Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 716

MuQing's big hand tightly clasped Zhao An'an's slender waist and bent her head to suck her lip. Until she was about to be unable to breathe, he let go of her. She said forcefully: "you can only look at me. You can't look at other men, and Li Feidao can't! Stay away from him in the future. Don't give him a good face! Don't love him, you can only love me, do you hear me! "

Mu Qing did not forget that Li Feidao and Zhao an lived together for half a year!

This is not a trivial matter. Although Zhao An'an always said that Li Feidao was very disciplined and never wanted to take advantage of her, Mu Qing would not believe that Li Feidao didn't have a wrong idea about Zhao'an.

He's a man. He knows his psychology best.

If a man is a homosexual, it is a good condition for him!

Zhao An'an's face and figure are first-class, and her personality is lively and cheerful. Li Feidao gets along with her day and night. It's normal to like her, but there will be problems if you don't like her!

Mu Qing doesn't want to add a rival to her.

He not only wants to start from Li Feidao, but also to stop Zhao an from having any affection for Li Feidao!

Hum, don't think about it, Qingmu!

Zhao an listens to Mu Qing's domineering tone and giggles. She doesn't care whether her lips are red and swollen by MuQing's kiss. She only thinks that the jealous MuQing looks very cute.

"If you can go on a blind date with that MI Xiaoxiao, can't I have a suitor? Besides, don't put gold on your face. You are not me. You can't control what I do

When Mu Qingdun drew his mouth, he dug his own pit, and he would jump down with tears!

No, the pit was dug by Shangguan Ning. Now it's OK. He's killed!

"Mi Xiaoxiao was introduced to me by my family. I just want to give the old man a face. We have nothing to do with each other. Don't change the topic! Now I'm talking about Li Feidao

"What's wrong with Li Feidao? They are very nice. They are loyal and capable. They will not be as ambivalent as some people. They are determined to marry me. Do you think I should agree? "

Mu Qing gnawed his teeth and made Zhao An'an pretend to be pitiful: "why do you want to eat people?"

"Zhao An'an, if you dare to challenge my bottom line again, do you believe that I will give you now! Let everyone here know that you are my MuQing woman. If other people dare to make your idea, all will be finished! "

His eyes are slightly red, the blue veins on his forehead are bulging up, and his look is somewhat stern. He seems really angry.

Zhao an did not dare to make jokes.

Mu Qing said that she was put on here, and he could really do it!

Usually no matter how to make or how willful, as long as he said not to be nice to other men, he would be very angry.

Zhao an Du mouth refused to speak, from time to time take eyes to stare at him, a pair of dare not dare to speak.

Mu Qing held her for a long time before suppressing her anger.

This Li Feidao needs to be solved quickly. If we follow Zhao An'an and protect her every day, it may not be so good!

He stretched out his hand and pinched the fullness of Zhao An'an's chest, and whispered, "it doesn't matter if you don't marry me, but don't be nice to other men, or I'll kill one of them. You're mine, do you hear me?"

Zhao an patted off his evil hand and snorted: "I didn't hear that! What does it have to do with me who you love to kill? "

Mu Qing knew that she was hard of mouth, no longer said more, let go of her, turned to go out: "I didn't even eat lunch to run here, you are good, also don't love me, I have to go to buy drunk alone."

Zhao an laughed behind him and called out, "you can go to your Xiaoxiao! She will certainly be willing to accompany you! "

Mu Qing turned her head and glared at her, and finally came out of her office with a smile.

Outside the office building, Li Feidao is still screaming at a fixed decibel and frequency.

Mu Qing walked to the business car and saw him shrink in pain. However, he didn't feel soft at all: "I'll hurt for an hour every day in the future, and I still have half an hour today. Aren't you the most capable? Carry it! Dare to make An'an's idea, next time I can not only let your heart ache, I will let your whole body ache

With that, MuQing got on his white Jaguar and left.

He casually found a clean fast food restaurant, ate something, and then drove to jingyichen's home.

Jing Yichen went to the company this morning. After finishing all the things that need to be dealt with, he went home directly.

He recently taught Jing Rui very addictive, and he would like to take Jing Rui with him and teach him things at any time.

When he went to Jingqing to teach French.

Shangguanning is also talking to their father and son in French.

As soon as Mu Qing went in, he thought he was going to the wrong door!

Is this really good for the couple? Jing Rui is so young that he can't speak Chinese. Now he teaches him French. Some time ago, I heard that he also taught German. Is there really no language disorder?Well, he actually wanted to say, I can't understand a word of what you two are talking about!

Shangguan said hello to Mu Qing with a smile, but also in French.

Mu Qing sat on the sofa and said with a wry smile, "sister-in-law, I have a low IQ. You'd better speak Chinese to me with less effort!"

Sitting at jingyichen's home, he felt that he would lower the average IQ of the world!

"OK, don't be modest. If you have a low IQ, there is no high IQ!" Shangguan made tea for him with a smile and went to the kitchen to wash fruit.

Not being able to speak foreign languages can not prove that Mu Qing has a low IQ. He has spent all his energy on medical research, and certainly can't care about anything else.

She speaks French because she has worked hard on it, not because she is smart.

But Shangguan Ning thinks that Mu Qing's IQ is high, but jingyichen doesn't think so. He says lightly: "his IQ is hard injury. You don't need to comfort him."

Well, jingshao, I'm used to being beaten by you. I can accept the hard injury.

In front of jingyichen, Mu Qing really feels that her IQ is not enough!

Two people are not of the same level, he will not look for abuse.

He likes black and white eyes, especially white and white.

He inherited all the advantages of his parents, beautiful like a doll, eyelashes longer than his son.

What's more, he is still a child, and he won't be so arrogant and arrogant as his father. He is very obedient. He never cries and doesn't make any noise. He is very likable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!