Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 723

In addition to Yang Muyan's unscrupulous creation of all kinds of "evidence" to let Zhao An'an misunderstand, the rest of the people will not pose a big threat to them.

However, after the incident of the last marriage certificate, Zhao An'an has learned to believe him now, and is very wary of Yang Muyan and will not believe her words easily.

After eating and drinking, Mu Qing drove Zhao An'an back to school.

He wanted to go back to the hospital in the afternoon, but it's rare that Zhao An'an is willing to let him stay with her this afternoon.

What's more, there are two potential rivals who pursue Zhao An'an today. Mu Qing is really worried about letting Zhao An'an stay in school alone. She always regards the opposite sex as good friends and good friends, but they don't treat her as a man!

He will stand by her side and drive away all those who are ready to move!

MuQing's choice is right.

In the afternoon, he and Zhao An'an were busy, and a handsome man came to her office!

Moreover, this one is different from the first two, more high-end!

It's not his appearance and family background, but the high-end means of chasing girls.

"Mr. Zhao, I specially collated some materials about our school's participation in the competition of national excellent universities in the past years. I have made a detailed summary of the advantages of our school, and see if it can be used. I didn't sleep last night. I was sorting out these materials. I may look a little haggard today. Don't laugh at me. "

"No, no, I can't laugh at you. You look as handsome as ever! But thank you so much, Qin Feng! I'm in short supply of this information! "

Mu Qing squints at the Qin wind coldly.

He is tall, well-dressed, handsome, with a pair of black glasses on his face. He looks gentle and looks like a senior scholar.

But his eyes to see Zhao An'an are obviously different. Under the thin lenses, there are a pair of eyes flashing with sparks!

What's more, he's really funny. Where is he haggard? Obviously good spirit is like playing doping, but in front of Zhao An'an, you should ask for credit and pretend to be poor!

Didn't sleep all night to sort out the information?

This also is Zhao an this kind of person who does not have the heart to believe, Mu Qing just does not believe!

I don't know who organized it for him, so he took it directly to Zhao An'an to pay homage to him.

What's more, Qin Feng is different from the first two. The first two are all named Zhao An'an, which is very intimate. The purpose of pursuing her is not concealed. However, Qin Feng calls her "headmaster Zhao". It seems that she respects her very much. It seems that she does not mean to pursue Zhao An'an.

This kind of person is the most dangerous!

This one is much more resourceful than the first two!

Zhao an's reaction shows that she is not so enthusiastic about Wenkang and Wu Xin, but she is welcoming Qin Feng.

Even in front of him, he praised another man handsome!

When he's dead?

Mu Qing's face is as green as his name!

However, the two men completely ignored his ugly face and were still chatting with each other.

"Thank you for everything. I should do it. As the dean of academic affairs of the University, I also have the responsibility to help the university participate in the ranking competition of excellent universities. I also hope that our school can go to a higher level. This is not the responsibility of the headmaster alone, but the common responsibility of all teachers and students in our school! "

Zhao An'an was moved by his words with tears in his eyes. He is really a good comrade! If all the teachers and students think so, the national ranking of X university will go up quickly!

"In our school, the most responsible teacher is you, Qin Feng! I am the headmaster of some sweat, you are really for the school in the effort! It's a great blessing to have a good teacher with a sense of responsibility like you! "

Mu Qing is not satisfied. Qin Feng's words are better than his singing. He dressed himself so handsome that he ran to Zhao An'an for the blind to see.

Of course, Zhao An'an seems to be able to pull. If she praises Qin Feng, she will open her mouth and directly put a high hat on him. I don't know whether she intentionally or really thinks Qin Feng is good.

In the past, Zhao An'an didn't have so much insight. She was not good at those twists and turns. Recently, she talked one thing after another and didn't know who she learned from.

Listen to her, Jing Yichen has given her a "know it all" assistant. She always teaches her how to be a person. It is estimated that the change of Zhao An'an is due to this assistant.

Mu Qing here is not waiting to see Qin Feng, but Qin Feng seems to feel nothing, still enthusiastic with Zhao An'an mutual praise.

“…… Since you came to be the principal of our school, the whole style of our school has been changed, and the learning atmosphere has become stronger. Your teaching policy is very good, and it has attracted a large amount of donations from Jingsheng group. It has made great contributions to the development of our school. It is really admirable! "

Zhao an knows that since jingyichen donated money to X University, many people suspect that she is a high-level woman of Jingsheng group. Now hearing Qin Feng seem to mention Jingsheng group unintentionally, she smiles the same and looks natural and modest: "where and where, I didn't expect Jingsheng group to donate money to our school. This is the good development of the school that will attract the society Donation has nothing to do with me! "She did not expect jingyichen to donate money to X!

If she had known, she would not let jingyichen donate! What a waste! Give her enough to spend for years!

She still has a pain in her flesh!

After chatting for a long time, Qin Feng seemed to notice that there was a wood green in the office.

"Headmaster Zhao, your friend is very eye-catching. He is not a teacher in our school, is he?"

"He? Oh, he wasn't, he was... "

"I'm Ann's fiance!"

Mu Qing cut off Zhao an's words without politeness. Today, he said that "fiance" was three words away, and he would come.

Qin Feng heard "fiance" three words, the expression on his face is very obvious, slightly stiff.

He looked at Mu Qing with some gloomy eyes and seemed very unhappy.

However, he had a lot of heart, and his surface work was perfect: "it turns out that headmaster Zhao has been engaged, and I haven't heard you mention such a big thing. Congratulations!"

Before Zhao An'an had time to deny it, Mu Qing said coldly to Qin Feng: "why should the headmaster tell you about his engagement? Who are you? In front of her fiance, you are so upset and kind to her. Do I look like a bully? Are you going to get out on your own, or do you want me to get someone to throw you out? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!