Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 713

"You want to fight with me? Come on, I'll give you three moves. You'll do it first! "

Mu Qing couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "who's going to fight with you? I don't fight! "

"Didn't you just say you would take a taxi and I couldn't get out of bed for a month? How can you not keep your word! I tell you, no one has been able to beat me for a month without getting out of bed. My defense and attack power are not comparable to those of ordinary people! "

"I mean you can't get out of bed for a month, but not by taxi!"

Li Feidao glared at the boss: "then what are you relying on? By bragging? "

Wood green hate teeth root son straight itch, there is a scholar met with soldiers, there is no reason to explain the bending feeling.

"Originally you are jingshao's person, I think Jing Shao's face will not be too difficult for you, but if you insist on looking for abuse, I can't blame me!"

MuQing said, do not know from where to touch a few silver needles, was about to start, the office building door suddenly opened.

Zhao an came out of the room drowsily and looked at Mu Qing in surprise: "how did you come? I said why I always listen to the noise outside, so that I can't even sleep well in the afternoon! What are you two shouting about? "

Wood green quietly take back the silver needle, wind light cloud light way: "nothing today, come to see you."

Zhao an looked at him suspiciously and Li Feidao, who was ready to attack at any time. He frowned and said, "how can I look like it doesn't look like it's ok? Are you sure you came to see me, not to fight someone? "

Mu Qing showed a warm smile to her: "how can? I don't fight, I just come to see you

"No, ANN, he's here to fight!" Li Feidao is not polite to Mu Qing.

"Just now he said that he would beat me up for a month, but when I really wanted to fight him, he was just like that Zheng Jing, and he didn't dare to fight me! Ann, it's useless for such a man. I'm not as responsible as I am when it's critical. "

Mu Qing has black lines all over his face, which is also connected with the responsibility!

Who would fight with him like he was sick?! He is so strong, and he is born with great strength. If he can win him, he will be a non-human fawn!

How dare you slander his tall image in front of Zhao An'an and say that he is useless?

Let him taste it in a moment. Life is not like death!

"Ann, you go back to the office first. It's a contest between men. You'd better stay away from the office to avoid being splashed with blood."

Zhao an, however, was full of excitement and his eyes flashed: "are you going to fight? I'll judge you! We must be fair and just! "

Good fight!

She hasn't seen a fight in a long time!

It's so rare. Li Feidao must have a good fight, Mu Qing Although the fight is not serious, but he has many insidious moves!

It's hard to say who can win!

Mu Qing looks at Zhao an an's face full of excitement, but she can't help being speechless.

How can he forget that Zhao An'an always likes to fight and watch the fun. She is the kind of person who is never afraid of big things.

If other girls were splashed with blood, they would be pale and faint directly. Zhao An'an is not afraid of blood at all. Maybe she thinks that people's blood flow is less!

The girl's heart is really big. She's not afraid that she will be killed by the burly Li Feidao. She should be a judge!

Who is he arguing with Li Feidao for!

Wood green gas's heart is about to burst, he disliked the way: "hit what hit, I don't fight! His skin is rough and his flesh is thick. Even if I bite him, I will break my teeth. If I hit him, I must break my bone! I'm not stupid. Why should I fight him? "

Li Feidao saw that Zhao An'an liked their fight, but he refused to let Mu Qing go, or the opportunity to show his strength in front of the woman he liked.

He looked at Mu Qing seriously and suggested, "Mu Qing, we'll have a fair competition and fight. Whoever wins will marry An'an, and the one who loses will quit automatically. How about that?"

Zhao an heard Li Feidao's words and subconsciously looked at Mu Qing, wondering if he would fight for himself.

Did not expect wood green even more simple way: "do not fight!"

Li Feidao was a little surprised: "if you don't fight, do you want to give up An'an automatically?"

Wood green cold looking at him, light way: "an an is a person, not a bet! I'll never take her as a bet or a chip. It's our business to win or lose a fight between us. It has nothing to do with An'an. It's unfair to her that she wants to marry the one who wins. "

Zhao an Wen Yan slightly Zheng, she did not think of this layer.

She only felt that it was fun for two men to fight for her, and it seemed reasonable for the winner to marry her - of course, she subconsciously felt that the winner must be Mu Qing.

But did not expect, Mu Qing is not willing to take her as a bet!

Zhao an's heart has a sweet taste in the quietly spreading, she looked at Mu Qing's clear and handsome face in the sun, heartthrob.She has been in love with Mu Qing for 11 years. The feeling of palpitation has been buried. Although they still love each other now, Zhao An'an seldom makes love to Mu Qing.

Now, she looked at Mu Qing, but felt like she was back in her girlhood.

At that time, she was innocent, carefree, and stuck with MuQing every day. Her life was as sweet as honey.

Her biggest worry every day is that Mu Qing thinks about her 100 times or 101 times today. She never thought of separating from Mu Qing, and she never thought that she might be separated from him one day.

Since she found out that she had cancer, she did not dare to be attracted to Mu Qing.

She has been hard to suppress themselves, afraid that they can not help, want to stay with wood green for life.

Today, her heart is not controlled by her own. Her heart beats so much that she feels dizzy.

In the past 11 years, MuQing's face has not changed much. He is still handsome and handsome, but his temperament is more mature and his personality is more restrained. He has become a charming man who only needs a smile to kill a girl.

And this man, everything for her, always put her on the tip of the heart, always bring her surprise.

Zhao an's lips show a faint smile, she now want to kiss wood green!

Li Feidao is still standing here! It's a pity that she can't kiss MuQing!

Zhao an was a flower maniac. She forgot in a flash that she encouraged Li Feidao to fight with MuQing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!