Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 734

Zhao An'an felt very comfortable and beautiful when Mu Qing was in such a big villa. However, she felt inexplicably lonely when he just left.

He didn't feel much when he was by her side. Only when he left her would he realize his importance.

I hope MuQing can deal with all the things well, otherwise the old man should scold him again, and even the old man will actually start to beat him regardless of it.

She joked about Mu Qing. In fact, she was more nervous than anyone else. She was afraid that Mu Wensheng would feel that Mu Qing was not stable enough, so she dismissed him from his post of president and even drove him out of Mu's hospital.

MuQing has nothing but Mu's hospital.

He devoted all his youth and energy to this hospital, and he had a deep and deep affection for Mu's hospital.

Zhao an stood alone in front of the window, looking at the beautiful swimming pool and bright red roses, but there was no previous sense of happiness.

No wood green, no matter how beautiful the flowers are.

Zhao an changed her clothes, ate a hasty breakfast, and then asked the driver to take her to school.

In fact, today is Saturday, she could not go to work, but yesterday there was such a big proposal in the school, today will certainly not be calm, she needs to go to school to see, lest anything happens.

On the way to school, Zhao an an received a call from Mrs. Zhao.

"Ann, did you agree to Mu Qing's proposal?"

Obviously, the old lady also watched the news.

Mu Qing called the old lady last night. Zhao an can't go home for the night. He must tell the old lady so that she won't worry.

But he didn't even mention the proposal, because Zhao An'an didn't agree at all, so he couldn't say it and hit him in the face.

The old lady happily agreed to let Zhao An'an stay in MuQing last night, but only when she saw the news this morning did she know why MuQing wanted to stay in Zhao'an!

It was a proposal!

And it was such a grand proposal!

What's more, the news said that Zhao An'an agreed to Mu Qing's proposal!

Is the granddaughter finally turning around?!

However, the old lady is excited, Zhao an then a basin of cold water poured down: "no, I did not promise!"


The old lady's brain was short circuited. It took a while to connect the line. She asked in a hurry, "why didn't you promise? I see on the news that you agreed! What's more, they also took a video of MuQing's proposal. I heard it clearly in the video. You said yes

Zhao an was a little ashamed, but still cheeky way: "I said I would like you to believe ah, say fun, don't take it seriously!"

The old lady angrily patted the table around her, which made the dishes on the table clang.

"Nonsense! Propose and talk about fun?! If you promise it, you can go back on it? "

"I'm thick skinned, and I don't have much to go back on?"

The old lady was still very angry, and her voice was a little cold: "you can go back on other things. It's just this kind of thing that you can't go back on. Otherwise, what's the point of proposing marriage? Where are you? I'll send you the account book

Zhao an was surprised: "hukou Ben? Why? "

The old lady said one word at a time: "get certificate!"

"Don't mention it, grandma!"

Zhao an was in a hurry and was at a loss: "am I your granddaughter? How can you push me out! I can't marry, that That Mu Qing also agreed

"Did he agree?" The old lady was surprised.

"Yes, yes, he agreed!"

"He will let you repent? Don't marry if you don't? Not afraid of being laughed at? "

Mu Qing has put so much effort into his proposal. Now all the people in a city know that he has proposed. If Zhao An'an doesn't marry him, where will his face go!

Zhao an was afraid that grandma would force her to get the certificate again. She said, "yes, yes, he will listen to me. He said that he would not force me. As long as I don't marry others, anything will do."

When the old lady heard her words, she didn't say anything for a long time. At last, she sighed: "Alas, Mu Qing is so used to you that you are spoiled."

Hang up the phone, Zhao an an long sigh of relief, paralyzed in the car.

She was scared to death. Grandma asked her to get the certificate directly!

Grandma is not afraid to get the certificate after, in case she died, pit Mu Qing?

Grandma always said that Mu Qing was so used to her that she was an old man?

Grandma knew that it was unfair for her to marry Mu Qing. She was afraid that it was very difficult for her to get pregnant and to protect her life. Ordinary men, if not for money, would not want her?

Grandma just loves her too much and wants her to have a home. No matter how long she can live, someone will take care of her. Grandma always says that she is too old to live for a few years. She always hopes that her only granddaughter can have a home of her own.Zhao An'an was full of thoughts all the way, and kept fighting between heaven and man in his heart.

On the one hand, she was extremely eager to marry Mu Qing and become his wife. On the other hand, she tried to restrain her yearning and longing for him. She always felt that she could not live too long. As time went on, the premonition became stronger and stronger.

She doesn't know how much effect MuQing's drugs can have on her. She only knows that even Germany, which has the most advanced technology and equipment for cancer research and cure, can't guarantee to keep her life.

On the contrary, doctors in Germany have said that the probability of her survival is very low.

Forget it, I don't want to. Let's do it first!

Every time Zhao an thinks of these things, she will be extremely painful. If she is not a cheerful person, the pressure of death alone will soon crush her.

When she got to the school, as soon as she got off the bus, those reporters came up all of a sudden, and then she was "click click" to shoot wildly. The strong flash blinded her eyes!

"Miss Zhao, I'm a reporter from Peninsula evening news. Are you the new president of X university?"

Isn't that nonsense? I'm not. Are you!

Zhao an covered his eyes against the flash, and he was in the heart.

"Miss Zhao, I'm a reporter from XX Entertainment Weekly. Do you have anything to say about yesterday's proposal? Do you have anything you want to say to other single girls? "

I want to say, you are noisy, shut up! Would you?

Zhao an took off her hand, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she was flashed by a flash lamp. The world suddenly turned pale!

"Miss Zhao, when are you and Mr. Mu going to get married? He just proposed yesterday. Why didn't he send you to work today? Has your relationship changed? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!