Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 719

Mu Qing stepped forward with anger and looked at Li Feidao and said, "in the face of jingshao, I'll take out the needle for you today. You can protect An'an! But you are not allowed to make any more of her ideas

Li Feidao was a little surprised: "did you put the needle into my body yesterday?"

He thought for a long time yesterday, but he didn't understand how he failed!

Mu Qing's small body is certainly not his opponent! How is it possible to slap him dizzy, and chest pain for a long time, he sweating out of the fast collapse!

It turns out that MuQing won by embroidery needles!

Although Mu Qing won, Li Feidao didn't accept it!

"Let's have a fair fight today. You don't have to use those small hands. I can also let you do some moves!"

Why another fight?!

It's not over!

Mu Qing is really angry and angry. I wish I could kill Li Feidao with a bag of poison now!

He made a big concession today when he was willing to take out the silver needle. This guy is still pushing his luck!

Wood green does not have good gas way: "fart ah hit! Just like you, how many can compare with you? I'm a doctor, not a bodyguard. I'm in a bad head when I compare my strength with you! If you talk too much, I'll keep those needles in your body all the time. It hurts you every day. After a month, you'll bleed to death! "

The last sentence of MuQing is just to scare Li Feidao.

He never wanted to kill Li Feidao, and he loved Zhao An'an, but he could not die.

However, Li Feidao took it seriously.

He is a man who never makes jokes with others. He always speaks seriously, so he can't hear others joking.

Yesterday's pain is still fresh in my mind. If it hurts so much every day, it will really kill me!

You know, he has been in pain for a whole hour. When it doesn't hurt, he doesn't even have the strength to walk. After a night's rest, he finally recovers half of his physical strength.

If he comes here once a day and he has no strength, how can he protect Zhao An'an?

Li Feidao no longer talks, standing in front of Mu Qing, honestly waiting for him to take the needle.

MuQing technique is very skilled, but the process of taking the needle is still a little painful. With Li Feidao's endurance, he has a layer of sweat on his head, and even his face turns pale.

After taking the needle, Mu Qing threatens Li Feidao a few words, but Li Feidao doesn't say a word. It seems that he has recovered the silence of the past.

Li Feidao didn't shout to marry Zhao An'an any more. Mu Qing felt more comfortable.

He pushed open the door of Zhao An'an's office and went straight in.

In the spacious and luxurious office, Zhao An'an is immersed in reading materials.

Recently, X university is participating in the evaluation of national excellent universities, which will directly affect the ranking of X university in China and even the world. The whole University attaches great importance to it.

The following people put forward all kinds of materials, some about the advantages of the school, but some asked for money from her - some of the school's equipment are outdated and aging, and need to be updated, otherwise the hardware will not go, no matter how good the software is.

Zhao An'an is no longer a novice, she is very clear about the school's many greasy dishes.

Some people really want to improve the overall strength of the school, while others are taking advantage of the opportunity to make money!

Their quotations are obviously unreasonable. They are too much higher than the market price. Zhao An'an will not approve such projects.

Originally, Zhao an, such a lady, had no idea about price.

For example, if you want to purchase a batch of projectors for teaching, there are thousands of yuan and tens of thousands of yuan. Zhao An'an has never bought this thing, and she does not know how much money is reasonable.

Fortunately, there is a tutor around him. He is very clear about such things.

Know what price should be purchased and the quantity.

Moreover, he also taught Zhao An'an that people at the bottom should not be allowed to do anything good. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. No one is willing to do anything that has no benefit at all.

Zhao an grew up rapidly under his guidance, not only can he deal with all kinds of interpersonal relationships better, but also begin to understand some rules in the market.

Of course, Zhao An'an is very short of money recently. She is more sensitive to money than anyone else. She has no good face when she asks for money.

Serious women are always the most beautiful.

In the soft sunshine of the morning, Zhao An'an lowered his head and looked through the materials carefully. He was writing in circles with a pen in his hand.

The pen was given to her by Mu Qing for several years. I didn't expect that she still kept it.

She is still a black professional suit, but the shirt inside was changed into a light gray one.

Her skin is white, wearing this color of clothes appears particularly solemn, sitting in a black leather chair, looks quite a leader's momentum.

Mu Qing only felt very gratified, that only knew the playful child ran away from home, now also can own a side!He knocked on the open door with a smile: "headmaster Zhao, may I come in and sit down?"

Zhao an raised his head and saw Mu Qing. A trace of joy flashed in his eyes, but he said solemnly: "please come in!"

Mu Qing put her hands in her pants pocket and slowly came to her: "you work so seriously, I'm sorry to disturb you. But I always feel that you like to be a headmaster rather than be forced to be so serious. "

"If I'm not in my position, I'm naturally going to be the best. Dr. Mu is here today. What can I do for you

Yo, I've been a headmaster for a few days. I've been talking so much!

How much ink did she have in her stomach? Could he not know?

Mu Qing laughed and said, "I'm here to tell you that if there are male teachers and professors in your school who send flowers to you, you will throw them away! I'll buy it for you if you want it

It turned out to be for this!

Zhao an deliberately used an unconventional language: "I am beautiful as a flower, how normal it is to have pursuers! If someone gives flowers, I'll take them. If you send them I won't take it! Unless you give me a rose garden

"Rose garden, right?" Mu Qing pinched her small chin and seriously said, "no problem, I'll send it!"

It's just a garden. He can afford it!

As long as Zhao an likes, if he wants a star, he will pick one for her.

Zhao an patted off Mu Qing's hand and glared at him: "why don't you go to work? Come here to tease me in the morning! Hurry up. I'm busy here. I haven't read a lot of information. I must stay up late today! "

"I'll help you?"

"You're not going to the hospital? No surgery today? You don't need to see a patient? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!