Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 714

Li Feidao's thinking is totally different from MuQing's!

He thinks that two men pursue a woman together, and the woman needs strong power to protect her. Of course, the person who wins the power is with the woman. There is no bet that there is no bet.

Anyway, he must fight Mu Qing today.

We are all men. Isn't the way for men to solve problems is to fight?

Is there still a heated debate?

Li Feidao stepped forward. His big hand like a PU fan slapped Mu Qing's shoulder and said in a deep voice, "you have to fight today, and you have to fight if you don't! Ann, you want me to be the best

Fight, you know how to fight!

MuQing's shoulder is almost numb by Li Feidao's clap!

Is this going to waste his arm or something?

His angry nose is smoking. How did jingyichen send Li Feidao to protect Zhao An'an? Isn't this a barrier for him?

Isn't his life bad enough!

If his wife and daughter-in-law can't go back, his family can't go back. Every time he sees him, he scolds his death, and his parents shake their heads when they see him.

Even in the dark, there is a Yang Muyan who has been covetous. Recently, he sent love letters to the hospital from time to time, which made him scared every time he received the letter. He was afraid that Zhao An'an would see him and cause some misunderstanding.

"Well, come on, fight, fight, fight!"

Some people have to look for abuse, he is not perfect, he is sorry for his superb medical skills!

Li Feidao was very happy and showed a smile on his face: "good! You're a man, we'll fight! "

has the final say, what does he call a man? Is he a man who has the final say in Li Feidao? It's Zhao Anan who has the final say.

Li Feidao doesn't care about Mu Qing's face at all. He shouts "start" and pours at MuQing.

Mu Qing is holding her anger in her heart. Seeing Li Feidao coming, she flashes her body flexibly, and she pats her chest with one hand.

Li Feidao, relying on his strong physique, doesn't avoid it at all.

In his opinion, MuQing's HuaQuan and leg embroidery skills are vulnerable to attack, and will not cause any damage to himself.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

He underestimated the comprehensive strength of a doctor. In terms of strength, Mu Qing is definitely not his opponent. But fighting is not only based on strength, there are many other factors.

He had never met Mu Qing before, so he never knew that someone could take a person's life with a small silver needle.

Modern society is not the age of cold weapons. We are all used to using pistols. We can't use any concealed weapons such as needles, throwing knives and so on.

Mu Qing didn't seem to have a strong pat, but Li Feidao's chest suddenly hurt.

Then, he found that he couldn't move at all. He was frightened and angry, and wanted to struggle, but his hands and feet didn't listen to him!

A few seconds later, he fell into the darkness and fell to the ground with an unknown "plop".

The ground raised dust, and the scene fell into a strange silence.

The fight ended too quickly, and all the quick people didn't respond. The tall and powerful Li Feidao was defeated miserably.

Zhao an stood there foolishly, looking at Li Feidao who was still shouting at the first moment. The next moment, he turned into wood and fell on the ground firmly. He didn't know what expression he should show.

What a fall Loud!

Li Feidao has fallen, and the world is finally quiet!

Zhao an looked at Mu Qing, who was light in the wind and light in the clouds. The smile on her face could not be suppressed. She took the initiative to hold Mu Qing's arm: "didn't you say you came to see me? Come on, I'll show you around my office! "

Mu Qing has a strong sense of accomplishment at this time. He has solved a woman's suitor effortlessly, and obviously won the favor of the beauty. His face looks bright with spring.

"Well, I haven't been here yet. Listen to Zheng Jing, you are comparable to the imperial palace here!"

Two people like a fairy couple together into the office building, leaving Li Feidao a man unconscious fall on the ground, it seems that he is very desolate.

The twelve bodyguards standing outside the office building, who were responsible for protecting Zhao An'an, all had cheek twitches. They wanted to laugh but could not laugh. They were all holding back.

They had already advised Li Feidao to stop fighting Zhao An'an's idea, otherwise he would not know how to die!

Zhao an is Mu Qing's person. As long as he stays around jingyichen for a little longer, he knows this fact. Although they are not married, their feelings are unbreakable. Mu Qing protects Zhao An'an like an eye. How can someone covet her.

Mu Qing looks at the courteous and good at talking, and people laugh all day long. But if he starts to work, it is definitely less than the scenery and has means! His silver needle and poison may not be all shot into your body at any time, and then you will begin to suffer endlessly.Jing Shao usually gives pleasure to murder, but Mu Qing never makes people die easily. He is good at medicine. When people are dying, he will rescue them and continue to torture them.

Jingshao used to have such stubborn captives. They were all thrown to Mu Qing to help him take them in!

Who knows MuQing's power? Which one is not respectful to him and dare to take the initiative to challenge him? That's not killing me!

Now, Li Feidao is lying on the ground. I don't know when I will wake up!

Two people who usually had a good relationship with Li Feidao came out. One of them dragged him and pushed him into their business car.

Can't really let him have been lying on the ground, this is autumn, he is still wearing short sleeves, how cool!

Mu Qing certainly won't let him faint so simply. When Li Feidao wakes up, some will suffer.

In the office building, Mu Qing is visiting Zhao an's office.

Zheng Jing said that her office is like a palace, but the decoration is really luxurious, and the whole floor is Zhao an's office area, with her own separate tea room, study and bedroom, and even a gym.

It was carefully built and decorated by the two presidents. Now it's cheaper for Zhao An'an.

The real office area is also very spacious, at least more than 100 square meters, European style decoration, a little retro style.

On the desk, there are piles of documents.

Mu Qing opened it, and it was marked by Zhao An'an, some of which were simply marked, while others were written with a long paragraph.

When Zhao An'an went to school before, her academic performance was very average, because she was too fond of playing and did not care about her study at all, but her handwriting was very beautiful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!