Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 733

News has not finished, Mu Qing side of the mobile phone seems to be like a life-threatening ring.

The word "grandfather" on the screen made Mu Qing's face wrinkled into a ball, and the cold sweat came out!

What are you afraid of? The old man saw the news so quickly?! Didn't he always pay attention to this kind of gossip?

But no matter how scared Mu Qing, he could only answer the phone, otherwise he would die more miserably!

As soon as the phone was connected, the old man's angry roaring voice came from inside: "you son of a bitch, you see what good things you have done! Old man, I'm an old man. I'm still making headlines with you! It's OK. I'm full. I'm going to ask for a fart marriage. You, how are you? Can you die as your Dean? Can you die? "

The old man was full of air. The high decibel volume from the phone made Mu Qing's ears roar.

Even Zhao an, who was by the window, listened to his words clearly. He could not help but look at Mu Qing with the same banter.

Mu Qing can't take care of Zhao An'an at this moment. The old man's temper is not for fun. If he gets angry, he will come to the door directly and take off his shoes to fight!

"Er Don't worry, Grandpa. You see, it's a good thing. Our hospital's reputation has been improved a lot, and a lot of hype expenses have been saved. I'm... "

"Fart! The hospital we run by Mujia still needs to be hyped?! You mean to save money? Six planes throw roses down. It's said that it's still French broken roses. Tell me, how much money has been saved?! How many precious medicinal materials can these money buy? How many advanced medical equipment can you buy? "

"Grandfather, this It can't be compared like this. It's different from buying medicinal materials... "

"Bah! Don't you talk nonsense, when I'm old and stupid? Why don't you just propose and buy a bunch of roses? I dare to go to Jing's house and borrow a helicopter to set up such a big scene. This is to make me angry! You have a lot of ability now. Have you lost all the money in the hospital? "

"How can it be, grandfather, I spent all my own money, and the hospital money didn't move a cent!" This crime is too big, he can not afford, Mu Qing quickly to guarantee.

"Your money is also the money of the hospital! After that, if you don't have my permission, I'll ask Mr. Jing to find someone to freeze all your accounts! If he didn't laugh at me for making headlines today, I would have been kept in the dark by you! I'm really pissed off. I don't have to eat breakfast. I'm so angry

It turns out that Jing Tianyuan told Mu Wensheng! No wonder the old man reacted so fast this time!

Mu Qing scratched his head, but he forgot Jingtian far away!

Jingtianyuan is different from Mu Wensheng. He studies medicine and seldom reads news on the Internet. However, jingtianyuan is an industrialist who has spent most of his life in shopping malls. He has always been concerned about various news in the society and even in the world. He has to watch the news every day without eating.

When he saw the headline that he proposed to Zhao An'an, he would laugh and make fun of Mu Wensheng!

Mu Wensheng's thought is still the traditional thought of the older generation. He has lived frugally all his life, never spending money indiscriminately, and has invested all his savings in the construction of Mu's Hospital and Mu's Research Institute.

Seeing him so corrupt, the old man must be heartbroken!

Fortunately, he is not at his side at the moment. If he is around, he will be beaten black and blue.

Mu Qingsan didn't speak, but the old man's anger didn't disappear at all. He still roared and roared: "you hurry to the hospital. Now there are all reporters. If you don't deal with it well and lose the face of the wooden family, you will kneel in the Mu family's ancestral grave tonight!"


The hospital is surrounded by reporters?

Wood green a head two big, until the old man "bang" a hang up the phone, his originally handsome face has become a bitter gourd face.

It's like It's a little noisy!

Zhao An'an has always been a busy host. She laughingly climbed to the bed, hugged MuQing's neck, blinked her eyes and said, "Oh, don't go to the hospital today. I'll dance striptease to show you! Let those reporters wait. The more you don't show up, the more famous you will be. Good thing! Maybe a famous director will come to you to make a movie tomorrow

Wood green hate to pat her elastic little buttocks, comfortable touch let him reluctant to leave, patted once and again.

"You're going to have a good time! Who am I doing this for? Now being scolded by the old man, you not only don't comfort me, but also come up with bad ideas to kill me

He would like to see Zhao an dance striptease, but she must be sure that he is going to leave, so she will deliberately say that to stimulate him. Where can she dance!

"Oh, is my charm so poor? No one's watching strippers? It seems that there was a man who proposed to me with great fanfare yesterday. As a result, I turned over and refused to recognize anyone today. Fortunately, I didn't promise. If I did, I would suffer a lot! "

Zhao an's tone is melancholy and exaggerated. He keeps turning his eyes and holding Mu Qing's neck to keep him away.Mu Qingqi bowed her head and bit the cherry on her chest. Hearing her painful voice, she raised her head and threatened: "if you don't let go, I'll tear my clothes and put you on. Then don't scold me for being an animal. I haven't touched you for half a year. It's not fun to burst out suddenly. Do you want to try it? Well? "

Zhao an was so scared that she quickly climbed down from him. "Go and go and get out of here!"

She rubbed the chest that was bitten by Mu Qing and scolded him angrily: "are you a dog? You've bitten me several times. It hurts

"Never mind, you can bite back!"

"Bang! What do you have to bite? "

Mu Qing shook his head with a smile: "OK, don't make trouble with you. I have to go to the hospital now. You remember to have breakfast. Aunt Dou should be ready. After dinner, yesterday's driver will take you to school and call me if you have any problems

"Are you going to stop eating?"

"It's too late. I'll go to the hospital first."

MuQing said, quickly put on clothes, washed his face and went out.

Zhao An'an stands in front of the large French windows of the villa, watching Mu Qing walk out of the house and get on a black Audi which was originally parked in the villa, and then gradually disappears into her sight.

The Audi was a car before MuQing. She had not seen it for a long time. It turned out that he had left it here.

Does he often come here alone?

Or is he going to Come here with her? , the fastest update of the webnovel!