Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 720

Mu Qing looked like a dandy boy, raised eyebrows and boasted: "I am the president, the boss of the hospital! I will go if I like, and I will not go if I do not. Who can control me? "

Zhao an poked through his hide without politeness: "you, the Dean, seem to be insecure at all. The old man said that changing people will change people. If you don't like to go, you may be dismissed again when you turn back!"

"No way! My grandfather loves me the most. Mu's hospital is mine. Even the legal representative is me. You don't need to worry. Now, I'm here to help you sort out the information. Although my IQ is not less than that of the scenery, it's more than enough to crush you! "

Zhao an is very satisfied to be with Mu Qing. Although she doesn't agree with Mu Qing's intelligence quotient, she still happily hands over the information to him, asking him to look at it and deal with it together.

Compared with a while ago, she even had to secretly see Mu Qing, and she was always scolded by her grandmother. Now she is so happy to meet Mu Qing often.

Mu Qing didn't intend to spend the whole day with Zhao An'an. He just wanted to see her and leave.

As a result, I didn't want to leave.

Zheng Jing was waiting outside, and he could not see Mu Qing coming out. He knew that he would not come out.

He had no choice but to shake his head, but also a sigh of relief, saw that today is not necessary for him to appear, he can go home to accompany Zheng Lun.

Last time, Yang Muyan poisoned Zheng Lun. He didn't find out anything abnormal, which made him very vigilant.

He is the best criminal police, first-class ability to solve cases, he can not solve very few cases.

So far, there is only one case. He has not got any evidence - Shen lingbing's case.

And the person behind this case is Yang Muyan!

At that time, she used very ingenious and superb means to put Shen lingbing's death on Jing Yiran, so that she directly pushed the Jing family to the forefront of the storm.

Jingyichen even had to hold a press conference to clarify that jingyiran did not kill people.

The two cases of Yang Muyan's envoys, Zheng Jing, have not been solved, which is enough to prove that Yang Muyan's intelligence quotient and tactful means far surpass him.

Yang Muyan has been known as a "child prodigy" since he was young, which is not a false name.

She has never forgotten since she was a child and learned everything so fast that the teachers the Yang family invited for her would change every two months, and none of those teachers did not praise Yang Muyan.

So did her title as a child prodigy.

When Yang Muyan grew up, her ugly reputation gradually overshadowed her reputation as a child prodigy. Her outstanding talent and IQ were ignored by people because of her appearance defects.

But now, Zheng Jing really and truly understood the strength of Yang Muyan!

Her ability to fight against Jing Yichen for so long is enough to prove that she really has the ability to protect herself.

This also shows that if Yang Muyan wants to kill people, it is really easy.

Fortunately, Zheng Lun is definitely not the main target of Yang Muyan. The most dangerous person is Zhao An'an, or shangguanning.

Zheng Lun is not of great use to Yang Muyan. They have not even met each other and have no hatred at all.

Kill Zheng Lun, to Yang Muyan, the value is not high, not cost-effective.

Otherwise, she would not point out that Zheng Lun was drugged.

Zheng Jing went home thinking about Yang Muyan all the way, and Zhao an had a new dispute.

Because, what a coincidence, Mu Qing is still in Zhao An'an's office, and there is a male teacher to send flowers to Zhao An'an!

"Ann, the man around you is..."

Male teacher saw Mu Qing unexpectedly in Zhao An'an office, can not help but have some doubts, voice asked.

Zhao an has been pursuing nothing for more than a month.

He is a typical rich son, whose name is Wenkang. He came to X University as a teacher, just for fun. After all, the job of a university teacher is very relaxed, and his social status is also very high. Although the salary is average, his family is not short of money. Beautiful women are everywhere in the school, which is a paradise for male teachers!

However, since Zhao An'an came to the X University, Wenkang quickly shifted the target.

He is very clear, Zhao an an is to rely on the relationship to become the principal of the school, yes, but definitely not as rumored, relying on men, she is based on the family relationship.

In other words, Zhao An'an is also a rich girl, and she is a real lady of gold. Her words and actions revealed by her carelessly prove that she grew up in rich clothes and rich food.

Other women will marvel at the Lamborghini he opened, which is worth more than 4 million yuan, and then they will be very attentive to him.

Only Zhao an didn't even have a reaction after seeing it - she didn't know Lamborghini, she didn't look up to Lamborghini at all.

Because her car is tens of millions of Rolls Royce phantom, and more than one.

Zhao An'an is different from those affectable female teachers in the school, as well as the green and astringent female students.She has the mature charm of a mature girl, but also has a young girl like youth. The two temperament blend together, there is no contradiction at all, but it makes people feel very rare and want to conquer.

What's more, her appearance burst watch, second kill x big so-called school flower.

She never makes up, but her skin is so good that she can pinch water.

She is 1.7 meters tall. Her legs are long and straight. Her chest is big and her waist is thin. She can't stop the nosebleed.

She also has a good character, neither the arrogance and arrogance of a rich lady, nor the cowardice and inferiority of an ordinary woman.

Occasionally, his temper is a little hot, but Wenkang likes it.

No temper at all. That's not a woman, that's a maid.

Moreover, Zhao An'an is still the headmaster, what a respectable title!

Conquering such a woman will give men an unprecedented sense of achievement. If you can marry her, you will have a lot of face in front of the whole school teachers and students!

Look, I've got the headmaster! My charm is unstoppable!

Wen Kang thinks that he is the best in the competition of the whole school. It is only a matter of time before he takes Zhao An'an.

But how can the man sitting beside Zhao An'an have such a sense of crisis?

Wen Kang is not the only one with a sense of crisis. Mu Qing also has a sense of crisis at the moment!

He has not solved a Li Throwing Knife, but he has another one!

To send flowers in front of him is that to piss him off?

Mu Qing suppressed her anger and sat beside Zhao An'an without getting up. She just glanced at Wen Kang and said, "I'm an An'an's fiance. Do you have anything to do?"


Wen Kang was surprised. He didn't hear that Zhao an had a fiance! , the fastest update of the webnovel!