Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 738

Li Feidao's voice was low and his face was solemn.

Although he felt that Zheng Jing didn't seem to like Zhao an much, he was diligent in running to Zhao An'an, much more diligent than MuQing, which showed that he had a good feeling for Zhao An'an.

Zheng Jing was forced into a dilemma.

In fact, he didn't want to cheat Li Feidao. Li Feidao has no bad intentions. On the contrary, he is very righteous and willing to pay for his brother. He is worth making friends with his heart.

He likes Zhao An'an is also sincere, even very persistent. And he has always been very respectful to Zhao An'an. Although he always said that he would marry her, he never touched her. He just kept protecting her in silence.

But Li Feidao's love for Zhao An'an is doomed to have no result.

Even Mu Qing has not succeeded in pursuing for 11 years. How can he succeed in such a short time.

The most important thing is that Zhao an doesn't like Li Feidao. If he gets deeper and deeper, it won't do him any good.

What's more, he comes to Zhao An'an every day for what? Is he really free to this extent? He is Zhao an and Mu Qing's strong assists! It's just that it hasn't started working yet.

Shangguanning arranged for him to pursue Zhao An'an, although his performance has not been obvious.

After hesitating for a long time, Zheng Jing still took Zhao An'an's shoulder and said to Li Feidao: "it's not to rob you. An'an is not yours. I like her, but I won't force her. Who she likes is up to her own decision! But I don't think you have any chance. You give up. It's good for you and ANN

Zhao An'an had been winking at Zheng Jing and wanted him to help him act. However, when she heard the words "I like her too" from his mouth, she felt very uncomfortable!

She has heard Mu Qing say many times, I love you, I like you, I miss you, and so on. She never felt uncomfortable. Although she was a little surprised and helpless when listening to Li Feidao, she didn't seem to feel much uncomfortable!

At this time Zhao an did not know, the reason why she felt Zheng Jing said awkward, because Zheng Jing himself is also uncomfortable!

Even in acting, it's a painful thing to say that you like Zhao An'an!

Zhao An'an didn't know Zheng Jing's inner entanglement and pain. He held Zheng Jing's arm with a sweet face and called him coyly: "Jingjing brother, you are the best to me! I like you best

Zhao An'an said that there is no pressure to like Zheng Jing. Acting is so fun! Zhao An'an is very happy to take the opportunity to deal with him and torture him!

Zheng Jing was so stiff that her blood almost coagulated!

The smile on his face couldn't squeeze out. Now he just wanted to throw Zhao An'an out of the window!

Zheng Jing did not speak, but Li Feidao did not let him go.

He strode to Zheng Jing and said seriously, "I think I'm more suitable for An'an than you are, and I like An'an more than you do. Don't ruin her life's happiness, let her stay with me!"

His expression is too serious, the tone is too sincere, so Zheng Jing and Zhao An'an are slightly stunned.

Zheng Jing never thought that Li Feidao's affection for Zhao An'an was so deep, and Zhao An'an himself did not think of it.

She has always felt that she and Li Feidao are enemies, not even friendship, let alone love!

She thought that Li Feidao was just on the spur of the moment. Her love for her was not love, but because they had been together for a long time. She was the woman he knew most, so he liked it.

She thought he would give up after she had clearly rejected him.

But she looked at Li Feidao sincere and persistent eyes, but found that she was wrong!

He really likes her!

Zhao an is suddenly a little flustered. In her life, only Mu Qing really likes her. The rest of the people either want to play with her, or they just take a fancy to her background and family background and don't really treat her.

And now, Li Feidao is also interested in her!

What can I do!

She has already felt guilty for harming a MuQing. Now, with a Li Feidao, is not her sin more serious!

Zhao an takes a deep breath and decides to tell Li Feidao the truth.

"Li Feidao, I don't like you, and I won't marry you. You don't have to be persistent any more. Give up! I've got a terminal illness. I may not live long. You can find a healthy girl and live with her for a lifetime. I'm not suitable for you. "

Li Feidao was a little shocked. It took a while to recover.

Incurable disease? Can't live long?!

The news was so shocking that Li Feidao felt a pain in his heart, and even his breath was about to stop!

He took a deep breath, looked straight at Zhao An'an, and asked anxiously and worried, "what's the matter with you? What's wrong? Isn't Mu Qing the best doctor? He can't cure you? "

Zhao an had a bitter smile, but soon her smile became bright again. She said carelessly, "yes, he can't cure me. I may not die one day! So, you'd better go and like other girls. If you like me, there's no good result. You can see MuQing. "She felt that even if Li Feidao didn't give up on her, she would not be as persistent as before.

As a result, Li Feidao was silent for a while and said, "An'an, although I don't know what disease you have, I'm willing to accompany you. No matter how long you can live, I will accompany you. Can you give me a chance to take care of you?"

Zhao an was stunned.

She said all her words. Why doesn't Li Feidao give up!

He simply does not eat hard and soft, the thing that he affirms must insist on!

What's good about her? Let him be so persistent and say that he has a terminal illness, and he still refuses to give up!

It is normal that Mu Qing refuses to give up her. The emotional entanglement between them is too deep. But how can Li Feidao be so affectionate to her?

My God, what a kind person she had to be in her last life. Only in this life can two men treat her so well!

What can I do? To tell the truth, Li Feidao couldn't listen to it. He didn't take it seriously to tell lies!

Zhao an anxiously scratched her head. Seeing Zheng Jing's silence, she shook his arm vigorously: "what do you mean! Tell Li Feidao that he is asking for trouble

Zheng Jing obeyed: "Li Feidao, you are asking for trouble by doing so!"

Zhao An'an had been waiting for him to say more and let Li Feidao die. However, she found that he only said such a sentence. She couldn't help but stare: "this is over?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!