Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 718

In front of love, it is not advisable to be patient and give in.

Sometimes domineering and strong is also necessary, especially for men, can not be too gentle, otherwise some things will be lost.

Women have the side of small women, they need strong men to conquer.

Mu Qing is not strong enough, or he is always reluctant to be too strong for Zhao An'an.

Forcing Mu Qing and Zhao An'an at the same time may bring about quick results.

Anyway, jingyichen is from the heart that Li Feidao pursues Zhao an, which is not a bad thing.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to jingyichen who Zhao an married.

As long as she is willing to get married, she will have a home for the rest of her life, so that Zhao Zhao and Mrs. Zhao can rest assured.

"If you have the ability, go and take An'an. If you don't, wait for Li Feidao to take An'an. Tell me it's useless!"

Jingyichen said rudely: "don't move Li Feidao. He is going to protect An'an. If Yang Muyan's people go, only he can protect An'an's integrity. In case Ann has something wrong, you can explain it to her mother and grandmother

Mu Qing left with a bitter face.

He was in a very bad mood and called Zheng Jing out to drink.

"Jing Shao is too unkind. Knowing that Li Feidao's son of a bitch likes An'an, he sent him to An'an. There is a saying that the near water terrace will get the moon first. How can I rest assured that he wanders around An'an all day long?"

Zheng Jing asked as like as two peas of Jingyi Chen: "do you have no confidence in yourself?"

Mu Qing was speechless by his question, and it took a long time to think of a proper metaphor.

"What do you feel if a man has been pestering Zheng Lun and has to marry her?"

After thinking for a while, Zheng Jing finally understood Mu Qing's feelings: "er I'll try to flatten that stinky boy to pieces

But after understanding, he still supports jingyichen's practice.

"I think Jing Shao is right! If there is competition, you can understand what you should do. Otherwise, you will always feel that An'an belongs to you. Even if you don't marry you, it's your people. If you run to the ends of the earth, you are still your people. "

Mu Qing gave Zheng Jing a fist: "you are still not a good brother!"

"I'm your brother, and I'm the only one who says that to you. Li Feidao is not completely without a chance. Let's see how active and hard he is in chasing Zhao An'an! I'm not afraid of difficulties at all. I want to marry people home! Besides, An'an used to live with him for half a year. In fact, they are very familiar with each other. Li Feidao has no serious shortcomings. Although he looks not as handsome as you, he is shameless! "

Mu Qing drank a mouthful of wine "puff" out, he coughed fiercely twice, and then patted Zheng Jing's shoulder and said, "brother, you're right. He really doesn't want to face! Too thick skinned

"People are afraid to be shameless in everything they do. Once they are shameless, they can succeed in everything they do! It's even more so with women! You'd better marry Ann back! I spend more time wandering around the school than you do. I heard that several male teachers are chasing her, sending flowers and movie tickets every day. You should have a sense of crisis! "

"What?" Mu Qingdun was angry: "why don't you tell me such an important thing?"

"Don't worry, Ann. It's all confiscated. If she had any movement, I would have told you!"

"Not so! In the future, if there is a man near ANN, you must tell me, so as not to have anyone who doesn't have long eyes to do something to her

"OK, OK, I'll tell you later! But I won't help you with that Li Throwing Knife. That guy's fighting power is too strong. I'm not his opponent at all. He's just a humanoid machine. You can deal with it yourself! "

When it comes to Li Feidao, MuQing gets angry again.

Zhao's sword is not safe for Li's body.

Today is a white toss. Tomorrow I have to go to school again and take out the needle from Li Fei Dao's body.

Jing Yichen is tormenting him with Yang Mou!

However, he can't crack this conspiracy. Compared with the little love, Zhao An'an's life is more important. Li Feidao's presence around her will indeed greatly improve her safety factor.

"What's more, my sister-in-law said to advance the plan. I'll report to An'an every day these days. A week later, it's a big move. Don't let the chain drop at that time."

Mu Qing feels that the "big move" arranged by shangguanning is not necessarily good for Zhao An'an, and he doesn't take it too seriously.

Now he has a headache about how to solve the problem of Li Feidao.

"Don't worry, if I can succeed, I will certainly not lose my chain. It's my wish to marry An'an, but I have to work hard for you!"

"Well, what else are we talking about! Come on, cheers

The two brothers were drunk and broke up in the middle of the night and went home.As soon as Mu Qing returned to her apartment, she saw a letter on the table in the living room.

At the sight of the familiar pink envelope, MuQing's wine suddenly woke up for seven minutes.

Yang Muyan again!

In the past two months, she has sent him at least a dozen letters! The letter was full of ambiguous words, which could easily lead to misunderstanding.

Jing Yichen has said that Yang Muyan is not in a city now. The Jing family and Ji family have worked together in a city and found no trace of her.

She was kicked by Jibo and broke her rib. If she had recovered, she would have been cured in two months.

If he refuses to show up now, he must be plotting a bigger plot.

Moreover, the Ji family will die every once in a while, which proves that Yang Muyan has never stopped action.

Zhao an is really not safe now.

Mu Qing read the letter carefully. Although it was full of numb words, he was afraid that there was any important information in it, so he read it very carefully.

After reading it, MuQing burned the letter.

He couldn't keep it. If Zhao An'an saw it in the future, she would be angry again.

The next day, MuQing got up in the morning, did not go to the hospital to work, but directly drove to X university.

He met Zheng Jing, the same driver, at the gate of big X.

Two people quietly said hello, and then Zheng Jing stayed outside, Mu Qing into the school.

Zhao an's working time is 8:30, but she usually comes at 8:15.

When Mu Qing came, she was already in the office.

There are still two rows of bodyguards standing outside the office building. The front of the bodyguards is still Li Feidao like a hill.

Mu Qing looked at the majestic appearance of Li Feidao, and felt that he was very eye-catching. He wanted to let him disappear! , the fastest update of the webnovel!