Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 715

Zhao An'an has never specially practiced writing, but her handwriting is really good. She is born with this talent, and she has always been proud of it.

Mu Qing looked at her familiar handwriting, looked at all kinds of documents she conscientiously made the remarks, gently smile.

He sat in her office chair and pulled Zhao An'an next to him into his arms and let her sit on his lap.

"I never knew that you could work so hard."

His voice was very gentle, and there was no hidden admiration between his looks, which made Zhao an very happy when he settled down.

She doesn't care about Mu Qing's behavior in her office.

He is too handsome and gentle. Zhao An'an has no resistance. She hugs Mu Qing's neck and leans in his arms. She whispers, "if I don't work hard, all the people in the school look down on me and think that I come in purely by relationship."

Mu Qing wants to say, you really rely on the relationship to come in, but take a look at Zhao an's serious look, and smile to resist.

Zhao An'an knew why he was laughing. She pinched Mu Qing with all her strength and said angrily, "don't laugh!"

"Good, good, I don't laugh, you don't come in by relationship, you come in purely by your own strength, OK?"

Wood green does not have the principle of their own women, thick skinned black and white.

Zhao an is very satisfied, who let her love to listen to his nonsense!

"Those extinct nuns in the school are particularly annoying. They are all old and old, and envy me that I am young and beautiful! All day long, I'm on top of my body! He said that I have a powerful old man, so I can be a headmaster! They call me Zhao vase in private. Hum, don't think I don't know! "

Zhao an is angry when she thinks of the school gossip. She hates those old women!

"My brother is powerful, yes, but where is he old? Hum, let those empty and lonely old women know that my elder brother is so handsome that he will surely jump at him without shame! Actually said that I rely on the body to be superior, my aunt has only one man in her life, when did she please other men? "

This kind of words is really too bad to hear. It's not surprising that Zhao an is angry. Mu Qing now listens to the anger and is rubbing up.

However, Zhao an an said, "there is only one man in my aunt's life", which makes Mu Qing happy.

He hugged Zhao An'an and gave her a sharp kiss on her ruddy lips and said, "it's OK. These people are just jealous. If they have the ability, they will become the headmaster too! Don't pay attention to these people. Just do your own thing. "

Zhao an was cold by Mu Qing to kiss, a push him away, from his body stood up: "don't mess around, this is my office!"

If I knew I would not kiss her, I could hold her for a while.

Wood green heart some regret, but did not show on the face, still light smile.

Zhao an found an object to complain about, and said all the grievances in school recently.

"One by one, I'm full. I'll do nothing when I'm free! How can I let them succeed if I know every day that there are bones in the eggs? When I come to be the headmaster, I can't disgrace my brother, let alone be looked down upon by those people! They're waiting to see my jokes. Hum, I'm going to do a good job. They're pissed off! "

"that old woman, old man, is not idle? Ha ha, I found some jobs for them. The cleaning in the school was dismissed by me. Now everyone has to clean up. If the cleaning is not good, the bonus will be deducted and the title will be lowered! Hum, fight with me and see if I kill them

Zhao an has nothing else. He has a lot of ghost ideas.

These high-level people in the school are used to it. Let them do the cleaning by themselves. I'm afraid they are all suffocating?

Mu Qing said with a smile: "if you want to fix people, you can tell me. I will give you some powder, and everyone will give them a little bit. Women will let them have red pimples on their faces, and all men will not raise them. This is a way to dispel hatred."

Zhao an suddenly laughed: "Oh, or you are cruel enough!"

They were talking when a scream came from outside.

Zhao an quickly opened the window to look out, but Mu Qing sat there motionless.

Without looking, he knew that the person who screamed must be Li Feidao.

He must be awake now, but the silver needle in his chest must have worked.

Sure enough, Zhao An'an turned his head and asked, "what happened to your Li Fei Dao?"

"No, just a little punishment."

"Will he be all right? How can I hear him cry so harshly that no one will die? "

Wood green smell speech, can't help frowning: "An'an, you seem to care about Li Feidao!"

Zhao An'an didn't recognize the sour taste in his words. He turned to see Li Feidao again: "he is also very poor. I beat him today, but I still feel that I am very kind to him. I didn't know how much pain I had and how many scars he had. I must fight all day long."Mu Qing's face turned black.

How can I still feel the pain of Li Feidao before?!

She didn't care for him. He didn't even eat lunch at noon today, so he was busy dealing with Li Feidao!

Mu Qing pulled Zhao An'an and shut the window with a bang.

Zhao An'an didn't see the specific situation of Li Feidao. He was dissatisfied and said, "what are you doing? I can't see when I close the window!"

"I'm right in front of you. What do you think other men are doing? Which of the thirteen men out there looks better than me

Zhao an couldn't laugh or cry. How could the thirteen people outside compare with MuQing!

She looked at Mu Qing and almost got angry in her eyes, and finally realized that he was jealous.

As soon as her eyes turned, she said indifferently: "all the twelve bodyguards my brother gave me are very handsome, and they are all very powerful. It's no problem to hit ten bodyguards. Li Feidao is even more powerful. He holds 100 bodyguards by himself. It's said that even ah Hu and Li Duo are not his opponents. It's so fierce! Well Although Li Feidao is a little stronger, it looks pretty good in fact. I can barely be a handsome man if I clean it up well! "

Mu Qing is almost angry with her, this dead girl, deliberately said that others are handsome!

Of course, he knows that Zhao An'an will not like those people outside. In fact, Zhao An'an has a high vision. She can't look at ordinary people at all. Maybe it's because she has a handsome cousin who is angry with people and gods. Her resistance to beautiful men is extraordinary strong.

But his heart is still sour, for nothing else, because Li Feidao is interesting to Zhao An'an! , the fastest update of the webnovel!