurry: "tell me, what's the best way?"

"Marry me!"

As soon as these three words were said from Zheng Jing's mouth, the office immediately fell into a strange silence.

After a long time, Zheng Jingcai heard Zhao an's inspiration.

She widened her eyes, as if she did not know Zheng Jing any more. She asked in disbelief, "what do you say? Can you tell me that again? "

These three words, really can not be used to joke!

And Zheng Jing's appearance is not like a joke at all! It's not like he's helping her out. He's pushing her into the fire!

Li Feidao also looked at Zheng Jing with a bad look: "yes, you say it again!"

Once the words were spoken, Zheng Jing felt much more relaxed.

In recent days, he has been pressed by this big stone. The task given to him by Shangguan Ning is too arduous and unexpected. He himself has spent a long time to accept it. If Zheng Lun had not begged him to help Zhao An'an, he would not have agreed to such a thing.

First of all, Zhao An'an must know the truth in the future. At that time, she must be chasing him in a city!

Second, he is really not good at playing this kind of drama that likes other women, and his heart is uncomfortable. The only person he likes is Zheng Lun. Let him say that he likes Zhao An'an, which is his life!

Fortunately, he is very familiar with Zhao An'an, and usually treats her as a boy. He is not afraid to hook her up.

Shangguan Ning had already designed lines for Zheng Jing a few months ago. In order to prevent Zheng Jing from being unable to say such numb words to Zhao An'an, she simplified it as much as possible, and taught Zheng Jing a way: temporarily imagine Zhao An'an as Zheng Lun, which is a drill for confessing to Zheng Lun.

Where can I find Zhao an's accompany practice? How suitable is it for Zheng Jing to practice!

Every time Zheng Jing thinks this way, he will be much more comfortable.

In order to look serious and solemn, he looked at Zhao An'an with sincere eyes, learning from Li Feidao's appearance. Then he said, "I'm not kidding. You didn't hear me wrong. I said, let you marry me! Would you like to? "

Zhao an blinked her eyes and then pulled out her ears. She always felt that her eyes and ears were not good today!

In front of me, this affectionate person is Zheng Jing?

Was he talking to her just now?

Is she not awake, or Zheng Jing did not wake up?!

You're in your head, aren't you?

Zhao an didn't believe in evil. He grabbed Zheng Jing's collar, and his face almost stuck to his face. He gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't hear you clearly. You say it again!"

Zheng Jing hugged her and her waist, and stuck her whole person to himself. He still said affectionately, "I want to marry you. You marry me. All the problems are solved?"

Zhao an was hugged by him, and his hair stood up!

She did not want to, "bang" all of a sudden hit Zheng Jing's face, his right cheek immediately high swelling up!

Zheng Jing screamed, and before he could speak, he got a kick from Zhao An'an on his stomach and was kicked to the ground by her foot.

"Ah! Zhao An'an, why do you hit people casually! Stop it

Zhao An'an is trying to wipe her waist. She always feels that the waist touched by Zheng Jing is hard to die!

In the past, she often held Zheng Jing in her arms. When she fought with him, she never felt anything. But today, being touched by Zheng Jing made her cold all over!

"I hit people? You bastard shameless thing, I still want to kill people! No, you are not a man at all

Zhao an's face was red and her eyes were full of anger: "do you mean to open your mouth to this kind of words?"!? Do you know that friends and wives should not be deceived? Do you know that Lun Lun and I are such good friends? How can I have the face to see her when you say that? Do you have the face to see her yourself? I'm going to kill you for ronlon today

Zheng Jing stood up from the ground and ran away in the office, reciting his lines: "I like you for a long time! But I dare not say, I don't want to destroy the relationship between you and Mu Qing. But you have refused Mu Qing's proposal. If you don't marry him, I will have a chance! You don't want to marry me, aren't you? "Zhao an ran after him, and from time to time he picked up cups and books and smashed them on him.

"What a fart! You'd better tell me now that everything you said just now is a joke. If you are serious, I will kill you! "

She ran after Zheng jingman's office with no mercy, just like Zheng Jing had a feud with her.

"Don't think you lied to me, I don't know. If you say you like me, you don't believe me! Where do you like the way I look? My intuition tells me, you must have a problem recently! Say, what is your conspiracy

Zheng Jing did not expect that she should have guessed that it was a conspiracy!

It seems that we can't belittle a woman's intuition. Without any evidence, Zhao An'an guessed that he didn't really like her. It can be seen that feelings, like this, can be found out with a little heart whether the true feelings or the false intentions.

But Zheng Jing will not admit it.

He insisted that he liked Zhao An'an.

"Why don't I like you? I'm with you every day, don't you find out? "

Of course Zhao an found it!

Since this period of time, Zheng Jing can appear in front of her almost every day, whether she is on the road, or in the hospital, or on the way to MuQing's home, she can meet him!

Since she came to work in X University, Zheng Jing appears almost every day!

She had long thought that the frequency of Zheng Jing's appearance was too high!

She also suspected many times, but every time asked Zheng Jing, he always had a very good reason, he always appeared reasonable, she could only believe him again and again!

But there are so many coincidences, it's not a coincidence! , the fastest update of the webnovel!