Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 724

Qin Feng's face is very ugly. As the director of the Academic Affairs Office of the school, he usually has a high status and a good family background. No one has ever talked to him so impolitely!

He snorted coldly and said with a cold face: "headmaster Zhao and I are ordinary colleagues. Don't speculate on other people's ideas! I'm here to send her information today. It's not as dirty as you think! Headmaster Zhao, your fiance is unreasonable. I dare not help you in the future

He said, put down the information in his hand, turned around and left, but it seems that he is open and aboveboard.

However, he is definitely the most resourceful one. Before leaving, he also dug a hole for MuQing!

Sure enough, the next moment Zhao an was not happy: "wooden bastard, what's wrong with you today! After driving all the people in my camp away and offending them, who will help me? Qin Feng is here to send materials. He doesn't have any ambiguity with me. You've talked too much! "

"People in your camp? Joke! I don't believe that without these three lecherons, you, the headmaster, can't do it! None of the three of them had a good thing to do. I used to hate Wen Kang very much. Now it seems that he is the most upright! You should stay away from these people in the future, or you may not catch their way sometime! In particular, the Qin style is so resourceful and cruel. It must be a disaster! "

"Qin Feng is the dean of academic affairs of the school. I knew him when I was a teacher in the school. He is very gentle. How could he be so bad as you said?"

Zhao an is unconvinced. In fact, she doesn't like Qin Feng in her heart. She doesn't play tricks. That's right, but it doesn't mean she's stupid.

However, Qin Feng did not do anything out of the ordinary. He was basically helping, and he never paid back. In addition, he had known him before, so he has a good relationship now.

"It turns out that he has been on you before!"

There is no smile on Mu Qing's handsome face. It's just a wolf's nest!

He thought it was safe for Zhao an to be the president of X university. This is the ivory tower, which is much less than that of the outside world. She is a headmaster with a high position and a strong backing. Most people dare not provoke her. Unexpectedly, many young and handsome men pursue Zhao An'an by various means!

He only stayed here for one day, and there came three pursuers. At other times, he didn't know how many people would pursue it!

As a matter of fact, there are not so many people who come to Zhao An'an in other times. Occasionally, one or two of them will take the lead. After all, there are not many male teachers and students who dare to chase the principal!

Mu Qing and Zhao An'an don't know that Wen Kang came here on his own initiative, while Wu Xin and Qin Feng came here with Wen Kang's encouragement.

The two of them had a good impression on Zhao An'an and wanted to pursue her. After hearing Wen Kang said that she had a fiance, they naturally ran to see what happened.

They came to test the relationship between Mu Qing and Zhao An'an on purpose.

Mu Qing's little flame in his heart has turned into a big volcano, almost ready to erupt.

"You must be absolutely away from Qin Feng in the future. This man is not good-natured. I don't trust you to contact him!"

Zhao an curled his lips and said, "I don't think you have good intentions either! When people come to my office, they are all polite. They never behave abnormally. They don't act like you

Mu Qing goes to her side and holds her directly into his arms. Zhao An'an struggles to escape, but Mu Qing clings to her.

"Can I be the same as them? You are my woman. It's normal for me to move my hands and feet to you. Those are not good things. I feel uncomfortable looking at you! "

Zhao an's heart is sweet, but the mouth said: "who is your woman, do not want to face!"

"You are not only my woman, but also my fiancee. I am your fiance

After listening to him talking about these three words, Zhao an looked up from his arms and said with wide eyes: "asshole, you have made it clear who is your fiancee? We all broke up, don't you forget? "

Wood green light way: "is you unilateral break up, I have never agreed. Moreover, in my heart, we have been engaged. I have proposed to you, and you have agreed! "

"When, how can I have no impression! You don't fool me. It's true that my brain is more stupid than you are, but I'm not forgetful... "

"Eleven years ago, when you just became my girlfriend."

It seems that there is such a thing vaguely. Zhao An'an has an impression, but she can't remember the specific situation. At that time, it seems that Mu Qing said that she wanted to marry her, and then she agreed!

"When is it? It's just for fun. How can you take it seriously?"

"I'm serious, but you're not? Do you want to make a proposal Mu Qing looks a little ugly.

"Then you didn't give me a ring, and you didn't spend it. That doesn't count! It's too hasty for you to tell me now! "

"Who stipulates that a proposal must have a ring and flowers?""Er..." Zhao an was a little dumb. She said, "I don't care. It doesn't count anyway! A proposal must have a ring and flowers! "

"Well, tomorrow I will propose again with my ring and flowers in front of all the teachers and students of your X university. Let everyone know that you are my woman. Let those men die

"Ah?" How did you say that and it turned out like this!

Zhao an was anxious: "don't don't don't, don't take it seriously."

"Are you playing again? I don't care, but I'm serious Mu Qing was almost angry with her, but in her heart, she felt that she really should give Zhao an a grand proposal ceremony, even if she did not agree.

In fact, he and Zhao An'an have proposed countless times.

But they were all informal proposals. As Zhao An'an said, there were neither bright red roses nor dazzling diamond rings. They were all very simple indeed.

Every conversation between the two of them is "are you married or not?" "I will not marry!" In this mode, he has never tried to propose to Zhao An'an in the most formal and grand way.

Even if Zhao an refused him, he would be very happy.

How can a woman not like to be courted in the most romantic way by her beloved?

The more Mu Qing thinks about it, the more he thinks he needs a marriage proposal ceremony, and Zhao An'an needs a romantic proposal ceremony.

He hugged Zhao An'an, gently kisses her full lips, and whispers, "tomorrow is definitely not going to work. It's too hasty to prepare. It's not good. It's not serious enough. You wait three days. After three days, I'll come to school and propose to you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!