Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 737

Zhao an didn't answer the phone so fast before! She is the phone rings for a long time to answer the phone slowly ah!

"Hello, brother, what's the matter? What's your instruction?"

A tone of fear and caution.

Shangguan Ning immediately understood why Zhao An'an answered the phone so quickly this time!

Dare you, because this is jingyichen's mobile phone number, she thought it was jingyichen who called her, so she picked it up so efficiently!

Oh, I'm going to piss her off!

The difference is big enough!

"Zhao an, I'm not your brother, I'm your sister-in-law!"

"Oh, my God, you scared me to death! I thought it was my brother, white tension! You have nothing to do with his cell phone to call me, can frighten people, do you know? In addition to my brother will talk to you, talking to others is freezing dead! Every time I get a call from him, I have to think about what happened recently and beg for mercy in a low voice

Zhao an an heard that it was not jingyichen, and immediately said a lot.

She made a "big disaster" with MuQing yesterday, which caused a sensation to reporters in the whole city. Today, she made headlines directly, and the school was not peaceful. She thought jingyichen called to scold her!

Zhao An'an is not afraid of the earth, but is afraid of jingyichen alone!

Shangguan listened to her in a funny and angry way. Originally, he wanted to have a good dislike of her. He was so fond of jingyichen, but he didn't care about her at all. As a result, she said so pitifully that he couldn't say anything.

Zhao an an listed a lot of Jing Yi Chen's frightening places, drank a big saliva to moisten his throat, and then asked, "what do you want me to do?"

Shangguan Ning was almost forgotten by her nagging about the business. She just remembered when she asked.

"Ann, Congratulations!" she said happily

Zhao an has just dealt with a large number of reporters, just entered the office and said a few words to Jinning, and then received a phone call from Shangguan Ning.

She was powerless to lie on the table, smell speech carelessly way: "I how happy have?"

"Are you so forgetful now? Didn't you agree to Mu Qing's proposal? When will you get married? "

"Oh, you say that!" Zhao an's tone is still languid, "I'm just talking about fun. How can you take it seriously?"

Shangguanning can't believe his ears!

"What? You say that again? "

"Oh, it's really just for fun. There were so many people watching yesterday. How could I give Mu Qing a face? If he didn't agree, he would be disgraced! So I'm going to deal with it first. Yes

Shangguan's gas condensation!

This can be said for fun?! Can you cope with this?

"You, you, you You piss me off

Shangguan Ning was so angry that she couldn't even say anything!

All a city people were cheated by Zhao An'an!

She still refused to marry Mu Qing!

Fortunately, there are so many people on the Internet to wish her and MuQing happiness, and some people envy and envy, saying Zhao An'an is so lucky!

As a result, she was just to give Mu Qing a face!

Shangguan Ning gnawed his teeth and said: "OK, you, people have spent so much thought and money. You mean to play, right? Make me happy! I thought I could finally stop worrying about you and be a villain! I didn't think the things I had prepared were of no use. It seems that I have to use them again! "

Zhao an listened in a vague voice: "wait a moment, what are you talking about? What villain? What's next? "

"Nothing. I've always been concerned about your marriage. You refused Mu Qing. I said I was very sad. What's the matter?"

"I think you're weird, but I can't tell you what's wrong. Beauty, we are the best friends. You can't tell me anything! Your husband was introduced to you by me. I'm your matchmaker... "

Again, again!

Shangguan Ning speechless rolling eyes, this stem has been used rotten by Zhao An'an!

It doesn't matter, soon she will become Zhao An'an's matchmaker!

Two people were laughing and quarrelling on the phone. As soon as they hung up, Shangguan Ning became serious, and then called Zheng Jing: "an an an promised Mu Qing to marry him. Today, she has gone back on her promise and plans to continue! Try to get them married at the end of the month

Early Monday morning, Zheng Jing drove to X university again, and then went to Zhao An'an office as usual.

However, before he arrived, Li Feidao had already grinded with Zhao An'an in it.

"Ann, you don't want to marry Mu Qing. You are waiting for me to propose to you and marry me, right?"

Just entered the door, heard Li Feidao say this kind of words, Zheng Jing at the foot of a stagger, almost fell a somersault!

Zhao an just drank a sip of coffee also "puff" down, all spit out!She gaped at Li Feidao: "you feel so good about yourself."

Li Feidao doubts: "isn't it?"

"Of course not! You think too much

"Mu Qing is so kind to you, and the proposal is grand enough. Why don't you agree? Do you really refuse Mu Qing just because you like me? "

Zhao an is absolutely defeated!

I don't like it when I look up. I don't like it when I see her

Police officer Zheng, who was hugged by her, looks stiff and has goose bumps on the ground!

Zhao An'an, can you speak well! If you don't act coquettish, don't pretend to be coquettish. If you are coquettish, you will die!

What's more, Li Feidao's sharp eyes immediately focused on Zheng Jing, and then the "crackle" crackle of his hands! Look like you're going to beat him up!

Zheng Jing wants to cry without tears, why is he always injured!

Can he stop playing?

It's just a matter of being an actor to act, but there's life in danger!

He wants to go home, go home to find Zheng Lun, comfort his injured heart!

Li Feidao didn't care whether Zheng Jing was injured or not. He liked Zhao An'an. He had seen Mu Qing propose to her, and she had already agreed. He wanted to wish her happiness, but he learned from ah Hu that Zhao an agreed to propose at that time, but soon afterwards he repented that she would not marry Mu Qing!

He felt that since Zhao an didn't like MuQing, she just liked him!

So he came early this morning to ask.

Li Feidao thinks Zhao an is a rare good girl. He doesn't want to miss it.

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