Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 735

Zhao an an listened to this, angry, you just emotional change it! If it wasn't for you reporters who ran to the hospital early in the morning to make trouble, would he not come to see her off?

"Miss Zhao, when you were only 28 years old, you became the principal of X University, a famous school in a city. Did Mr. Mu find a relationship to send you in?"

"Miss Zhao, it's said that you have an unknown intimate relationship with the top management of Jingsheng group. Can you tell us which senior management is and what is the relationship with him?"

"Miss Zhao, what do you do in your family? It's said that you are a rich second generation. You were always willing to fight with others. At the beginning, you were expelled because you hit the students in the school. Is that right? "


N many problems in Zhao an's ears ring out, the problem is more acute than a tricky, she can hardly respond to the explosion!

The eyes were blinded by the flash lights, the ears were deafened by these people, even the surrounding air seemed to be plundered!

Zhao an is almost breathless by these people!

Fortunately, since she became the principal of X University, she has been exposed to many scenes for countless times. Fortunately, she has adapted to this kind of malicious attack. I really want to thank those old perverts in the school to find trouble and provocation every day, otherwise she would not be able to calm down so soon.

She took a deep breath, suppressed her heart beating wildly, and tried to keep her calm. Then, according to the standard posture that she had practiced for two months under the guidance of the etiquette teacher, she raised her head and raised her chest and gently waved to all the reporters with a decent and elegant smile on her face.

But she didn't say a word, even though she wanted to scold all these reporters!

She didn't explain all the questions, all the misunderstandings.

In this case, all explanations are pale and lead to more malicious speculation - the malicious person, no matter what you say, doesn't think for the better.

Soon, Jing Yichen's assistant to Zhao An'an tried his best to pass through all the reporters, came to Zhao An'an, stretched out his arm to protect her, and said to all reporters, "I am the principal's assistant Jinning. Our principal does not accept any interviews. It's her private matter to propose marriage. Please do not disturb the principal's life or disturb the order of the school. Please get out of the way. The headmaster is going to work. "

Jinning said, waving to the reporters outside the Li Feidao people, and then Li Feidao with 12 subordinates, strong break through all reporters inside three outside three layers of encirclement, protect Zhao an an to go out.

While protecting Zhao An'an, Jinning quickly whispered in her ear: "continue to smile and wave."

Zhao An'an knows, and Jinning means that they both sing "white face" and "red face".

He is responsible for high cold to resist the siege of all reporters, and she wants to express the most kind side to all reporters - the stars in the entertainment industry seem to be like this, they are very close to the people, but the assistants and agents are very fierce.

She laughed more distracted than before, and waved to the reporters from time to time. She looked like I was good at talking, but my assistant didn't let me talk.

From Zhao An'an to the door of the office building, it was only ten meters away, but it took more than ten minutes to walk! On average, it only moves one meter per minute, which can catch up with the snail!

In addition, during this period of walking, there have been reporters constantly asking questions and taking pictures. They are not dying at all. As long as there is eye-catching news, they will go straight up.

If Li Feidao had not been protecting Zhao an, these reporters would have hurt her.

It was so easy to get into the office building and get rid of those reporters. Zhao An'an was relieved.

God, thanks to her not being a star!

If it is a star, today's reporters must be several times more!

No wonder many stars are suffering from those paparazzi and reporters. It turns out that they are so miserable to be followed by people!

Zhao An'an is paralyzed and gulps on the chair. Jinning also sits on the sofa wiping the sweat on her forehead.

Fortunately, there are Li Feidao outside with people to guard, otherwise those reporters will certainly rush in!

"Oh, these reporters are so powerful! I still have a lot of white spots in my eyes. I can't see anything clearly! "

Zhao an rubbed his eyes hard, then pulled out his ears: "how can I hear them buzzing?"

Jinning laughed bitterly: "headmaster, you have become a famous person now. There must be reporters following you these days. Remember not to talk nonsense. No matter how bad they say, they can't scold back, let alone start. "

Miss Zhao an is a reporter, but she doesn't care what happened in the school!

Jinning was afraid that she didn't know the weight, so she had to tell her carefully.

Zhao An'an still understands this truth, and she has never regarded Jinning as an assistant. She has always regarded him as a teacher. She immediately nodded at the smell of speech: "good, good, I will listen to you, and I will never do anything!"Jinning is relieved. He is now Zhao an's assistant. In fact, he is a person of jingyichen, and knows Zhao an's identity clearly.

Fortunately, Zhao An'an has been very respectful of his opinions in the past few months. After making jokes at first, she never made any mistakes. Now, even without him, she can cope with many crises herself.

Jing Yichen gives him the task of turning Zhao an from a proud young lady who doesn't know anything to a man who talks about people and ghosts!

With Zhao an's careless and mindless character, it takes at least another 500 years to become a human spirit!

Jinning doesn't dare to turn her into a human spirit. It's amazing that she can become an intellectual woman with real talent and learning from nothing. It's amazing that she can take charge of her own affairs!

Zhao an was besieged by reporters, especially Mu Qing, and more crazy than Zhao An'an, because there were not only many reporters carrying cameras, but also crazy women who came to see him!

These women, without exception, have only one purpose: to seek association!

Mu Qing has more experience in dealing with flash and reporters than Zhao An'an.

He has made speeches at many large-scale international academic conferences, won many awards in medical research, and faced countless flashlights and journalists from various countries.

Therefore, he was not flustered. He selectively answered some reporters' questions. For those rumors that were not conducive to Zhao An'an, he totally denied them. If Zhao an's identity was involved, he would only smile and would not answer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!