Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 717

Mu Qing holds Jingrui into his arms. Jingrui doesn't respond, but jingyichen is very unhappy.

"If you like a son, have one yourself, don't touch my son!"

Mu Qing is speechless. This man not only does not let people touch him, but also does not let people touch his wife shangguanning. Now, even his son is not allowed to be touched. I can't stand it!

Jingyichen knows that Zhao an will not marry him, let alone give birth to a child, but he sprinkles salt on his wound. What a cold and impersonal person!

He doesn't care jingyichen looks ugly, holding Jingrui around, which makes Jingrui giggle.

Mu Qing is very happy, smile more brilliant than Jing Rui: "ha ha ha, Rui Rui likes me!"

In fact, he likes children very much and wants a child of his own.

Now holding Jing Rui, seeing him so cute and cute, I wish I could go home directly!

Of course, he can only think about it.

Don't mention snatching home. Now he hugs Jingrui in front of jingyichen. He stares at him with sharp eyes. If his eyes can kill people, Mu Qing thinks that he has died at least 100 times.

He only teases Jingrui for two minutes, and then jingyichen takes Jingrui back: "Jingrui is not used to holding with strangers. You should stay away from him."

Mu Qing is speechless. How can he become a stranger?

He comes a lot, OK? He has seen Jing Rui several times, OK? Jingrui is very happy holding Mingming with him, OK?

Jingyichen takes his son back to his arms and feels comfortable at last.

He is always unhappy when he sees Jing Rui in other people's arms.

So He wanted to get rid of MuQing quickly.

"What are you doing here?"

MuQing can't come to their home for no reason. There are a lot of things in his hospital. Recently, he is still busy cultivating his embryo with Zhao An'an. There must be something wrong with him at this time.

Mu Qing only cares about amusing Jing Rui and almost forgets the purpose of his coming.

"Jingshao, can you transfer Li Feidao away from An'an?"

"Why? Li Feidao is very calm, strong in ability and strong in strength. He is very suitable to protect An'an, and he also likes An'an, so he will be more careful to protect her. What's your dissatisfaction? "

Mu Qing gaped: "do you know he likes Ann?"

Jing Yi Chen nodded faintly: "know."

"Know you still put him by Ann's side? Are you going to let him pry my corner? "

"Isn't it nice to have more people like Ann? You are so busy that you usually ask Li Feidao to take care of An'an and have the best of both worlds. "

Of course, Jing Yichen knows that Li Feidao likes Zhao An'an.

Zhao Yichen wanted to marry him.

Jing Yichen is willing to release Li Feidao to protect Zhao An'an this time. She really wants to give him a chance. Zhao an thinks her brother is too indifferent. Li Feidao pursues her. There is no conspiracy. There are other things that have not aroused her suspicion.

It's a good thing for more people to pursue Zhao An'an. Jingyichen doesn't mind giving Mu Qing a little pressure.

Li Feidao is very good in his eyes. At least he can protect Zhao An'an with his own strength in the time of crisis!

MuQing is about to cry!

It turns out that Li Feidao was sent to Zhao An'an by jingyichen!

"No, no, no, jingshao. It's absolutely impossible!" Mu Qing quickly shook his head, "it's enough to have other people protect An'an. There's no need for Li Feidao, a great general! It's better for him to stay with you and protect you and your sister-in-law! "

"He has the right to pursue Ann. Why, you don't have faith in yourself? "

This is not a matter of confidence, but a man's instinctive rejection of his rival!

Of course, Mu Qing doesn't recognize Li Feidao as his rival in love. He doesn't even have the qualification to be a love enemy.

Mu Qing was sitting on the sofa with a headache. His mind flashed with a flash of light. Suddenly he said, "jingshao, are you on purpose?"

Jing Yichen felt that he would not marry Zhao An'an, so he put pressure on him?

Jing Yichen does not deny that he still has no expression on his face, but turns his head and looks at shangguanning, who is cutting fruit in the kitchen. Then he says, "ah Ning has been worrying about you all the time, but you two are not in a hurry. She has no good intentions, so I will do it for her."

"Misunderstanding, jingshao! I've always been very grateful to my sister-in-law. Recently, An'an has changed a lot. I know it's all due to you and your sister-in-law. Before, An'an didn't like to be with me so much. Now she prefers not to go out to play, but also to be with me. This change is obvious and sudden. It must be because of the stimulation. I'm just afraid that if I continue to stimulate, An'an will not be able to stand it, so I make up my own mind and start to treat her well again. "

MuQing said, can't help but some shame.

He was so soft hearted that he couldn't see Zhao an cry and couldn't bear to make her sad, so he ruined the plan.But Zhao an's change he saw all in his eyes.

In the past, when she had dinner with Zhao An'an, she didn't pay attention to what he liked or didn't like. She only chose what she liked and left him what she didn't like.

Now it won't, she will pay attention to what he likes to eat, and the next time she eats, she will help him order his favorite food.

She has changed a lot in details, and even began to be jealous, because he would help other female patients examine private places and the whole body.

Jing Yichen didn't want to be in charge of Zhao an and Mu Qing's affairs. He always felt that both of them were adults. They could be responsible for all their actions and knew what they wanted. Since they were not married, why did he urge them to get married?

He is cold in nature and never cares about other people's life. He just needs to live his own life well.

Although Zhao an is his cousin, he can help her to deal with the troubles she has caused, find the best doctor for her, and give her money to spend, but he does not care about her emotional life.

But Shangguan Ning wanted Zhao an and Mu Qing to be together, so he spent a lot of energy. In order to make his wife feel at ease, he had to follow suit.

Li Feidao was not deliberately arranged by him, but Li Feidao proposed to protect Zhao An'an. He just pushed the boat along the river.

There is basically no possibility that Zhao an will change his mind. However, if there are other competitors, Mu Qing will definitely have a sense of urgency. If he does not marry Zhao An'an, he will be insecure.

Shangguan Ning only thought about forcing Zhao An'an to marry Mu Qing, but she didn't think of it. After 11 years of wasted time, they still didn't get married. It was not only Zhao an who had problems, but also Mu Qing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!