Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 725

Mu Qing is really serious!

How can this work!

Zhao an's anxious tears were about to come out: "no, no, no, you must not propose. Even if I ask, I won't promise you. How humiliating you will be then!"

Mu Qing picks eyebrow: "then you promise not to go?"

"I won't promise! If you dare to propose to me, I will I'll run away to a place where no one knows me, and I'll never come back! "

Mu Qing was startled and immediately hugged her: "good, good, you don't run away, I don't propose! As long as you don't leave, I'll promise you what I do! Don't let me find you, that feeling It's too hard, Ann. Don't let me try again. I'll go crazy

"I won't go unless you propose!" Zhao an was so sad that she wanted to die. She lay down in Mu Qing's arms and tried her best not to let her tears fall down.

She is afraid of Mu Qing's proposal to her. What should she do if she agrees with her impulsively and touched?

What if she died as soon as they were engaged!

"If I don't ask for it, you will go to work in school honestly. You are not allowed to go anywhere. Do you hear me?"

With a sigh of relief, Zhao an nodded with red eyes.

However, at the same time, she was relieved, but there was a loss in her heart.

She is also eager to have a grand proposal ceremony!

Zhao an deeply buried the desire in her heart. She wanted to live a peaceful and peaceful life with MuQing. In this way, she would be satisfied. MuQing might not have such deep feelings for her. Even if she lost her in the future, she would not be too sad.

On this day, Mu Qing stayed with Zhao An'an all the time. He seemed afraid that Zhao An'an would run away when he didn't pay attention. He held her hand and refused to let go until he sent Zhao An'an back to the Zhao family in person. He left at ease and returned to his apartment.

However, as soon as he got home, Mu Qing immediately called Jing Yichen: "jingshao, lend me six helicopters."

"So much? What are you doing? "


Jingyichen at the other end of the phone had no voice for a long time. His indifferent face suddenly showed a faint smile and said in a low voice: "OK, I'll lend it to you."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Qing began to prepare things for her proposal.

The first is the diamond ring.

Now it's certainly too late to customize, but he can choose the most suitable diamond ring for Zhao An'an, the most luxurious and expensive one.

That night, MuQing went directly to Switzerland by plane and went to pick up the ring himself.

Of course, in addition to the ring, he also helped Zhao an buy other luxury jewelry.

Zhao family is a jewelry family. What kind of rare treasures has Zhao an never seen? Mu Qing knows that Zhao an has a high vision, and she basically does not wear jewelry. It is difficult to satisfy her.

It took Mu Qinghua a long time to pick out what he was satisfied with.

After he bought the diamond ring, he didn't go back home immediately. Instead, he went to the Rose Manor in France. He reserved all the roses of the whole manor and flew them back to city A.

It took Mu Qing four days to return home.

It was a day more than he had said three days before.

He has some helplessness, but not too tangled.

He wanted to surprise Zhao An'an.

Zhao an an didn't see Mu Qing's figure for four days. She was very strange. When she left that day, she was still good? Why did it disappear all of a sudden? She went to the hospital to see him for a physical examination, but she didn't find anyone else's shadow. He didn't answer the phone.

She felt a little uneasy in her heart. Did she not let Mu Qing propose to her husband and annoy him? Or is it that she has too many pursuers here that makes Mu Qing angry?

She has been suspicious these days. Fortunately, Zheng Jing comes to talk with her almost every day. She doesn't have too much trouble.

Zheng always feels strange in her eyes recently.

What's more, Zheng Jinglai is too diligent!

What's more, he kept giving her gifts to help her drive away her occasional suitors.

She had more and more questions in her heart. She always felt that Zheng Jing was brewing a big conspiracy!

But every time she asked Zheng Jing, Zheng Jing answered as if nothing had happened. She always laughed at her selfishness and thought too much!

Now even she suspected that she was a little nervous!

Why hasn't MuQing appeared yet? Where has MuQing gone? She felt more down-to-earth with him!

Zhao an didn't talk about it for a long time, and Mu Qing appeared in a way she could never have imagined!

In autumn of a city, the air is fresh and the weather is clear. White clouds float in the blue sky. The sun gently emits warm light, shining on people, like a layer of golden light.

The campus of X university is picturesque, with green pines and cypresses, fiery red maple leaves and yellow chrysanthemums. It looks like an attractive tourist attraction.I don't know when it rained in the sky, which attracted the excited screams of countless girls in the campus.

Because it's a rose rain in the sky.

Six helicopters hovered over the campus of X University, and the rose petals fell from the sky, forming an extremely spectacular scene.

A student of Botany Department picked up the rose petals on the ground and exclaimed: "this is the Provence rose from France! And just picked less than 12 hours, this is the freshest rose directly from France

"My God, look, there are fresh dewdrops on the petals! It smells good

"Who is such a local tyrant! I'm so heartbroken by all the roses

"Our school has become a sea of roses, so beautiful! The fragrance of roses is everywhere. How romantic it is


When the helicopter slowly descended to only a few hundred meters above the ground, the students began to scream one after another.

Because each of the six helicopters had a red banner, and everyone read the words clearly.

"Zhao An'an, will you marry me?"

"Zhao An'an, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Zhao An'an, you must marry in this life."

"Zhao An'an, let me guard you with my whole life."

"Zhao An'an, I will accompany you to the ends of the earth."

"Zhao An'an, I love you!"

See the banner conspicuous "Zhao an" three characters, the whole school teachers and students are boiling!

Zhao an, who doesn't know? This is the latest beautiful headmaster of their X university!

She has been a hot topic in school recently! First of all, the strong crowd out the strong background of Min president, and then attracted hundreds of millions of donations, the whole school students scholarship straight up ah!

She was proposed!

And in such a magnificent way! , the fastest update of the webnovel!